Chapter Twenty-Two
"Good afternoon, and thank you for attending this press conference. My name is Kaguya Sumeragi, the Representative of Japan and acting Chairwoman of the United Federation of Nations. The UFN would like to issue a statement regarding the situation in Tokyo. Truthfully, I am troubled. I am troubled not only for Japan, but our Britannian allies as well. The skirmish between the EU and Britannia occurred on Japanese soil. The EU pushed their animosity towards Britannia to the breaking point and involved countless Japanese citizens in their assault. That is unacceptable! As the UFN's Representative of Japan, I denounce such hostile actions! Japan is no longer a battlefield. These attacks on the Britannian Empress by the EU are entirely unjustified, and conducting them during her diplomatic visit to Japan is no less than insulting. In response to this, the United Federation of Nations hereby announces their stance alongside Britannia as an ally against this mutual threat. An overwhelming majority has agreed to this alliance. I have spoken with Prime Minister Kaname and Her Majesty the Empress personally to ensure the best interests of both Japan and the United Federation. We shall not tolerate such unjust antagonism. We shall always strive for what is just, for that is the raison d'etre of the United Federation of Nations.
"Thank you all for coming. I will not be accepting questions at this time."
Getting permission to exhume the 99th Emperor's body was not overly difficult. If anything, Princess Cornelia encouraged it. She supposed it was their best chance to figure out what was happening. The difficult part was finding a way to transport Zero, C.C., Jeremiah, and the White Knight to the Britannian Homeland without alerting anyone—even the Empress. Cornelia knew that she would have to remain in Japan in order to keep up appearances, so she set everything up to be as quick and efficient as possible. As soon as the coffin was exhumed and the contents inspected, the four would return to Tokyo without arousing suspicion.
It went without saying that Zero was the most anxious about the task. It was his body they were exhuming, after all. However that was possible. He wasn't sure what he wanted to happen, if he wanted a clean-cut answer or… No, no matter what happened, it wasn't going to be simple. He knew that much already. The only thing he could do was cross that bridge when he came to it. And he would be coming upon it very soon.
Zero, Jeremiah, the Knight, and C.C. stood off to the side while the excavation team did their work. Jeremiah stood between Zero and the White Knight, and would occasionally steal a glance at one of them. They're stances were quite similar, he thought. The two of them were absolutely ridged. C.C. was standing directly behind Zero a short distance away. However, she made sure to stand at the right angle, so she would be able to see everything unfold.
The overcast sky spread a gloomy haze over the scene. To C.C. and Jeremiah, it seemed a bit like overkill.
The late Emperor's grave was now a hole surrounded by mounds of freshly disturbed soil. To the workers looking down into the open grave, the casket was visible at the bottom. A special lift was brought in soon after and placed into the hole. Initially, it was designed to lower a casket or coffin to its final resting place, but it did just fine lifting them up as well.
"I can't imagine what we'll find here." Jeremiah spoke up, directing his voice towards Zero, who didn't even flinch. Zero couldn't take his eyes off of the open grave, waiting with drawn breath.
C.C., on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off of Zero. She watched him carefully from behind, but he paid no attention to her.
"There's no telling." The White Knight muttered beneath his breath. "We can only hope that it will help us make sense of all this."
Zero nodded, but still didn't say a word. Jeremiah gave him a sidelong glance, wondering what the masked man was feeling right now. C.C. continued to study his back with the same thought.
Meanwhile, the Knight was standing rather separately from the others. He wasn't wearing the nylon mask, so the lower half of his face was visible—as well as all the expressions that came along with it. His jaw was set firm and his lips were pulled into a frown. It seemed like he hadn't unclenched his fists since departing for this trip. It was understandable, of course. He couldn't quell the apprehension that bubbled in his chest as the machine whirred to life. Inch by inch, the casket was gradually hoisted out of the dirt.
The other three visibly tensed alongside the Knight. The sound of the pulleys shook even C.C., whose eyes held a strange glint of hope. There was no one to notice that, though, and even if they had, they wouldn't understand it.
Zero brought his hands into fists under the cover of his cape. This was it. This will help prove his theories, or lack thereof. He would figure out why he was alive. There had to be a logical reason behind it. There just had to be. He couldn't accept anything less. He was a rational person at heart, after all.
It didn't take a minute for the machine to pull the casket out of the ground. Once it was clear of the hole, the lift swung the box gently to the side and set it upon the grass. Jeremiah's eyes darted between Zero and the Knight, but their body language offered nothing. He had no idea what they were thinking.
