A warning…there's a rape in this chapter, so…if you don't enjoy reading that sort of thing, you can just skip the part (I'll tell you when it's coming up with a *) because it doesn't really add to the plot.

As Evra stumbled along the road, holding out a thumb as he trekked, he realized that he was completely alone. If he were to be picked up by some phychoatic killer, Mr. Tall or Mr. Crepsley wouldn't show up to save him. He was on his own, and he had to be smart.

He also realized that, being a snake-boy freak, no one would stop for him.

He immediately put his thumb down. He decided that he would walk along the road, run whenever he had more energy, until he reached any sort of civilization that didn't seem like a Micheal-Myers dwelling.

He could only pray that Amber was still alive, and never give up.

Eventually, he reached a place in his mind where all thought eluded him, and the hours changed into minutes. He trudged along, mind focused on finding someone, anyone who would take him in.

He ignored the pains in his legs and his aching feet, and mindlessly journeyed down the road. Eventually, he stumbled along a small town by the name of Sebree. He silently thanked God, or whatever higher power was up there.

He almost ran into the town, looking for any place to get something to eat. It was late afternoon and he was exhausted, hungry, and, most of all, thirsty. He saw a small diner and ran in.

The diner consisted of bars and stools, and nearly empty accept for a small group of teenagers. He took a seat, far away from people as he could, and waited to order.

Evra's heart pounded. He hadn't been out of the Cirque for a while, and wasn't prepared for people. He knew he would get strange glances, some (who was he kidding, most) would call him a freak.

The group of teenagers looked at him, and migrated over.

"Holy shit…" a bulky guy said. "What's wrong with you?"

"There's nothing wrong with him." A sweet, intelligent looking brunette smiled while examining him. "I think it's cool."

"He's a total freak!"

"You're the freak here, Shane." She hissed. He raised his hands in mock innocence.

"Sorry, but it's true."

"Ignore him." A blue-eyed blond said. "I'm Ashley, and this is Jennifer," she pointed to the intelligent one. "Shane," the bulky one, "Anna," she tilted her heads towards a girl with dark, short hair and a dark hoodie, "and Kyle." Kyle was a lanky boy with a bit of acne but a shining gleam in his eyes.

"Where'd you come from? I haven't seen you here before." Ashley asked.

"I, um, came over from a different town." He sure as hell wasn't going to tell them that he lived in a circus. "I'm actually looking for something, err, something. But right now, I just want to get something to drink."

"Oh!" the waitress, a woman in her early 20's said, walking over. "What can I get 'cha, hun?"

"Just water." She nodded, pivoted and got water from the machine, and gave it to Evra. He had never been so thirsty in his life and gulped the liquid down in seconds.

"Wow…thirsty?" Shane chuckled. The waitress kindly got him another while grabbing a menu.

"Dude, I just walked for 5 hours straight. Of course I'm thristy."

"Walking on the highway?" Jennifer asked. "Where are you headed?"

"I don't…know exactly. Was there some sort of circus around here, maybe a little ways down the highway?" Evra's heart was pounding. He glanced at the menu, and ordered a cheeseburger. There was never a more pleasing sound then the hiss of the griddle.

"Yeah, about a week ago. We all went to it." Kyle answered. Evra's eyes lit up.

"Was there a schedule or anything?"

"I still have it at home on the nightstand…" Ashley said. "Why are you so interested in it?"

"He wants to join it." Shane snickered.

"I…" Evra sighed. "It's a long story."

"We have plenty of time. We'll drive you to where you're going, and you can tell us in the car." Jennifer advised.

"After I eat?" Evra asked, staring longingly at the food. Jennifer chuckled.

"Of course."


"Wake up." Nathaniel commanded. My eyes fluttered open. He held a bowl filled with dark liquid-blood-to me. I didn't know, or care, where he got it-I gasped, grabbed it, and greedily drank the contents. He only chuckled. I gave him a death glare.

"You better appreciate it…it's the last you'll get for a while." He then gave me a look that terrified me most. It wasn't an 'I hate you' look, or even a 'I'm going to beat your ass' look…it was the look a shark would give it's prey before swooping in on it.

He unlocked the cage, and grabbed me by the hair. I grunted and clenched my teeth. He then slammed me to the ground. I suddenly noticed that we were far, far away from the rest of the circus, and were hidden in the cover of night.

My heart hammered against my rib cage. I was at an impasse…either pray for a merciful, quick death or suffer while hoping for rescue.

No. I can't give up. Someone will come, I don't care if it's the police. Someone will come eventually.

"I never really saw your beauty, before, Amber…you're a beast, yet you have retained your mind, and now…I see you as an exotic beauty." My eyes widened. Oh, please, don't let him…

"That doesn't mean I consider you a human." He grabbed me by the waist, crushing me to him. I struggled, thrashing. He chuckled, and dug his nails into the thin skin on my hips. I cried out. "This will really be a lot easier if you don't struggle." He whispered in my ear. "No one's going to help you, not matter how much you scream…and there's no chance of you getting away, so why don't you just be a good little girl for once?"

