So the happy couples have found their path, walking toward a future filled with adventure, treasure, and lots of kinky sex.



Has it really been that long since me last update? I see...

I speak, of course, of the lovely Gillian and Juliet, and their dashing male counterparts Cal and James.

But what of Eli? This narrator is not sure there will be room on that ship for a third man, certainly not one of third- nay, fifth wheel status. It seems Eli's time on this voyage has come to an end. It has come multiple times, many a time, in fact! Uhm...we will learn of his fate in the next chapter, for this chapter is all about the past. We learnt of how Juliet and Gillian first met, but how did Eli's turn as Cabin Boy first come to pass?

Lower the sails, mateys, there be terrible storms ahead...and this narrator does mean that sexually.

Things are about to get dirty.

Yo Ho!

Chapter 9: Eli's Test

About two years after their daring escape from deadly boredom at the hands of Edmund and Alec, Gillian and Juliet discovered they were missing a small piece to their perfect puzzle.

The previous night left them without the deep pleasure they normally gave each other. They'd fooled around, and it had been good to be sure, but one had grown frustrated when the other's usual tricks failed to cause a climax. They both felt horribly guilty over the whole thing, and they hadn't spoken much since it happened. It was the following day, at lunch time, and they were on dry land for a few days as they restocked their modest ship with supplies. They decided to stop at a tavern to eat and discuss where they would go after they set sail again. Juliet hadn't planned on discussing what had happened last night, as she didn't want to upset the natural balance of things, but it was weighing on Gillian's mind.

They were seated next to a curtained window. It was shady in that tavern, in more ways than one. The dim light hid the grunge that typified most of the patrons, and all of the grizzly old men were staring at the women with their mouths hanging open, eyes wide at the sight of the two beauties. Even while pirating, the ladies managed to stay clean. They sat in silence, quiet and enjoying being close to one another, until a cute little wench, a young woman with lots of curly blonde hair, delivered their food to them. The large sausage on Gillian's plate only served to remind her of their current problem, and it also inspired her to talk to Juliet about it.

"I'm sorry about last night." Gillian said, looking up at Juliet with a hesitance she wasn't used to feeling.

"As long as we're okay, you have nothing to be sorry about." Juliet said. Her sincerity and her smile made Gillian's heart melt a little.

"Of course we're okay." said Gillian. "I just don't want you to think you don't satisfy me, Juliet."

"But, last night...I didn't." Juliet smiled softly, letting Gillian know that, even though it made her sad, it was all right as long as they were being honest with each other.

"I love you." said Gillian, declaring very clearly and without a hint of doubt.

"I love you too." Juliet replied, her soft smile growing wider.

"More than anything." Gillian went on. "And sex with you is amazing. It's more than amazing, it...completes me." she gushed. "Your mouth and your hands can do things to me that I couldn't even imagine before I met you. But...sometimes..." Gillian lifted her fork, on which her sausage was completely speared through on all four tines, and she regarded its shape with a lust that was only partially related to the growl of her stomach. "Sometimes I just need to be filled with cock." she said simply.

"I understand." Juliet said, most understandingly. "And, again," she added, her eyebrows rising slightly as she looked over Gillian's foot long lunch. "I feel the same."

"How would you feel about..." Gillian began slowly.

"Adding another body to the equation?" Juliet finished in question, her tone hopeful.

Gillian smiled, pleased. "You always read my mind."

"I can't help it," Juliet smirked. "It's as dirty as mine."

Gillian sighed again, wondering where they were going to find someone worthy of sharing their bed. She threw an idle glance around the tavern, and all she saw were ugly, old, stinky men. The less opportunity she saw, the more desperate she felt. The toys of the day would not suffice. She wanted a warm body and a sharp mind to play with, and it was hard to find a decent man in their line of work, let alone an excpetional one - especially when one of her requirements was that they have all their teeth and all their limbs intact. The men that leered back at her as she surveyed the crowd all blended together, breathing heavy and all but drooling. She could have sworn one winked at her, but it could have just been something caught in his wooden eye.

And then Eli appeared.

Gillian caught sight of him just as he walked through the kitchen door. He had a dirty dish rag over his shoulder, and another in his hand. His clothing made him look poor, but he was young and handsome and his eyes had a brightness to them that set him apart from everyone else in the place.