When the casket was securely on the ground, the workers operating the lift retreated to a safe distance, as instructed. However, even as the workers left, no one moved. The moments dragged on forever.
Zero swallowed thickly. His throat felt incredibly dry all of a sudden. "Jeremiah," he sputtered, speaking at last. "Open it."
Jeremiah gave a short bow of his head and spoke: "Yes, sir." He turned on his heel and approached the casket at a moderate pace. A special device to open said casket had been provided by the excavating company, and Jeremiah took it in his hand with a firm grip. He remembered the last time he saw this casket, its black surface polished to a beautiful shine. Now it was grim and covered in dust. Lying in the dirt for a year had removed all traces of majesty from it. He let his hand pass over the top of it, brushing it off. It was the least he could do. It was too disgraceful like this. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.
The lid of late Emperor's casket consisted of two parts. During the viewing, one could open both in order to show the entire body, or only open the top half, which would reveal the occupant from the waist up. Jeremiah figured the top would suffice. He placed the device in the seam where the lid was sealed and drew a deep breath. "Forgive me, Your Majesty." He couldn't think about it anymore. He just had to do it. Shutting his eyes, he popped the casket open with a flick of his wrist. His other hand swiftly moved to lift the lid and reveal the inside.
There was a split second of stunned silence.
The Knight was the first to react. The word "What?" escaped his lips on a burst of disbelieving air.
Jeremiah opened his eyes and found himself staring into the still-serene face of the Ninety-Ninth Emperor of Britannia, His Imperial Majesty Lelouch vi Britannia. Although his complexion was now a sickly gray, he remained as he was the last time Jeremiah saw him: calm, unmoving, and gently posed within the satin folds of his casket.
All eyes then fell upon Zero. The masked man remained completely still, and could appear indifferent to the untrained eye. He'd barely flinched when the casket was opened, but that was out of pure shock. He'd gone numb and was now unable to move at all. Within the mask, Lelouch's eyes were open as wide as saucers. His brows were furrowed and his teeth were clenched tight. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face despite the cool October weather.
What on Earth did this mean? He was looking at his own corpse. His own body, lying in a casket. His face drained of all colour and full of formaldehyde. It didn't make sense. He was alive. He was standing right there, wasn't he? So how was his body still there, in the ground this entire time? The gears in his head came to a grinding halt, leaving his mind riddled with thoughts that had nowhere to go.
Finally, Zero managed to take a few wobbly steps towards the casket. He wanted a closer inspection. He knew it wasn't going to make any difference, but he staggered over all the same.
His eyes took it all in. That was his body in that funeral dress, in that plush satin lining, in that casket. There was nothing he could do to organize his thoughts. Nothing to make sense of it all. For the first time in a while, he didn't know what to do. He was completely at a loss. His entire body was trembling.
Jeremiah cautiously watched him for a few moments. There was no telling what he was thinking right now. Eventually, he brought a concerned hand towards him. "Your Majesty?"
Zero slightly jerked at the sound of Jeremiah's voice. He stopped trembling soon after, earning a few wary glances from the veteran.
Then Zero brought his head down, and Jeremiah noticed the faint shaking of his shoulders. Inside the mask, a mad sort of smirk was pulling on Lelouch's lips. A small gasping sound came from him and he realized that he could no longer contain it. He threw his head back and laughed. It burst out of his chest in an uncontrollable way. The laugh was so hysterical, so maniacal, that specks of tears appeared in the corners of his eyes. It was just too ridiculous.
He laughed until it hurt, but that still didn't stop him. It didn't even hinder him. The laughter was so bombastic that he showed little sign of stopping any time soon. His laugh was large and booming, but also so very hollow.
Coping mechanism though it was, those around him were concerned that he'd completely lost his mind. His last shred of sanity destroyed by the sight of his own corpse.
Jeremiah looked to the White Knight, who kept his eyes fixed on the ground. He was trying his hardest to block out the scene in front of him. Jeremiah couldn't blame him. C.C. had since left, and Jeremiah caught a glimpse of her back as she retreated towards their transport. He couldn't tell if she was troubled or if she was simply bored.
Either way, there was nothing left for them to do. Jeremiah and the Knight waited without a word. The only sound between the three remaining there was that of Zero's shattered laughter echoing throughout the graveyard.
The flight back to Japan was dead silent, the tension pulled taut like piano wire. Zero, C.C., Jeremiah, and the White Knight sat in their chairs like statues. They were lost in the labyrinths of their own thoughts. It was easy to understand why. After all, they'd just made an interesting and impossible discovery.
