ATE: Here's chap 2 of this story. I kinda feel like I rushed through this one, but I couldn't really think of anything beyond where I've ended this. I have to say thanks to my editoress (who called herself 'feathers17' in her review) for reviewing the last chap. I hope you enjoy this post, friend, as well as everyone else reading this.

Declaimer: I don't own Xenosaga. I only own my OC Ayame.

Chapter 2

Consciousness started to come to me as I started to slowly wake up. As I became aware I noticed that I was sitting on something warm. What was it? I managed to crack my eyes open and spotted white and a dark color in the somewhat dimly lit room I was in. that was when I noticed something stroking the left side of my face, only to have it stop when I lifted my head up a bit. That was when I spotted a white covered arm and I followed it with my gaze before having to turn my head to my right. My eyes widened when I saw the face of a man with white hair and violet eyes. He was attractive looking but something about him caused me to feel scared of him and the fact that he was a stranger didn't help.

My body started shaking in fear and I looked away from him, shutting my eyes tightly. I took a sharp intake of breath when he started stroking the left side of my face and it was strangely soothing that it caused me to calm down a bit.

"What's wrong? Why so scared?" The man asked.

I opened my eyes and forced myself to look at him. There was something familiar about him but I didn't know why?

"I…I don't know." I said. "I'm so confused. Everything's a huge blank in my mind. I can't remember anything." I hung my head and shut my eyes tightly as tears started to well up in my eyes. "I don't even remember my own name."

I tried to hold back the tears but my efforts weren't enough and I felt the tears fall from my eye. Why couldn't I remember anything? Who am I? Where am I? Who was this man? I buried my face in his shoulder as I cried. He tensed up a bit (probably in surprise) before I felt a hand on the back of my head. I didn't know how long I was crying but I eventually stopped before pulling my face away from his shoulder.

"S…sorry for doing that… I didn't mean to…"

"You have amnesia."

"What?" I looked up at him, feeling confused.

"You can't remember anything because of amnesia, memory loss." He explained.

"Amnesia…" I thought.

"But I don't remember who I am. What am I going to be called?"

"I call you 'mon iris', which means 'my iris' in French. Although calling you 'Iris' seems very bland to me. Ask the Kirschwassers for a name for a name with the same meaning."

"Where do I find them?" I asked.

"You won't need to look since they're already here."

I followed his gaze (I had to turn my head to my left) and spotted what appeared to be 99 identical little girls with golden colored eyes and dark skin, all wearing the same outfit consisting of long boots with white and black, a white, black, and blue colored dress, and a hat sitting in each other their heads of long white hair. I couldn't help but feel amazed at how many there were.

"Who are they?"

"The 99-Series Realians, Kirschwassers."

"Do they…each have names?"

"No. They're called the same thing."

I lowered my gaze, suddenly feeling a sense of sadness.

"That's so sad…" I said quietly.

"There's no need to feel sorrow for such trivial things. Now go with them. They'll tend to you now and get you something different to wear."

I looked at him, confused by what he meant?

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"In this day and age the outfit you're wearing would be considered ancient. They're over 4000 years old." He explained. "I'll tell you more when you come back."

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and turned to see that one of the Kirschwassers stood in front of us. She held out her hands to me and I felt confused at first before realizing that she wanted me to place my hands in hers. I did that and she walked backwards slowly while gently pulling me along with her towards the others. She took one of her hands away as they led me out of the room and I took one last glance over my shoulder to look at the man still sitting in his chair before looking ahead.

The Kirschwassers led me down a long hallway until we came to a door while we went inside and I found myself in what seemed to be a bedroom with two doors, one on the left and right walls, and a huge bed against the wall ahead of us situated in the middle. I was led through the door to my left and realized that it was a bathroom with a huge bathtub, a shower stall, sink, and another door I assumed to have a toilet behind it.

Some of the Kirschwassers turned to water on in the bathtub, letting it run before clogging the drain to let the water fill up the tube. A few others came up to me and had me sit down as they took my shoes and socks of for me, but when they tried to unbutton my shirt I felt my face heat up as I realized what they were trying to do.

"Y-you don't need to do that." I protested. "I can do it."

They respected my wishes and allowed me to undress myself before helping me into the tub that was now filled with warm water. I blushed when a few of them scrubbed my body but I didn't do anything to stop them. When they finished they started wetting my hair before gently scrubbing something into it (which I assumed to be shampoo).

"Such long hair." I heard a childish voice say and I realized that it belonged to one of the Kirschwassers.

