Kind heart sits within

You kneel and bow for others

Pochi-kun is cute.


History fills you

Your snores are soft and drowsy.

Cats really like you.


Quiet as a mouse

You watch others intently

Sneaky little one.


You are so sleepy

Cat hair sticks to your white shirt

Let me take your coat.


You smell of green tea

It is intoxicating

I like your Miso.


Olives and goat cheese

Your food is very yummy

Lamb is so tender.


Formal and proper

Primly dressed and ready

Don't forget to breathe.


Tired and easy

Carefree and light as a breeze

Don't fall asleep now.


Japan slid the paper across the table toward Greece and rolled the pen his way, smiling while doing so. He rested his head upon his hand, waiting for Greece to slide the paper back to him with a new message written in blue ink. He watched as Greece groggily scratched the pen against the thin paper, his mouth broadening into a smile as he wrote.

Japan was confused when Greece clicked the pen shut; did he not want to continue with their haiku lesson? Japan thought Greece was doing a great job and was learning quickly. He watched Greece set the pen down and slid the paper toward him. He picked up the sheet, looking for the newest entry.

Cute smile of yours

I crave for your soft and sweet lips.

May I kiss you, please?

Japan's cheeks began to flush red and he placed a sleeved hand to his mouth. He looked over at Greece who lazily, or was it lust, stared at him. Greece raised an eyebrow, waiting for Japan's approval. Japan rolled his eyes and scooted closer toward Greece, removing his hand from his mouth and nodding his head.

Greece placed his lips on Japan's and began to caress them softly. He let his tongue message his bottom lip, pleading to come in. Japan opened his mouth slightly and Greece entered politely. Japan's tongue greeted Greece's with a tap and soon they embraced and twisted, fighting for dominance, playing a game of tag. Japan felt his cheeks grow warmer as Greece continued; the man was a master of kissing.

Kissing would have to be the next lesson.