Yay! I've finally written a Link/Zelda fanfic!

Disclaimer: TLoZ belongs to Miyamoto and Nintendo. Not me.

Set 5 years after Majora's Mask


Our First Encounter since Then


"Princess, you need sleep. It's not good for you to stay up so late."

My guardian, Impa, says this often. But without my father…

"I know, Impa. It's hard to rule over a country. And it's been years. He hasn't come back yet. I have to be wide awake when he comes back," I answered.

He hasn't come back… Does he remember me and our days together? Has he found someone else? No matter what, I'm sure he's helping someone somewhere in this world. Or maybe another?

"Would you like me to do this for you? I could read these aloud for you and you can just tell me what to write," Impa offered. She was trying to get me to sleep. She knows I always fall asleep to her voice when she reads.

"No, Impa. Please, go and have fun. I know you need it. Go Bombchu bowling or fight some Stalchilds out in the field. I want you to relax or train or whatever. I can handle these before morning," I said. Impa can never have fun. Unlike Link who can have fun even when he's on the brink of death.

"No, Princess. I know what and who you're thinking about. I can't leave you alone. You might cry and ruin your pretty face."

At this, I cried. Impa hugged me and tried to comfort me. But she could never do it. I want to be in his arms, feel his warmth. I miss him. No letter, no message. Nothing. For five years, nothing. I miss him more than anything. He must've settled down in whatever world he's in now. Maybe he's married. I should be. My country wants me to. But no one is like Link. No one can take his place in my heart…


I cut through the thousandth monster on my way through the mountain forests surrounding Hyrule.

"We're almost home, Epona," I said to my horse. We've both grown a lot since Termina. I wonder how my friends there are doing. Maybe I'll bring Zelda next time.

Zelda… she must be the queen now. Queen Zelda. Does she have a king? I wonder how she's grown. In mind, she must've grown a lot. What about in height? Or her archery skills? How've they grown in the five years I've been gone?

Another monster popped up out of the ground. I cut it effortlessly. I walk out of the forest and see Lake Hylia. The observatory, the bridge, the tree right above the Water Temple. It was all the same. Nothing has changed about my Lake Hylia.

I go straight to the Kokiri Forest. It smells the same. Sounds the same. Feels the same. My Kokiri friends are still ten year olds, but they know how to recognize me. I stop at my house and almost hit my head on the roof. I've grown a couple of inches.

I smiled as I sat on my bed.

"Was I really this tiny?" I asked myself. I'll stay for tonight, and then I'll return to Castle Town. Then I'll visit Zora's domain, and Death Mountain along with Kakariko Village. Does Ruto still expect me to marry her? I hope not. Does everyone else still know that they're sages? If she does, she won't want to marry me.

I sighed and tried to fit into my little bed. Nothing has changed in my forest either.


He's here! I've heard people talking.

"Link's back!" they say, "The old scientist by Lake Hylia saw him pass by! He's back!"

Everyone here knows and adores Link. When a little girl thinks of a prince, Link's face pops into her mind.

He still hasn't visited me. He's probably greeting Malon, Talon, and Ingo. Malon… ooh! That girl is the most annoying thing ever! "Look at me! I can sing! And I ride horses!" She must know that Link feels nothing but friendship for her. What am I saying? He must feel like that for me. I wonder who his special girl is.

I stood in my balcony, looking for the speck of green that would be Link.

One hour, two hours, three hours pass, and Link doesn't appear. I'm about to give up when the gate bell rings.


I picture Link sighing and saying that he wanted a nice and quiet entrance and laugh.

I look and see a speck of green next to a brown dot.

Impa's probably telling the guards to fix a room and some normal clothes for him. Everyone in the castle (but me) winces when they see Link's dirty green clothes. And they all think his hat is weird.

Instead of coming straight to the caste, he turns and heads to the Temple of Time.

I change into a blue dress and grab a cloak and run out. I run to the Temple, and see him there, just staring at the Door of Time.

I take on a fake old woman voice and hunch my back and say, "Hello, Link. It has been a long time."

"Hello, granny. Do you think this door will ever open?" he asked. Can he see through me?