For a while, it looked like Zero may have suffered a psychotic break, but he had since calmed down, much to everyone's relief. Jeremiah was glad for the health of his liege. The White Knight was glad that he didn't have to subdue him.
The Knight sat apart from the others on board, across the aisle from where Zero and C.C. sat in cold silence. C.C. leaned her head to the side, watching the clouds and ocean pass beneath their craft. Zero kept his arms crossed over his chest, as if to shield himself from any questions, scrutiny, or harm. It was almost suspicious. The Knight eyed him without a word. Without even a twitch.
Was Lelouch truly a phantom? There's no other explanation. How else could he be in two places at once? His body was still in the ground the entire time, but he was walking and talking. Appearing out of nowhere to create and destroy.
The White Knight glanced across the aisle to where Zero sat motionless. Neither of them removed their masks for the flight, despite the fact that everyone in the cabin already knew their identities. Which means they both had something to hide. Expressions and thoughts they wanted to keep under a lid.
But still, the Knight couldn't wrap his mind around it. How on earth was this possible? The only reasoning he had was that it involved Geass in some way, but even that didn't answer all of his questions. As far as he knew, and based on his own experience and contact with Geass, the power always manifested within the mental plane. Zero, or Lelouch, rather, warped a person's will and loyalty. Emperor Charles toyed with people's memories—their very identities. Even Rolo's ability was mentally driven. He didn't actually stop time. He merely halted a person's perception of time. Geass was always rooted in the mind.
So how was Lelouch manipulating the physical? Or, if he's actually as clueless as he says, how was Lelouch himself being physically manipulated? Who was behind it?
A tight frown pulled on the Knight's face. Could Geass really be the culprit? Could this world really be filled with all of these powers beyond his imagination? It was shocking to discover the existence of Geass, but it nonetheless existed. Could there be a similar, physical type of power as well?
Several seconds passed before he realized that he was staring at C.C. Her expression was troubled. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. There's something bothering her.
Maybe it wasn't Geass after all. Maybe it was something much worse.
C.C. plopped unceremoniously onto her original bed in Britannian HQ. Since Nunnally had returned, the witch had been demoted from sleeping in the Empress's chambers. She was forced to return to the bare, spare room a few floors down, furnished with nothing but a meager bed, empty desk, and slightly uncomfortable sofa.
Zero followed her inside. He obviously couldn't stay in his usual chambers either. The Empress was still ignorant of his true identity. He needed to fix that soon.
C.C. watched him passively from the edge of the bed, grabbing her Cheese-kun plush and holding it close to her chest. His movements were stiff as he removed his cape and mask. C.C. noticed the stoniness of his expression. After such a long flight with no interaction, she found herself wondering what he was thinking. Her own feelings aside, she's sure that seeing his own corpse was a major shock to his psyche. Even if Lelouch himself was far too proud to admit something like that.
He may have witnessed, and caused, several atrocities, but nothing can possibly compare to that kind of morbid disassociation.
"So," she started, "are you happy with what you've discovered?" No response. Figures. C.C. wrapped her arms tighter around the plush. "You're the one who demanded to have the corpse exhumed. Remember?"
"I'm aware of that," Lelouch muttered.
"Was it not what you wanted to see?"
He shook his head. "It's not that. It didn't really matter what was in that coffin. I only needed the answer to understand my own circumstances… And now, it's become a much more complicated issue."
"How so?"
"This isn't actually my body." He held his arms out for further emphasis. A strange smirk tugged at his lips. C.C. nodded in silence beside his words. "Whoever—or whatever—decided to pull me from C's World also has the power to create this construct of artificial flesh." He paused in thought. "Or perhaps, it's nothing but an illusion."
"That's awfully substantial for an illusion," C.C. mused.
"Regardless, I am here. But why?" C.C. didn't answer. Not that he was actually asking her for one. "I can only think of one logical answer. Within these circumstances," he trailed off, gloved hand tightening into a fist. The sigh practically dropped from his lungs. "It's as though I've been brought here as a peacekeeper… 'Tomorrow is in jeopardy,' as they said."
The silence settled heavy between them. He stayed quiet, his thoughts tilting headlong into overdrive. C.C. studied him from across the room. She watched as the concern left creases in his face. "Keeping the peace, is it?" she mumbled. He didn't respond. After a moment, she hummed a laugh. "For peace to be something that everyone wants, it is awfully difficult to obtain."
"Impossibly so," was all he said.
"Yet there are people like you that continue to reach for it. You live and die for this peace of yours." That tone was almost patronizing.
A careful brow arched at her. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all," she grinned. "However, the fact remains that it cannot be obtained."