Juliet was looking too. Her left eyebrow climbed a bit from its natural position, approval in her gaze. Eli walked to one of the other tables, and the customer there began chewing him out for not preparing his food the way he wanted. They couldn't hear what was being said over the din of the crowd, but it became apparent that Eli gave the rough looking customer some sass, because he ended up with a plate full of beef stew all over the front of his clothes.

"Oh!" Gillian giggled, joined by Juliet as they watched Eli close his eyes and sigh.

"Well, he doesn't have a short temper." Juliet observed, as Eli allowed the angry customer to shove his shoulder and storm out without paying. Eli merely took a step back and watched him leave with a smirk on his face, as if he couldn't have cared less. Then he disappeared back into the kitchen, presumably to clean himself up.

As he left the room, the cute little wench passed by. Gillian reached out to touch her arm and stop her.

"Would you please tell your cook to come to our table?" she asked sweetly.

"Who, Arzty?" the wench said affectionately. She looked in the direction of the kitchen door, and Gillian and Juliet followed her gaze just as Arzt, the older cook, literally kicked Eli out of his kitchen. The young man stumbled out, his shirt still wet from the mess he'd created.

"You're fired!" Arzt screamed, to which Eli raised his arms in an angrily dismissive shrug.

"No," Gillian said slowly. "Not 'Arzty'. The young one that just lost his job." She pointed, and the girl turned to look again.

"Oh, that's Eli. I'll let him know you want him."

"What's your name?" Juliet asked the wench flirtatiously before the girl turned to go.

"Claire." she replied with a shy smile. Gillian turned slowly to Juliet with eyebrows raised. Juliet looked back and shrugged innocently.

What? Juliet mouthed. Gillian smiled coyly in response, and Claire left to deliver their message.

They watched Claire walk up to Eli as he took off his apron in preparations for leaving and never coming back to the tavern ever again. Those women want to talk to you. said Claire, though they could only read her lips from that distance. Claire pointed at them, and Eli's gaze followed. He seemed quite confused. Gillian smiled, and waved, which only caused further confusion. He assumed they must have been unhappy with their food as well, and so he trudged over to them with a look on his face that said he was ready for one last tongue lashing before he left for good.

"As you may have noticed," he said, polite, sheepish and sarcastic all at once. "I was just fired, so please direct any complaints toward my former employer." he sighed, and thought about just turning and leaving right then. However, there was something about these women - these beautiful, confident, sexy, what-the-hell-are-they-doing-in-this-shitty-tavern women - that made him stay. The way they were looking at him, as if he were being made him curious as to what they had to say.

Gillian smiled up at him, enjoying very much the lingering concern on his face. She let his discomfort grow, allowing him to notice how damned attractive they were before she spoke.

"Would you like to have sex with me?" she asked, as if she were asking what the daily specials were.

Eli's resigned expression turned completely blank. That word alone always sent his imagination into fantasy land, and hearing it from a woman like Gillian - as part of a request, on top of that! - nearly caused his head to burst. He glanced over at her blonde companion, and Juliet looked back at him with an expression similar to Gillian's. Pleasant and patient, with more than a hint of undressing him with her eyes.

"I," he stammered as he turned back to Gillian. " that very much, thank you?"

"What about her?" Gillian asked casually, gesturing with her head toward Juliet. "Would you like to have sex with her too?"

"Oh." Eli said.. "Boy, would I."

"What about both of us at once?" Juliet asked.

Eli put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath to make sure he was still conscious. "Hoo!" Eli hooted before laughing aloud. "Ah, yes, I am fairly certain I would want to do that too." He nodded. "Frequently. And for very long periods of time."

A very pleased smile graced both of the ladies' faces. Gillian turned to look at Juliet, and without saying it, she knew.

"Congratulations, Eli." Gillian purred.

Eli's eyebrows began to climb. He looked at Gillian, then at Juliet, and then back at Gillian. They were staring at each other still, until Gillian slowly turned back to him.

"For what?" he asked.

"You've passed the first part of our test." she answered.

Eli smiled, relieved and happy and excited and also a little scared. "What's the second part?" he asked.

Before either woman could answer, the kitchen door slammed open and they all turned to look. Arzt took a step out. He was staring at Eli with an angry look of disbelief, and he imitated Eli's last confrontational shrug.

"Why are you still here?" the angry cook shouted.

Eli's brow furrowed, and he opened his mouth to shout something nasty back to Arzt, but he stopped when he felt a delicate hand on his wrist. He turned back to Gillian, and all the frustration he was feeling melted away when he heard what Gillian said next.