"Yes, but I hope it doesn't. Something very bad could happen. I'm glad that Ganondorf fellow was executed. He might've destroyed all of Hyrule!" I say in my fake old woman voice.

He turns around and sees what shows of my face and grins.

"So, granny, how's Zelda been doing?"

I suppress a grin.

"She's been appointed Queen, but still uses the title 'princess.' Shouldn't you be addressing her as such, sonny?"

"Well, we're special friends, Zelda and I. She allows me to just call her Zelda. What about you, granny?" he asks. He knows it's me.

"Well, my grandchildren are trying to behead me, my son in law is taking my land away, and my cat is sick. Nothing depressing."

He laughs. "Zelda, come out of there!"

I laugh too. "How did you know it was me?"

He walks toward me and touches my cheek. He's a head taller than me now. And his hair's a little darker.

"Dimple. You have one that no one else in the world has. Right there," he pokes my cheek right next to the corner of my mouth.

He starts to lean in, when Impa bursts out of nowhere.

"Princess! We are late! There is a meeting with Darunia on Death Mountain in a few minutes!"

Oh, no! I forgot! I was supposed to go to a goron's birthday party in Goron City!

"I'll take her, Impa."

What? I look at Link's face. He is completely serious.

"Link, I know you know the fast way there, but she needs royal protection."

"Impa, who saved Hyrule?"

"You did, Link."

"And Termina?"

"You did. Alright, Link, you may take her to Death Mountain. It's in 10 minutes. Be there on time!"

I just stand in confusion. Termina?

"What's Termina, Link?" I ask.

"A separate dimension, I guess. I made a lot of friends there. That was an adventure I'll never forget. You actually helped me survive in that one."


"I was about to be crushed by this evil moon, when I remembered the Song of Time. I remembered you playing it for me, and it saved my life. I was sent back in time so I could save Termina."

I smiled and looked away. I helped save his life by playing a song?


I helped her on to Epona after they gave me my change of clothes. I seriously don't understand why I need to wear something "proper" when my tunic is comfortable enough.

"Um, Zelda, do I really have to wear this? I mean, Darunia has seen my tunic. It won't be a big deal if I wear this to his party, right?" I asked.

"No. Now can we go to Kakariko? I want to change out of my dress at Impa's. Let's go, slowpoke!" Zelda shouted. She took off. On my horse. Is she trying to hurt my pride?

I ran following her. She went into Impa's house and made me wait outside.

"You done yet?" I asked.

"No! Impa has rearranged the house again. I can't find my leggings!" she answered. I laughed at her.

"Want me to help?"

"No! It's all right! I'm- ah... found them!" she yelled.

I sighed. She takes forever. With everything.

She bursts out in a blue tunic, that looks very similar to the one I had, dark blue leggings, and page boy shoes.

It all suits her. I don't know why she wears pink so much. In blue she looks like the sky. She is the sky. Her temper bursts like a flash of lightning. Her tears are as harsh or light as rain. And her smile… Her smile can outdo the sun.

I must've been staring, maybe a little red, because she said, "Link? C'mon! I'm waiting."

"Ah, sorry! Blanked out for a second. Ready to climb a volcano?" I asked.

For some reason she turns a light pink. I grab her hand and start running toward the mountains.

She gave a small yelp, but started running at my pace.

"I'm gonna beat you for sure, Link!" she said.

"No way, princess!" I said, emphasizing the word that annoys her so much

She goes off a little faster than me, but not by much. Running's nothing when you can use a sword, which I am very superior to Zelda.

We stop at the doorway to Goron City, breathing heavily.

"I- huff- beat you- huff, huff- Link," she said.

"No you- huff- didn't! I beat you- huff- by a landslide!"

We both look up at the same time, our faces inches from each other. I feel my face go hot, and feel myself leaning in, about to close the space between us. When suddenly a goron finds us.

"Oh! Brother Link! Princess Zelda! Come in, goro, Big Brother is waiting for you!"


Was he going to kiss me? No, he doesn't feel anything like that for me. I might, but he doesn't.

Darunia let us watch a funny dance that all gorons do every 10 years. They only celebrate birthdays every ten years. It's all very strange.

After the party, Link and I stop at a restaurant. With nothing but rocks on the menu at Goron City, we were starving.

