Midnight, there are six men standing in the woods heavily armed. The men have woodland camouflage clothing, carrying MP5 submachine guns, 9mm semi-automatic pistols and combat knives. A man steps forward, he's the oldest of the six, light blue eyes, scar down the left cheek and a shaved head.

"Okay lads, this mission pays big so I would be grateful if you actually keep your mind on the mission instead of pissing about. DWAYNE!" the man shouted over to one of the other men.

"What?" came the reply from the pissed looking man with short black hair.

"Do you even know where we are Dwayne?" chipped in a man with short red hair styled into a faux hawk, his hair being a light shade of blond at the ends.

"Hoenn," said Dwayne.

"Alright, can you both shut the fuck up and pay attention? Now, this is for the rookies among you, my name is Carter, the guy next to me with the haircut is Richard, second in command, and I am damn sure that that you all know Dwayne. Now you know our names we move on to the mission," Carter announced to the men.

"How come you don't need to know our names?" spoke up one of the unnamed rookies.

"Because you probably wont live through this mission," Dwayne said flatly.

"Who are we fighting?" the question came from one of the other rookies. Richard looked at this rookie 'He's... young' thought Richard 'Too young to become a merc.'

"How old are you?" Richard asked some concern in his voice.

"... Twe-twenty," came the reply from the rookie.

"No, your not. You should get out of here." Richard gave the rookie a look like he was staring into his soul.

"Cut the chatter. To answer the rookie's question we are going to be fighting a group of twenty inbred killers, real sick fucks. We get paid big if we get them all, even more if we find out why they doing this. So far there have been over fifty missing people reported around this area and four police officers. Those police officers were carrying small arms so we have to assume that they too have guns," Carter finished with a sigh.

"Where are they holding out?" Richard inquired.

"A cottage about 1 mile away from here." Carter said to him. He knew that pretty soon, they were most likely going to be in for a really tough fight.

"We should split up into teams of two," Richard said.

Carter walked towards Richard. "Teams of two against twenty gun crazy killers?"

"Use flashbangs, lob them through the windows it will confuse them, they come stumbling out and we shoot when they come out." Richard knew his plan wasn't great but it was the best plan he had.

"What if one of them sees us, what if they are waiting outside for us?" Carter asked trying to find holes in Richards plan. However, he knew that there was no real way to predict what might happen tonight. The plan might go to hell, or it might go flawlessly.

"Then we throw some outside of the cottage and hope that they are too confused to see us." Richard just looked at Carters face, trying to work out what he was thinking.

" … I don't like this but I cant think of anything better," Carter mumbled.

"Fine, we go in groups of two. Who do you want to take with you?" Carter asked Richard.

"The kid." They both knew who he was talking about.

"Okay, I will go with Dwayne and the two rookies can go with each other, alright LETS MOVE!" Carter ordered before walking through the woods once more. The others followed their leader, uncertain of what awaits them.

45 minutes later.

The men had taken their positions and had been observing the targets for 5 minutes, they knew they found the right place. There was at least three dead bodies in sight outside of the cottage. Their heads were bashed open, exposing their skulls. One looked like it had been disemboweled and everybody was shocked to see what they were doing to one body. It was a female's body, and they were having sex with it like some kind of fuck toy. All of the six men wanted to do something about it, Richard wanted to cut their dicks off, Dwayne wanted to gouge their eyes out and stomp on their heads, Carter just wanted to blow their brains out. Richard signaled to Carter to throw the flashbangs, every one of the six men had a flashbang in hand, they all pulled the pins simultaneously. Richard counted in his head.




There was a blinding light, several deafening cracks followed by a hail of gun fire.

"FUCKING DIE YOU SICK FUCKS!" Dwayne was shouting as loud as he could but Richard couldn't hear him, he couldn't hear much at all, his aim became deadly accurate, shredding the bodies of the killers only stopping to reload.

