Alright, I'm going to apologize here and now. I've been neglecting Hyrule's War.

Not on purpose, though! I've been working on some original stuff. I've taken Hazel, developed her past and created an entire world around her, so if in ten years or so, you read a book about her, yeah that's me :D

Oh, and this is the last chapter, not including the epilogue and extra stuff I may or may not be posting.

I'm disappointed with this chapter; after all that action I've written, it feels kinda weird to be all mellow and stuff. But I hope you enjoy!


"Tonight, I am the more powerful being," Cyra said. "And tonight, you shall die." She raised her scepter and summon a great white ball of light. When she sent it at Ryluan, it was stopped by Zelda.

"You can't kill him!" Zelda shouted, holding the light in place. "What will happen if you do?"

"How are you doing that?" Cyra asked.

"You're not the only one with power tonight," Zelda said, but I knew she was just as confused as the rest of us.

Cyra growled and sped toward Zelda. She broke the ball of light and slapped Zelda, sending her flying.

"Zelda!" I exclaimed, running to catch her. "Zelda, are you okay?"

Slowly, painfully slowly, she nodded. "I'm fine," she said, her voice quivering. "Just... shaken up."

I looked back to Cyra. She glared at Zelda and back to Ryluan. "I need to kill him. He has broken many of the laws the three Golden Ones set for us. Especially the rule about love."

"You love me, you little–" Ryluan started to say, but was interrupted by another, smaller ball of light.

"I do not love, fool! I am incapable of such silly emotions!" Cyra said, a deathly air surrounding her. She raised her hand and summoned another ball of light. The ball expanded and sharpened into a spear.

Just as she was about to plunge the spear into Ryluan's heart, a golden light encased the room.

Three figures emerged from the light and spoke though their lips did not move. "Ryluan de Cyrué, Cyra de Ryleigh, you both have broken various laws that we have set for you." Their voices were deep and booming, yet calm and serene.

Din came up first, red flame surrounding her. "Ryluan de Cyrué, you have oppressed the ones who worship you. You have given power to a mortal without our permission. You have fallen in love."

Next, Nayru went up, encased in a blue crystal. "Cyra de Ryleigh, you have also broken various laws. You have not completed your blessing, leaving much of the world without your blessed light. You have tried to cast judgment on an equal being without our consent. You have fallen in love."

Finally, Farore went ahead. "You will both suffer the ultimate punishment."

The three spoke in unison. "You both will be stripped of your godhood and banished. You are to spend the rest of your mortal lives in the last corner of the Twilight Realm."

Cyra gasped in horror. She dropped her light spear and sank to her knees. Sobbing, she approached Ryluan. She took him in her arms and kissed his cheek. "Since this is going to happen, I might as well say it," she cried. "I love you! I've been denying it all along, but I love you, Ryluan!"

He let a single tear slip from his eye. "At least we're together, right?" he asked, his voice shaking. "We'll take the punishment together."

They both stood, hand in hand. "We shall accept our punishment," they said together.

The three Goddesses raised their left hands. Black and orange light was sent toward the two. In a flash of white, they were gone.

In their place were two small children. A boy with golden hair, and a girl with ebony. They stood facing the Goddesses, unblinkingly. The Goddesses nodded and disappeared.

The girl then smiled and faced us. "Greetings, mortals. I am Rylie, the new goddess of dark."

The boy bowed. "Greetings, mortals. I am Cyrun, the new god of light."

"We are to take Cyra and Ryluan's place until we, too, are punished," Rylie said.

"It has happened since the beginning of time," Cyrun explained. "The two who rule over light and dark have always been paired together."

"And every time, they would fall in love, although they're not supposed to," Rylie sighed.

"They would then be sent somewhere in the world to live together as mortals, not the Twilight Realm."

Zelda sat up. "Then, they're alive? Together?" she asked.

The two children nodded. "They will be together until the end of their days."

Hazel chuckled. "The gods are merciful, if not anything else."

"The ones who rule over light and dark are used as examples. They are used to keep other gods in line. Every god in the heavens knows that eventually, the ones who rule over light and dark will be replaced," Cyrun said.

"Wait," Zelda said, "What happened to Ryluan? Why did he do what he did?"

Rylie sighed. "This isn't the first time that has happened. One of the two will realize that they love the other. They will not know what to do, and eventually, go insane. In an attempt to rid themselves of these forbidden feelings, they would try to destroy their partner or get their partner to admit their feelings."

"This is when the Golden Ones would appear and let them live together as mortals," Cyrun finished.

"How do you know all this? Can't you just avoid falling in love with each other?" Hazel asked.

"We will only have these memories for another few hours. After this, we will awake in the presence of the Golden Ones. They will explain to us our roles and the laws."

"What will happen to us?" I asked. "The people involved with this?"

Cyrun smiled for the first time. "That is up to you. The two men that were under Ryluan's control should be put under trial, in accordance with your laws."

"Now, we have to send you back to the earth," Rylie said, giggling. "It was nice meeting you!"