His eyes immediately narrowed at her. Now she had him. "What do you mean?"
A shrug rolled from her delicate shoulders. "Absolute peace is an impractical ideal made impossible by the fact that Humanity is flawed. No matter how hard you strive, it will always fail."
"So you're saying we never had a chance?" A sudden spark ignited in those eyes. He leaned forward like an attack. "What about everything I've done? Everything I'm trying to accomplish? Are you saying it's all just been a waste of time?!"
"Not at all," she said, voice so calm and normal that Lelouch was forced to pause. "Peace can be achieved, but only for a limited amount of time. Lelouch, I also believed in what you were doing. Do you not remember that I supported you in pursuit of your goals?" She held a single hand out towards him. "I knew that of all the people touched by your sacrifice, I would be the only one still alive to see it all fall to ruin. But I never expected it to happen so soon…"
He gritted his teeth. His heartbeat raged in his ears. "So you're saying it was doomed from the start? That my—no, everyone's sacrifice was in vain? What did they all die for, then?! What's the point of it!?"
"I'm not saying that. Conflict shall always exist. It's unavoidable. As long as the human race decides to more forward, so shall conflict and sacrifice exist in this world. The only question is what are those people fighting for? Is it a worthy cause? Is squabbling over different grasps of justice considered worthy? Do they struggle for the sake of struggling, or do they go against all odds to maintain peace in their world?"
"That's all just a matter of perception, isn't it? For who's to say what constitutes struggling within a peaceful world."
She smiled. "I see you're beginning to understand."
"Yin and Yang is not a difficult concept. I'd like to think it's within my power to understand that, at least."
"War cannot exist without peace, and peace cannot exist without war. They are two sides of the same card." Her eyes gleamed deviously at him. "Though perhaps 'war' is not the best word to use here."
"In order to destroy one, you have to destroy both."
"Which also applies to what Charles was trying to accomplish."
"And I do not, nor shall I ever, abide by it."
Another grin pulled her lips back. "In that case, what will you do now, Lelouch?"
That push. He could laugh. So that's what she was trying to accomplish. It didn't take long for him to find his answer. There was almost no hesitation: "Just because the dream is impossible, do you honestly expect me to stop chasing it?" A dark sort of smirk sliced his face. He carefully curled a hand into a fist. "I'll reel in this elusive future of mine with my own two hands." C.C's grin deepened at that. "All that you've said just now doesn't even hinder me. Maybe I've always been subconsciously aware of it, or perhaps I simply chose to ignore it, but I've never let the threshold of impossibility stop me before—and I don't plan to let it stop me now." He laughed once, holding out his palms with that dramatic flair. "After all, I am Zero, the man who creates miracles. I am the one who started a revolution that shook the world." But then his face faltered. "And mostly because I am Lelouch, and I must take responsibility for that. I tore down the entire world so that it may be created anew. Conflicts may still exist, but I have faith—however naïve it may be—that the ones to pick up the pieces will carry them forward, into tomorrow."
She was still grinning at him. "That's a lot of trust coming from someone so devious."
"I don't disagree," he scoffed. "Lelouch vi Britannia is to be taken at face value. He was a tyrant, and nothing more. It would be best if no more thought was put into it."
"Most people tend to leave it at that. They'd rather not spend their time brooding on such things."
"And that is the trait that I rely on most."
"Jeremiah, could you spare a moment to speak with me?" Nunnally called. She'd just happened to catch him walking by as she was leaving her chambers. He was holding a manila envelope in his hand, but didn't appear pressed for time. She supposed now was as good of a time as any to request his company.
Jeremiah gave a quick bow. "Of course, Your Majesty. If you would allow me to turn this paperwork to Princess Cornelia, then I will-"
She gracefully interrupted him. "I would much prefer it if we spoke now." Jeremiah lifted a brow at the Empress's behavior. "Please, Jeremiah."
The veteran tightened his grip on the envelope. He realized that he was unable to say no to her, and buckled to her request with a defeated nod. "As you wish."
Nunnally smiled, "Thank you. I greatly appreciate it."
She retreated back into her chambers with Jeremiah following. The door shut and locked to ensure privacy as Nunnally offered Jeremiah a seat. He, of course, politely declined.
"What is it you wish to speak with me about?" he asked.
The Empress placed her hands in her lap, thoughtfully threading her fingers together. "I've felt concerned for some time now, Jeremiah. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I believe that something is going on behind my back. Something that both my Knight and my sister are attempting to conceal. It's nothing sinister, of course, but you can imagine that I do not wish to be left in the dark about anything."