"Never!" I hissed, kicking. He sighed.

"I see you don't quite understand reason yet. Do you really think you can get away just by squirming?"

"I'll fucking kill you!" I yelled, elbowing, hissing, and clawing.

"Crepsley hasn't trained you well enough…you can't fight me." I whimpered. He only laughed.

His purpled hand ripped off the bare shreds of cloth that was my 'clothes.' Oh, God, his hands sent chills through me…his touch was like a millipede crawling up my skin. I shivered, the wind whipping across my naked body.

Oh, please, don't let him do this…

Feelings of revulsion made me want to gag. No, no, no, no, no, no, no…

He growled, and stroked my body. I tried to shrink away from his disgusting touch, but it only made closed to his body, his wretched body.

I had never felt this sort of fear before, not when I was escaping the circus, not even when Nathaniel was beating me, because, somehow, this was worse. This was the total domination…he's stealing everything I have. He's conquering me completely, to the point where I was no longer me.

A cry escaped my throat. I knew that crying and whimpering would only please Nathaniel, but it was hard not too…I was being violated and taken.

One hard still hooked around my waist, he pulled his pants off, kicking them to the side. He brushed the hair away from my neck, and whispered in my ear, "Really, if you relax it won't be as bad…hell, you might even enjoy it."

"In your dreams." I spat. He only laughed.

I whimpered when I felt his hardness brush against my thigh.

Close your eyes, and try not to think about it, and it may be over quickly…

Pain shot through my body when he shoved into me. A scream escaped my throat. My claws shot out of my hands and dug into Nathienal's arms.

Get thrust left me shuddering and in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying for an end, trying to imagine it wasn't happening. I screamed and cried until he climaxed, and dropped me to the group, satisfied.


I was breathless, star dancing in front of my eyes. Nathaniel, once more, grabbed me by my hair, and threw me into the cage, and locked it. He walked awawy laughing.

I curled into a ball, hyperventilating, trying to remain warm. Eventually, I closed my eyes, and fell into a lit sleep filled with nightmares.

Evra explained his situation calmly as Jennifer drove. Evra was worried-it was about 6, and the sun was setting. Thankfully, Shane stayed quiet once he learned there was a girl involved.

"I was in a 'circus,' though it was more of a family then a circus, and had been there my entire life. There was a girl there, Amber, who appeared one night. She's half-tiger-sort of like I am, only a different animal."

"Obviously." Shane snorted.

"She was held captive in a different circus that tortured her-the one we're going to now-and she escaped one night. She was there for about a year before her old keeper came back, and took her back to his circus."

"Oh…she was…tortured?" Ashley asked. Jennifer slammed the brakes on.

"Kyle." She hissed. "You dad still has all those guns?"

"Well, yes, but…you're not thinking about…taking them?" he stuttered.

"If these other people tortured her, they obviously can defend themselves, and could easily keep us and torture us. Would you like that? We'll need some sort of self-defense. If police haven't been able to help the poor girl, what can a bunch of teenagers do?"

"But…we can't just go in there and shoot them!" he objected.

"Kyle, we're not dealing with people who follow the law. We aren't dealing with nice people-we have to be not-so-nice ourselves." Ashley said, grinning.

"Fine. I'll unlock the garage, and we'll get some of his guns…God, if he finds out, he'll kill me."

"They may very well kill this girl-Amber." Jennifer retorted.

She turned around, and drove toward the town.

The circus was four hours away from here, and they'd have guns. Evra had a burst of hope.

He will get Amber out of this.

A while later, they had gathered plenty of guns-two machine pistols, which Evra and Shane took, two shotguns which Jennifer and Ashley had, and Kyle and Anna bore revolvers. They were ready, and set off.

By now, it was 7, and we would be at the circus at 11. The group decided on attacking at night, even though Evra objected. The circus was run by vampaneze, but he could only get Amber out at night.

Evra felt like a soldier about to go into battle-he might die, but he might win. The feelings of uncertainty was nauseating.

He was, however, surprised at the group he was with. At least he wouldn't be going it alone-he found a group willing to fight for him. He was lucky to have met them-if not, he wouldn't know what we would do.

For the remainder of the drive, Evra laid his head against the wind, lost in his thoughts.

Amber had pulled down the long sheet of metal Nathenial had implanted so she would be safe from the sun, even though it was night. She couldn't see anything, but she didn't even want to see herself. Nathenial had torn scraps of clothes at her, so she wasn't naked, but she felt dirty and wrong. A dirt clung to her skin that she could never clean. She sat in the blackness, knees hugged to her chest, crying and trying to take deep breaths.

Please, please let someone come.

Finally, Evra arrived at the location of the circus.

The campgrounds were in the forest, making it feel secluded and mystical. Too much like the Cirque.

He had a pang of homesickness, but now was not the time for it.

He was ready to make his final charge-he would attack, take Amber back, and kill Nathaniel slowly.

Evra's a little strange in this chapter, but oh well! Sorry for the long update! I've been working on some original stuff (message me if you want to read it!)

Hope this was good (despite the rape scene!)