"Come with us." she suggested lightly, even though it was clearly an order, and Eli would clearly follow any order or suggestion she offered from now on. Come with them; Eli was quite certain he would.

Gillian stood along with Juliet, and they each took one of Eli's arms as they walked him out of the tavern. Arzt watched them go with crossed arms and an angry pout. Some guys had all the luck.

They led him to their ship, straight to the master bedroom where a large bed was waiting. Eli felt the whole time as if he was floating, on his way to a magical place. Before he realized what was happening, there were four hands undressing him, unbuttoning his shirt, unbuckling his belt, pushing and pulling until the clothes all fell away, leaving him with his pants around his ankles, otherwise naked and standing in the middle of the room.

Gillian and Juliet took a step back to look him over. They could each sense the other's excitement, a reflection of their own, as they took in his form. He was perfect. They'd chosen very wisely.

"Eli..." Gillian said, speaking slowly. He looked at her with an eager expression. "How long can you last?"

"I once masturbated for five hours in a row." Eli confessed without hesitation. "With breaks. I was bored." he explained, adding nervously to his answer as he waited to see what their reaction would be. "I only stopped because I was hungry."

Gillian bit her lip and reached for Juliet's hand. Juliet squeezed Gillian's hand and exhaled shakily. Eli looked at each of them, standing there staring at him.

"That was part two of the test, wasn't it?" he said.

"Mmhm." Gillian breathed, nodding as she stepped forward. She licked her lips; it was subtle, but Eli had been hard since they'd begun undressing him and the sight of her tongue, even the tip of it, wetting her lips sent another jolt through his body. He was nervous, but confident. He could do this. He just needed to be told what to do.

Her hands were on him, touching the tense muscles on his abdomen, his pecs, his shoulders. She wrapped her fingers around his neck, and then ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair, from the nape of his neck upward. His eyes closed, and he moaned low and deep in his throat. Gillian grinned. Boys did love having their scalp scratched by a woman's fingernails.

"Kiss me." said Gillian. Eli opened his eyes and saw her looking at him with an expression that made him feel absolutely owned. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. She found it was difficult to top the things Juliet did with her lips and tongue, but so far Eli had done nothing wrong. Gillian moaned a little moan, letting her mouth come open to see what Eli would do with a subtle invitation. He pressed his tongue inside her, tender even as he expressed his hunger. With his tongue still inside her mouth, he opened his eyes to check on Juliet. He wanted her approval too. She was standing a few steps behind Gillian, slowly unbuttoning her shirt while she watched them.

"Take her clothes off." said Juliet. Gillian broke the kiss and smiled at Eli, smiling also at Juliet's command.

"You kiss like a girl." said Gillian. Eli was reaching for the fastenings at her waist when she said it, and he suddenly looked at her with an incredulous smile.

"I'm not - " he began.

"I know you're not." Gillian interrupted him, taking his hard cock in her hand. Eli's eyes slipped closed and he groaned as she stroked him once, twice, three times. "Now undress me." she said.

"I ca-..." Eli struggled to speak. "When you do that..."

"Undress me." she ordered, continuing to run her soft hand up and down the length of him. She was asking if he could deny himself and take charge of the situation. With great difficulty, he did. He opened his eyes and took her hand from his cock, holding it behind her back as he went for her buttons again. She reached for him with her other hand, but he took that one too, and held her wrists tight together so he could continue. He kicked his own clothes away as he worked, gaining confidence from Gillian's submission.

"Kiss me again." said Gillian.

"When you're naked." he countered, as if he were in charge now. Gillian stepped out of the pants he pulled down her legs. When he saw her bare skin he felt weak again, and he felt he had to amend his statement. Half crouched on one knee, he looked up at her and said "When you're naked, I'll kiss you everywhere."

Gillian couldn't wait that long. She let him pull her panties down but after she'd stepped out of them, when he leaned in to kiss her there, she grabbed a handful of his black curls and pulled him away. "I don't want your tongue." she said. "I want your cock, and I want it inside of me now."