Jeremiah swallowed thickly. He knew full well what was going on, and he didn't want Empress Nunnally to find out. Not yet. He wasn't sure if it was the right time. Besides, he didn't want to be the one to tell her. It wasn't his place. "I'm sure that whatever Her Highness and Zero are keeping from you is something menial that you need not waste your time on."
"That's no excuse, and you know it." She rebuked. There was a pause, and Jeremiah watched her knit her brows. He noticed how tightly she was gripping her own hands. "I do not like this growing mistrust between myself and Zero. Not at all. You, Sayoko, Cornelia, and Zero are the four people I trust the most since my brother is gone. I trust all of you with my life, and would give anything for you. Cornelia aside, I love you as if you were my own family."
That's when Jeremiah saw tears forming in Nunnally's eyes. "Your Majesty…" He instinctively fetched a handkerchief from his breast pocket and offered it to her, which she graciously accepted.
"It is for that reason that I am so stricken by this sudden secrecy." She explained, dabbing at her eyes. "So I was hoping that, perhaps if I plead my case with you, you would be willing to shed some light upon the situation for me. That is, if you are able."
Jeremiah nodded, "I may in fact be able, Your Majesty. Though I am not certain how useful I will be to you… nor if I should disclose what I know. These things were only withheld because we feared they may upset you."
Nunnally narrowed her eyes at him, all traces of her earlier tears gone. "My brother was constantly shielding me from the outside world, and while I do not blame him—nor regret that he did it—I have to believe that I am able to withstand it now that so much time has passed. Even to Lelouch himself, I would say that I am no longer a helpless girl in a wheelchair. I have grown since then. So please, Jeremiah, do not spare me. I want to see the world my brother created. That is why I am able to gaze at you with these eyes."
Jeremiah found himself overwhelmed by the Empress's words. Her voice was stern and unequivocal. She was full of such strength and passion that he immediately regretted hiding anything from her. It was almost as unforgivable as undermining her authority, he thought. She truly was a leader, and Jeremiah saw the unmistakable thread connecting Lelouch and his precious sister Nunnally. The thread of family. They were most definitely siblings. Jeremiah had just caught a glimpse of Lelouch within his sister. It was possible because Nunnally carried Lelouch within her heart. He was constantly with her, despite their distance. That alone gave Jeremiah hope, and he believed in the young Empress's inner strength.
A grand smile appeared on his face. "You have dispelled all of my doubts, Your Majesty."
Nunnally replied with a smile of her own. "I'm glad, Jeremiah."
"Now, what is it that you wish to know?"
"For starters," she began, pointing to the envelope Jeremiah was holding. "What does that envelope contain?"
His face fell. "This? You wish to know about this?"
"Is something the matter?"
He paused, thoughts racing in his head, but there was nothing he could do. He had already agreed. Shaking his head, he surrendered the envelope to her. "No, Your Majesty."
She gladly plucked the paperwork from his hand. "Thank you, Lord Jeremiah." The envelope was opened in a flash, and Nunnally removed its contents: Three pages. Communiques. Or at least, what resembled communiques. Her eyes scanned the first page with enthusiasm before she became aware of what it contained. "What?" she mumbled, eyes growing wide and mouth hanging open. She flipped through the remaining pages in disbelief. "Dated three days ago… This is a response to a request… to have my brother's body exhumed?"
And then something incredible happened. It was something of myths and fables. Something long thought impossible. Jeremiah had never considered it possible either. That is, until he became the first person to ever witness such a thing: The Empress's temper flared.
Author's Notes— Nunnally's mini-speech to Jeremiah is just— just— /makes wild arm movements/. Ahh, I love it! Nunnally is so best. She's too good for this world. (What? I'm not biased at all. No way. You leave my avatar out of this!)
Woo! I wrote that scene (and like 50% of this chapter) literally years ago, and I cannot tell you how satisfying it is to finally use it! And the conversation between Lelouch and C.C. has been simmering on my thumb drive for forever just begging to be inserted. When I first wrote it, I had no earthly idea where or when it was going to happen, but it screamed Code Geass style, so… I had to dig through this fic to figure it out. Because I needed it. (I also totally don't have certain characters' speech patterns internalized. Nope. Not me. Don't look at me like that.)
Okay, I'm through flailing now. Probably. I'm a wreck.
Tell me, how is it that I only update like once every thousand years, but this site manages to be broken every time I try to? It's kinda funny. In a way. Yeah.
Nunnally is Best Girl. /Whips out Zero cape/ Fight me.,