The last chapter of this story!

And the sequel to the story might be called "I Will Follow You, Paw and Foot. " or sumthing like that, I don't know yet. Anyway, here's the last chapter and I hope you liked both the story and this chapter.

Disclaimer: Jak peoples( friends and chaos)

Claimer: All my OC's!

Chapter 17


There was a flash of brilliant blue, white and darker blue lights as I felt myself lying on a cold floor. I tied to open my eyes but couldn't until a voice called out my name. "Zoey, we have been expecting you for a very long time dear child," the echoing voice stopped as if it were regretting something. "but I'm afraid you left the same way Mar did. His own powers turning against him." the voice echoed from all sides of the room. "Who are you?" I demanded. "And where am I?" I scanned the room to find nothing, not even a floor! I looked up at the sound of tiny footsteps. 'but how is that even possible?' I returned my gaze back at the floor. "My, you do have quiet the number of questions don't you young lady?" asked a small male voice.

I looked back up to see an ottsel at least ten feet away from me, on a floating platform. He had deep purple-blue eyes, and had the deepest orange fur for an ottsel that I had ever seen! Along with that he also had the lightest yellow markings and his fur was slightly highlighted a light brown as well, but he looked so young. He wore old Precursor clothing, had a head piece made from Precursor metal, along with a small staff that had a medium sized green gem with a smaller gem the same color just below the medium one and he also had bandage wraps around his small ankles. "Zoey, I'm afraid that your no longer living in this world." he said sadly as he swayed his staff in front of himself. "H-h-how do you know my name?" I asked a bit unsure of my voice as it almost cracked. "Well dear child," he pointed to himself as he spoke. "I am a Precursor." My mouth fell a gap slightly as I tried to form words but failed. " I know everything about you, and everyone else." I looked at him a bit confused. "But what about all the led-"

"Well we like to," he moved his hands as he spoke "fluff up the myth." he paused. "A bit." The deep orange furred ottsel turned around as a light, behind him, was growing brighter. "I'm afraid you must now go." he concluded as he used his staff to move my still body towards the light. "Wait!" I yelled at him. "What's your name! I must know this before I leave!" he held his staff in place. Thinking about if he should tell me his name or not. "My name is Alex." an with that he threw me towards the light, then he said something my ears couldn't pick up on. "Good-bye…dear sister." a small tear strayed down from his deep purple-blue eyes onto his velvety soft fur cheek.

I felt something wet repetitively touching my nose along with the sound of a tiny whimper. 'It's probably the neighbours Crocadog again-, but wait am I not dead?' I woke up to see a small golden retriever staring down at my face with large brown worried eyes. A few seconds later he licked my vulnerable face, as if to say ' thank goodness your alright!' . "Ah! Stop it." I said with a small smile as I gentaly removed the dog from my face." yes, I'm ok." but he only barked with joy and did things only puppy's would do, like the: play with me posture, "Sorry rover but I cant play right now." I said as I softly patted his head. I looked around to see that I was some where's else, and definitely not in Haven city. 'it almost looks like-but it can't be…can it?' I questioned myself in my confused head. I was back in New York on Cortlandt Alley, the alley way I lived on. Everything was the same as I had remembered, all except for the new building being built. I rubbed my head as I got up from the cold cement ground.

"That couldn't have been a dream it was all to real." I whispered to myself as I held my head. When I stood up I felt a gruesome pain in my chest, looking down I saw I gun shot wound, well more like scar. My mind went frantic for logical explanations but failed to find any except for that I was really there with Jak and all the others until I was shot and died in the blonde hero's arm's and would probably never see him again. I ran down the alley way and onto the street as tears flooded my eyes at the thought as I pushed my way past people I didn't know and I didn't care what they thought either.

A year had passed since I had seen Jak, Naomi, Teeco, Daxter, Tess, Alex or even Chris. Chris was a hard one to track because he had no birth or death certificate. All the people I asked, when I told them of his name age and other important descriptions, said they never seen or heard of him before. It was almost like he had never existed. I also had come to love and soon adopted the little golden retriever and named him Graffiti, since he found me by an extremely graffito wall.

It was a late Saturday evening. The sun, trying to seek out anything in the shadows and expose it. It was starting to take its toll on many of the homeless people including myself and Graffiti. I found a water dish and filled it up with some water for my dog then I went rummaging through some old junk when I came across an artifact that I had seen somewhere before. It shone with a rusty yellow color in the sunlight and had large scratches on it with strangely familiar symbols too.

I grabbed the leash I had found a few months ago, strapped up Graffiti and walked back down to our little section of the alley way. I examined it a bit more as my dog and I sat down on a blanket. That was until I heard the sound of multiple footsteps.

I quickly put the object in my coat, grabbed my companion and hide in between two buildings lying as low as I could while I held his mug shut. We watched and listened closely as the footsteps passed and could no longer be heard but I stayed there at least for another several moments just to be safe. I let go of my dogs muzzle, took the object out from under my coat and looked at it harder trying to decode what it said before I was interrupted yet again but by someone I hardly remembered, then it hit me when I looked at his smiling face. It was the handsome young man that had sent me to Jak's world.

"I see you seek answers that can not be answered here." he spoke smoothly.

"Cut the crap Chris!" I said rather frustrated at him for both his mysterious dissaperance and for not coming to look for me when I arrived back to my so called 'home'.

He sighed and shook his head while looking at the floor for my impatience. "I will grant you a second chance at re-entering their world, but I warn you, things will be far different than before!" He said holding out his hand, and making eye contact with me. I had almost for got his eye color, yet they never changed one bit. His eye's remained the mysterious honey yellow they were when we first met. "And make sure to take that Precursor Artifact with you. It may just come in handy." he winked. I was hesitant at taking his hand at first. "Can Graffiti come with me? Cause' if he cant go well then you can forget it! He is my best friend and family, I don't go any where without him and he doesn't go anywhere without me!" I said as my old fighting spirit lived once more in my veins, after it had been dead for a year. "Alright you companion can come with you, but will be disguised as a Crocadog." I nodded, held tight on to Graffiti's leash and took his hand, then the whole thing started all over again, but this time when we landed we were some where's else…somewhere that had race tracks everywhere. I looked at Graffiti and smiled "Welcome to my real home!" I declared as his tongue touched the floor and he wagged his now green, with tuffs of brown in the middle, tail with excitement.

I cant start my new book! but sadly i cant until the Winter Break by the wishes of my mom. Special thanks to my friend SamCroft2010. Sam, if you would like to help me with the second story you can, but you don't have to if you don't want to. :) Thanks again for all you help, you are the best Muse ever! :) Oh and thank you readers for all your reviews and PM's! (don't think I forgot ya, cuz I didn't)

until next time on..."I Will Follow You, Paw and Foot." :Will Zeoy ever see her hero, love or any of her best friends again? well you'll all find out soon!(and i might b able 2 write a few chaps 4 the new story b4 the break, u never no!)