But because of her statement, I felt as if my hair hadn't been this long before for some reason. Was it possible that it was shorter before I lost my memories?

"You all have long hair, too." I told her.

"True, but your's has had a long time to grow. And it's beautiful."

"I was told to ask one of you about a name that meant 'iris'. Do you know any?"

"We've thought of one that we think would suit you."

Really? What is it?"


"Ayame… I like it. Thank you…?"

"Kirschwasser." She told me.

"Kirs-ch-was-ser." I said, pronouncing the word slowly. "That's what all of you're called, right?"

"Yes. It's easier to call all of us that instead of calling us the 99-Series Realians."

"What are Realians?"

"Realians are, in a sense, artificial humans. Most Realians have the appearance of older humans, but the 99-Series, us, along with the 100-Series and the 100-Series prototype, are special because we're the only Realians that were created in the appearance of a child. Our creator was Joachim Mizrahi and he designed us in the image of his late daughter, Sakura Mizrahi." The Kirshwasser explained.

"So are all of you, the 100-Series and the 100-Series prototype related? Like family?"

"Yes. We're all sisters."

Water was poured over my head and on instinct I closed my eyes so I wouldn't get anything in them. Once my hair was rinsed of suds I was guided out of the tub and some of the Kirschwassers were about to dry me off with a towel but I stopped them.

"I can dry myself off." I told them kindly.

They gave me the towel and I dried myself off before getting my undergarments on. Then one of the Kirschwassers came in carrying a long white dress and what appeared to be white Mary Jane shoes which they helped me get on before getting my hair brushed. I made sure not to step on the skirt (since it was so long and I didn't want to trip on it) as I was led out of the bedroom.

I couldn't help but think of what I've learned so far. 4000 years ago, Realian, Kirschwasser, 99-Series, 100-Series, 100-Series prototype, Joachim Mizrahi, Sakura Mizrahi, and that man. All of them seemed familiar to me yet I couldn't remember. Why did it seem familiar? I wish I could remember…

The sound of a door hissing open brought me back to reality and I glanced up to see that we were back in the room where I woke up in, the man from earlier waiting in the chair he sat in. As soon as he spotted us he got up and made his way over to where we were. That was when I realized how tall he was (I assumed he was about 6'2 since he towered over me, and I only managed to come up to his shoulders) and noticed the long white cape he wore for the first time since I didn't see it earlier. At the moment his violet eyes were looking me over and I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Do you like the dress?" He suddenly asked.

His question caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting…expecting…

"What was I expecting?" I thought.

"Yes. It's…very nice." I answered. I really wasn't sure how to reply.


"Yes. Thank you."

"Good. Come with me."

He placed a hand on my back as he led me out of the room, taking me down the hallway opposite of the one I went down not so long ago. I spotted something out of the corner of my right eye and turned my head to find a long window showing a view of space. Luckily the man stopped moving forward and I had a feeling he was looking at me as I went up to the window.

"Something catch your interest?" He said.

"Yes." I could see my reflection in the glass and I couldn't help but be a little surprised. Was that what I looked like? I placed my hand lightly on the window and I could feel the slightly cold surface through my finger tips. "There's so many stars…"

"Stars aren't the only thing out in this black void we call space. There are other planets scattered throughout the universe."

"I wish I could see them…"

"You're curious. But I'm afraid your curiosity is misplaced."


"This universe has acquired a taint over time. Conflicts, greed, prejudice, sin. All these are but a few of the many forms it takes. This place we're inside is a sanctuary, a safe haven from the taint of this universe. And I am its guardian, a protector to keep you safe from this evil taint that would tarnish your purity and innocence."

My eyes widen in shock. Was what he said true? Was this universe really tainted? But something about what he said made sense, much to my surprise. A small part of me was telling me it was wrong, but the other part, a bigger part agreed with his views.

"The universe…is tainted…" I thought, slowly taking my hand away from the glass window. I looked up at the man's reflection and I could see that his gaze was on me.

"I think you're right." I found myself saying suddenly. I turned to face him. "But you still haven't told me who you are. I'd like to know the name of my protector."

His violet eyes seemed to brighten when I said this.

"Introductions, I see? I am Albedo Piazzolla."

ATE: That's it for chap 2. I had a little difficulty describing what Realians were without looking at the database from the Xenosaga games (I did this from memory when I was writing it during school). And I feel like Albedo is a bit OOC to me, but there's a reason for this, which my editoress could explain in her next review if she feels like it (and if she does, I'll post it first thing in the next chap for all to see). So please remember to review! :)