The children took each others hands and pressed their foreheads together. They both murmured something inaudible and encased us in a pure white light.

When the light was gone, we were back in Cyrle. Cybalt and Rylu unconscious on the floor, Mina and Ollivar sleeping against the wall.

Ollivar opened his eyes and smiled at us. "Welcome back."

Zelda, Hazel, and I stood on the balcony looking over Hyrule Courtyard. Zelda smiled and me and pulled me to the front, looking at the crowd. They cheered.

Zelda held up her hand to silence them. "People of Hyrule, I have no way to thank you," she said. "While Link and I were doing underground work, you have risked your lives again and again. There is no repayment for this. I can only thank you."

"We did it for Hyrule!" a voice shouted, followed by cheers. "We need no repayment."

Zelda smiled, her eyes filling with tears. "Thank you!" she said. "Thank you to those who have died. Thank you to those who are still living. Thank you so much. Although we were at war for a short five months, these months have been hell for everyone."

"What's goin' on with Cyrle?" a voice asked. The crowd started to murmur again.

Zelda raised her hand again. "Cyrle's officials will be working out a treaty with our own officials. I will read it aloud when we have it finished and written in our language."

"What about their leaders?"

"King Ryluan and Lord Cybalt have been arrested by the secret rebellion force in Cyrle. They will be brought to Arbiter's Grounds and will be judged by the Ancient Sages. Meanwhile, I have sent two of my most trusted friends to watch over Cyrle until everyone comes into agreement on how their government shall be run.

"Again, I cannot thank you enough. A celebratory ball shall be held a few weeks from now and every living being is invited."

The crowd cheered. "Dinner shall be served and beds for those who need them. Thank you all, so much!"

As the crowd cheered, Zelda bowed and turned. She smiled and me and took my hand. Hazel took the other.

We rode past Lake Hylia, through the forest, and a few miles down the road. We walked into a wooded area until we found a large stone in a clearing. The grave I made for Hazel.

She jumped off her horse and sighed. "I guess my time here is up," she said.

"Don't say that," Zelda said.

Hazel shook her head. "No. I'm done. I'm satisfied. Look at what happened since I came back. I was able to be loved by Link again," she sighed. "I knew it was temporary. Thanks, Zelda, for letting me take advantage of that."

Zelda shook her head. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Hazel argued. "You let me have the one you loved. Even if it was for a day, I couldn't ask for more."

"Hazel," I said, grabbing her hand. "You know I've always loved Zelda, but remember. You'll always be someone in my heart. I'll never forget you."

Hazel smiled. "Can I ask for one more thing?"

I nodded. "Could you kiss me one last time?"

I looked to Zelda. She smiled at me. "Yeah," she said as she turned away.

I held Hazel in my arms and kissed her forehead. I quickly brushed my lips against hers before backing away.

A tear rolled down Hazel's cheek. "Good bye, Link. I love you."

She turned around so her back was to me. She spread her arms out and looked to the sky. "I'm ready," she said.

She began to glow. The glow turned to a thousand little sparkles. As if a current of wind came by, the sparkles were blown away, to the sky. Zelda came over, her eyes filled with tears. She hugged my arm.

"We'll never forget you, Hazel."

At the ball, I stayed my own little corner, uncomfortable with the formal clothes chosen for me. My head felt really cold without my hat.

I smiled as I watched Zelda greet every guest. Mina and Ollivar danced around the ball room, grinning at each other.

When Zelda came over to me, she held out her hand. The previous dance had ended.

"Wanna go outside?" she asked. I smiled at her. I took her hand and pressed it to my lips.

"Sure," I said. We walked, hand in hand, to the empty courtyard.

"Link," Zelda said. "Do you think we'll see them again?"

"Who? The crazy light goddess and the insane bastard who tried to kill her and us along with her?"

Zelda sighed. "Don't say it like that. I just hope that they're happy together."

"If they're anything like you and me, I'm sure they are," I said, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Will you leave again?" Zelda asked after a long pause.

I shrugged. "I might have a reason to. I might not."

"Will you take me with you next time?"

I smiled. "Don't worry. I won't leave. Not for a long time."

Zelda turned to face me and ran a hand through my hair. Her fingers moved to trace my jawline. She kissed my cheek.

I pulled her in for another kiss. "I love you."

Well that's all for this one. Dammit, I am so disappointed with this chapter, but I can't think of a way to fix it. Dammit.

So next will be the epilogue, and if you have any questions, ask them! After the epilogue, I will be answering every question thrown at me. Even the stupid ones like, "What rhymes with orange?"

I will also explain some stuff I feel needs explaining.

Oh, and I might not post anything for two weeks (like that's new) because of testing. I have a reason for not updating this time. Y'know besides writer's block.

Reviews would be nice. Questions would be better. Stupid ones are welcome, but not too appreciated. Unless they make me laugh. Then they are very appreciated.

Yep. (Dammit, I hate this chapter DX)