The two other rookies were standing and hiding behind two different trees, they were both too focused on the larger group of killers to notice one of them launching a molotov cocktail their way from one of the cottages windows, it landed right at the feet of one of the rookies. The flames quickly spread over his feet and up his legs, forcing him to run out of cover so one of the killers could get a clear shot with their hunting rifles. The rookie was still on fire and still alive, he tried to run behind another tree but got hit in the back, sending him to the ground where he stayed. The rookie that didn't get hit by the molotov ran for cover as fast as he could, he could feel the bullets whizzing past his face knowing that one wrong move and his head will get blown off. He finally reached another tree where he intended to wait the firefight out.

"YOU FUCKING PUSSIES!" Dwayne became more and more pissed off until finally he truly snapped. He sprinted forward passing the cottage and straight towards where one of the killers was taking cover, the killer decided to take a few pot shots at the mercenaries and was caught completely off guard when he saw the machine gun pointed directly between his eyes. Dwayne pulled the trigger spilling the sick fuck's brains on the ground. Dwayne turned around and came face to face with a huge hulking man with an axe, his instinct was to run, he tried but the man had swung the axe straight at his back. He felt it hit his back and he felt his warm blood running down his spine, he knew he was dead but that didn't stop him from reaching his pistol. The hulking man dragged his hair back to look at Dwayne's face, when he did this, Dwayne brought up his pistol and shot him in the face and the man dropped to the ground, as did Dwayne.

"Fucking hell… Dwayne," was all Carter could say after what he just saw.

"Six," Richard muttered.

"WHAT?" shouted the rookie.

"There's six left," Richard replied calmly. He set his sights on one of the killers… But stopped. The person in his sights and aiming the gun at both him and his teammates only looked to be about twelve years old. The boy saw him, he took aim… The boy fell. Richard did not shoot him, the rookie next to him did. Richard and the rookie took cover, Richard stared at him not believing what just happened. The rookie returned the stare and simply said, "Five."

10 minutes later

The fire fight continued till there was only one left. He was hiding somewhere in the house. Carter went for the front door, Richard and the two rookies covered him and made sure they didn't escape from the windows.

Carter opened the door, his MP5 now out of bullets and now using his pistol he walked from room to room. In the living room, there were a number of bodies. The kitchen looked like something out of a horror movie. A human arm with three of its fingers cut off was on the table on a plate. "Is this what they did it? FOR A FUCKING MEAL?!" Carter angrily thought to himself.

Suddenly, a clanging noise sounded, like a pan dropping to the floor.

Carter immediately spun himself around as his attention was drawn to the closet in the kitchen, he reached for the door handle and slowly began to open it, he then opened it quickly to reveal one of the killers, he was wounded and bleeding badly, he was around in his 30's. Carter could see the same gun besides the man that the others used to fire at him and his team, except that one was empty. Carter lifted up his gun and simply said, "fuck you," before blowing his brains out.

"CLEAR!" Carter's voice rang out to his men.

"GO!" Richard ran for the cottage door followed by the two rookies. He then stopped them at the door.

"I need one of you to watch the door," Richard told the rookies.

"I'll do it," said the kid rookie.

Richard moved into the house, the first thing that hit him was the smell of death. Richard instinctively held a hand to his nose, he saw Carter in the corner of the living room. "Carter… whats wrong?"

"... This is too fucked up, are things always going to be like this?" Carter said, his voice breaking up a little.

Richard has known him for 3 years now and has never seen him show any kind of sadness. "I hope not," he replied.

"I fight… For the money. What do you fight for Richard?" Carter asked.

Richard was surprised by this, nobody asked him why he does this before. He thought hard, but could only find one answer. "I don't know what I fight for, I only know why I fight" Richard said.

"Why's that then?" Carter questioned.

"Because I have no reason to live," Richard told him. He had no family, no lover, and his only true friend was the man in front of him. There was a long silence, Richard then broke that silence. "Come on, there nothing left here."

As both Richard and Carter left, they both noticed one thing, the rookies were gone. Richard was about to shout out to them, until he was hit hard on the back of the head. Richard dropped to the ground stopping himself by moving his hands in front of himself. His vision became blurred but he could just make out two figures fighting for their life.

"YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!" The man was big and looked like he could do some damage. Carter would just shoot him if he still had his gun, his eyes went behind the man as he saw his gun lying right behind his opponent's feet, he took his eyes off it as he was charged by the big man, he was surprisingly fast for his size but apparently not fast enough to stop Carter from side stepping, and punching him in the face. The big guy recovered fast and Carter was ready. "MY SONS! YOU KILLED THEM ALL!" the large man ranted.

"Yeah, I know, I was there!" Carter snappily replied.

The big guy threw a punch at Carter's face which connected, he was knocked off balance and almost fell over, when he recovered another punch came at his face and again connected. This time it was enough to send him to the ground.

Richard got up but his vision was still blurry, he could make out the big guy and he went straight for him.


His words were cut off by Richard who punched him in the jaw, and again in the stomach, but he recovered quickly and soon let out a punch that struck Richard in the nose and pushed him to the ground. Richard could feel the warm liquid running down his face, he knew he was bleeding.

Carter recovered, he pulled the knife out of the side of his boot and charged but the man saw him coming, the man grabbed the hand the knife was in and punched Carter in the face again, and again, and again making him drop to the ground. Now, the man had Carter's knife and almost in an instant jammed it into Carter's stomach.

Carter shouted in pain and he then looked into his killers eyes, disgusted by the sight of the man he spits a combination of his saliva and blood into his face. The knife was taken out of his stomach and he knew he was going to be stabbed again. Then, suddenly, Richard's knife slid across the large man's throat, blood sprayed out of the big open gash on his neck. The large man released his own knife to apply pressure to his neck even though they all knew it was useless.

Richard walked over to the man holding his neck, and plunged his combat knife into the top of the man's abdomen. He pulled the knife along his body ripping out his intestines, he continued to pull the knife right down to his genitals which is where he stopped. Richard could see the man was still alive, he was glad for that, he wanted him to suffer. He wanted every last second this man lived to be absolute agony.

"Richard," Carter's weak voice could hardly be heard.

"Carter!" Richard examined Carter's wound, it was deep and bleeding heavily. "Oh… Shit, shit, SHIT!" Richard began to shout. "Carter, if your gonna live your going to have to come with me," Richard told him.

"Fuck it Richard LOOK AT ME! I'm fucking dead, just get the fuck out of here!" After Carter shouted before he began to cough up blood.

"I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME CARTER!" Richard shouted.

"YOU PISS OFF RIGHT NOW!" Carter shouted right back. He didn't believe he was going to make it this time, and he didn't want to slow Richard down.

Richard tried to lift Carter on to his back. He wasn't about to leave his friend to die out here.

"Richard… leave me behind, I'm fucking dead already!" Carter told him, thinking it was pointless for him to even try. Besides, he had enough of this world.

Richard knew he couldn't last long enough to get to a hospital but he refused to just not try.

"Just leave me… I want to die," Carter said quietly, his words barely audible.

"Just fucking hang on… just… just hang on," Richard began to cry, he tried to fight it but he couldn't. It was tearing him up inside. The only friend he's ever had might die just because he was just to slow to react. It was another death on his shoulders.

Author's note: For those of you that are wondering where are the pokemon, don't worry, they're in the next chapter. This is just a little look at one of the main characters, and the kind of action that may come up. Oh, and another thing! I just wanted to thank the creators of my front cover, Hunter and Mitchell. I didn't ask for it or anything, they just did it and showed it to me which his absolutely awesome! Search up Spyderslicer on DeviantArt for the original. :)

Okay, I had to do a loooot of editing on this chapter. Because this is my first ever chapter to my first ever story, there was a lot to fix. Missing full stops, abrupt cut off lines, and general bad spelling mistakes littered it. But, I think I fixed it all, I hope. It is crazy to just come back to my first ever real attempt at a story and see how much my writing has changed. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!