Eli stood, and he took her by the waist to lay her down on the bed. She'd unbuttoned her shirt, and as usual she wore nothing underneath. Her breasts looked so soft and inviting. He pressed his face against them as he laid on top of her, nuzzling them as he positioned himself between her legs. Just as the head of his cock brushed against the soft, inviting spot between her thighs, he felt the bed move. Juliet, completely naked and touching herself, laid down next to Gillian and kissed her mouth. Gillian reached for her, wrapping one arm around Juliet's neck to pull her closer. Juliet's hand, the one she was using to pleasure herself, left that cozy spot and reached down between the bodies of the other two, touching Gillian, rubbing her with a long-term lover's familiarity. Eli looked down and saw how soft Gillian was, how wet, how easy it was for Juliet to press her fingers into those folds. And then Juliet's hand reached for Eli. She wrapped her hand around him, and then turned to him, to taste his mouth. He kissed her in a different way than he'd kissed Gillian. There were already two women in the equation; they needed him to be harder.

He was hard, harder still when Juliet stroked him so close to Gillian's entrance. Gillian watched them kiss, and she watched what they were doing between her legs. She could see the way Eli's hips thrust as he fucked Juliet's hand, and she moaned because she wanted to feel that inside of her.

"Now," she moaned, "Fuck me now."

Juliet and Eli abandoned their kiss, and Juliet returned her hand to Gillian, rubbing her in circles, spreading her open as Gillian spread her own legs. Eli braced himself, upright on his knees, and lowered his hips. Juliet watched Gillian's face, moved her hand and held Gillian's thigh in a tight grip so Gillian could concentrate on the feeling of Eli pushing into her. It had been so long for both of them, and Juliet could almost feel it when Gillian arched her back. She was tight, and Eli entered her in stages, prolonging the anticipation. They all held their breath, and when he was finally all the way inside of her they all called out at once, a loud, collective moan.

Juliet leaned close to Gillian, her supportive hand gliding up her body, sliding under the sides of Gillian's shirt to caress her breasts.

"How does that feel?" Juliet asked her, referring to Eli. He'd stopped in place, taking a break to compose himself. He didn't want to blow his load before they even got started; that would mean failure on so many levels, he didn't even want to think about it. Putting the thought of coming out of his mind, of coming before both ladies had gotten their fill, Eli bowed his head and thought instead about what he had to do to please them both.

"How does it feel?" Juliet asked again. Gillian writhed next to her, still adjusting to the sudden presence inside of her.

"He's so hard," Gillian moaned. She cried out, an indistinct sound when Eli's hips thrust involuntarily at the sound of her voice. "And big..." she marveled. "Oh god, he filled me up, Juliet..."

Eli began to rock his hips toward her, again and again, with shallow but quick thrusts that only gave the river between her legs a stronger current. She liked the feeling, a full set of man's hips between her thighs, slowly building up to the hard fuck she'd been craving. And Eli was young enough to hump her for days without getting bored, without getting tired, without getting impatient for a climax.

"Does it feel good?" Eli asked her. She was enjoying it - the sounds in her throat and the pained and pleasured expressions on her face made that clear - but he wanted it to be better.

"It feels amazing." Gillian assured him. She reached up to stroke his face, to brush the curls of hair from his forehead as he thrust into her again and again. He withdrew further, and thrust deeper. She gasped and clutched his shoulder, scratched at his back, opened her legs further and let him inside.

"Tell me what you want me to do." he said. She was kissing Juliet again, and Juliet was kissing her. The women moaned in response, to Eli, to each other. To all of it. "I'll do everything I can." he told them. Juliet was kissing her all over her neck, licking her breasts, desperate to be a part of her pleasure. But Gillian wanted more than that for Juliet.

"I want you to pleasure her while you fuck me." Gillian told him, struggling for breath. "I want you to make her scream," said Gillian. "Because when she screams, I'll come all over your cock." Gillian placed her hand at the back of Eli's neck, pulling his head down so she could put her lips right next to his ear. "And then you can come anywhere you want."

Eli's head swam with possibilities. Juliet's hand was between her own legs again. She was on her back, positioning herself further up on the bed. All he could do was thrust harder and think about it, until Juliet positioned herself with one thigh as Gillian's pillow. When he saw Juliet there, right next to Gillian's face, he followed instinct and buried his face between her legs. Gillian turned her head and watched up close as Eli licked Juliet for the first time. It made her think about her own first time with Juliet, and she felt nothing but happy for Eli. Gillian listened to Juliet's deep moan, and she saw one of Juliet's deceptively delicate hands grab Eli by the hair and push him closer, deeper. If there had been any danger of losing lubrication, the danger was lost upon seeing Eli press his mouth against Juliet's sex, opening his mouth and pushing his tongue between her lips. He never lost the rhythm of his hips as he did so, only going harder and faster the louder the women moaned for him.