It felt so nice to just be with Link and eat with my fingers. At the castle, a baron or duke is always visiting. So I have to be on my best behavior. I hate that.

"So, princess, how's running a country?" he asked.

"Incredibly boring. Nothing's happened really. It's all, 'Can you supply us with more cuccos?' or 'We need more rain. Please ask the goddesses to bless us with rainfall.' I'm not a miracle worker!"

Suddenly a girl popped in.

"Link? It's been so long! Remember when you saved my doll from that monster? I told myself that you were the one for me after that! And I promise, I won't disappoint you!" she said, and kissed his cheek.

I stood up. "Link, I'm going to the washroom. Be back in a second!" I said. What's wrong with me? A girl flirting with Link is normal. It happens every day. I think what bothers me most is that he blushed. Like it affected him. He gets a marriage proposal every other day, and he's never blushed before. He gets kissed on his cheek all the time, once someone even kissed his lips. He's never blushed for them. Why is this girl any different? Well, she may be developed in areas that I'm not. I'm not flat, but not very mountainous either.

I came out and saw her sitting in my seat. Talking to my Link. Link wasn't looking at her. When he saw me he looked like he brightened up.

"Zelda! Come here!"

I obeyed, and he pulled me to sit on his lap.

"Sorry, Mina, I'm betrothed to Zelda. I can't marry you," he said with a face that said "sorry, not available, so leave!"

"Do you love her?" Mina asked.

"W-what?" we both asked at the same time. I looked at Link, and he was red.

"If you don't love her, then she could break off the engagement. So, do you love her?"

"Please, just play along," Link whispered in my ear.

And he kissed me. Link actually kissed me! After several moments, he broke away. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him again, but this wasn't a good moment.

"Does that prove it to you?"

"No. You could kiss a thousand girls and not love them."

I stood up. I was fuming.

"Listen here, Mina! He obviously doesn't like you so just back off!"

Mina looked at me in confusion. Then the confusion turned into knowing.

"Ah... you love Link, but you're not sure if Link loves you back," she said. Link and I both turned a deep shade of red.

"O-of course I love Link! He's saved me multiple times, and he saved my kingdom! Everyone loves Link, and Link loves everyone!" I retaliated.

"Sure, of course, majesty. But I'll have you know, I will definitely win Link's heart, and leave you crying in your castle tower!" she went away laughing.

Link just sat there. It looked like he didn't know what to do.


"Link, can we go back to the castle? I'm really sleepy now," I said.

He nodded and led me toward my castle.


So, she doesn't love me like I love her.

I'm sure that she felt the sparks I felt when we kissed! Sparks don't just go one way, right?

"SHIT!" I yelled out my window.

Somewhere, I heard a cat screech.

"Why the hell am I so effing mad? Or am I disappointed?" I asked myself.

Maybe it's a good thing that Zelda doesn't love me. She deserves someone who knows how to rule a country. Someone royal. Someone smart. Someone who I'll want to slice through for taking Zelda away from me.

She's mine. Everyone knows it. That's why no man ever mentions how beautiful she is when I'm in earshot. They know I'll pummel them into a potion.

I decided to go out to Hyrule Field and cut through some monsters to blow off some steam. Should I invite Zelda? No. She's the reason I need to get rid of all this damn anger.

As I passed Zelda's room, I thought I hear her sobbing...

I knocked on her door.

"Zelda? Wanna go fight some monsters with me out on Hyrule field?" I asked.

When she didn't answer, I opened the door. She was crying. Hard. I felt like I was being pelted with hail.

I wanted to hug her. To kiss her. I wanted her to be in love with me, too. But that couldn't happen.

Instead I took her hand. She looked up at me surprised.

Zelda stood up and hugged me. She started crying into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and just let the feeling of Zelda enter me.

"I'm sorry, Link. Thank you. I– uh– I... Look at me. A queen at a loss for words," she said. She laughed, but I just stood there, staring at her.

I was ready to say it. I was ready to tell her how I feel.

When Impa bursts in.

"Princess! Our neighboring country, they want to wage war!"

Yep. The start of a new adventure!

Wow. That was corny and cliché.