Eli heard Gillian mutter something unbelievably dirty and he pulled away from Juliet, accepting the pain of pulled hair so he could kiss Gillian and give her a taste. He pumped into her harder, catching the excitement of the women as it reached new heights. He went back to kissing Juliet, and both women moaned louder and longer than before. They both shook gently with the motion of the bed, the motion caused by Eli's hard thrusting, and he used the natural vibration to his advantage.

He'd always been the weird kid who could pat his head and rub his tummy at the same time. Yes, it was just like that. Gillian was so tight, and she was clutching at him the way Juliet was clutching the back of his head. The way they were both soaking him with their pleasure definitely gave Eli's ego a boost. His good friend and mentor Richard Alpert always told him that the measure of a man's self esteem should be in direct proportion to how well he can satisfy a woman. Satisfying two women at once, Eli was going to need a whole new scale.

He lost track of time, completely lost in his task and enjoying himself as much as they were enjoying his talents. Half an hour passed easily; he could have gone on this way for the rest of the night, and they surely would have found ways to use that stamina, but the ladies had come to this party ready to climax their cock-hungry brains out, and the fact that he was already doing so well for himself made it easy for them to reach their goal.

So Eli kept humping, thrusting wildly with his hips, and he kept eating, lapping with his tongue, and he hoped that it could go on for just a little longer - in case they decided after all that this was a one time deal. Oh, but those sounds they made, the way they both moved underneath him, because of him, one because of the other and what he was doing to them both...Eli had to concentrate hard, he had to focus. They were both getting close and if he could make them come at the same time, if their orgasms overlapped even for a second, he knew he'd have achieved something truly special.

"She's so close, Eli." Gillian panted, because she knew better than the both of them. "Make her come."

Juliet's knuckles were white, her hand fisted in Eli's hair. She gasped and moaned over and over, her head tipped back and then tipped forward as she writhed, trying to find just the right position. Gillian's head kept one thigh weighted to the bed, Juliet's other leg bent at a wide angle as Eli flattened his tongue against her, applying as much pressure as he could. The rocking motion created by fucking Gillian was all that was needed. Juliet shook gently, thrusting her hips up in the same rhythm as Eli's. Gillian could feel it, all of them connected and moving together. She heard Juliet's shouting moans, and she dug the fingernails of the tense hand she held at Eli's back into his skin like a spur.

"Keep going," Gillian gasped, her own orgasm beginning to sneak up on her. Eli pulled out of her and plunged deep inside, deeper and harder than before. She cried out too, and the twin female voices rushed into his ears. Even Eli's uncontrollable moans joined the chorus. He'd done as he was told, he'd made Juliet scream and Gillian was joining her, completely lost, her back arching against Juliet's shaking body. He was making two women come at the same time and, if they were true to their word, they'd do anything for him to return the favor.

When Juliet had squeezed the last tremor of orgasm from her body, when she'd had enough and couldn't take anymore, she pulled Eli's hair and gently pushed him away from her. She cried out weakly, a whimper as she collapsed onto the bed. He quickly covered Gillian's body with his own, bowing his head next to hers, concentrating all energy in his hips to make sure she kept coming as long as possible. She clutched at him a while longer, moaning and sighing into his ear. As the pulsing rhythm inside of her began to slow, so did Eli. He felt her hands on his head, smoothing the hair that Juliet had been pulling.

She was technically still coming when she told him - "I think Juliet should feel you now."

They heard Juliet moan. Eli looked up at the blonde, whose legs were still spread wide as she rested. Gillian stroked his back, tilting her head so she could look up at Juliet too. Juliet nodded her consent. Eli looked back at Gillian, and she kissed his lips, echoing Juliet's wordless consent with her own.

With concern for Gillian's comfort, Eli slipped out of her, careful not to do so too quickly. She moaned with relief, though she lamented the sudden emptiness inside of her. It was going to take a while to recover from that. Eli kissed her cheek, and she smiled, reaching up again to stroke his hair. Her fingers brushed Juliet's. Gillian shifted, moving her legs to let Eli crawl past her, toward Juliet. He knelt between the other woman's legs, taking up the same positon he had for Gillian. Gillian joined them, laying down next to Juliet as Eli began to penetrate her.

"Not wasting any time?" Gillian teased him lightly. She understood the eagerness to get inside Juliet.

"You both feel so good." said Eli, his voice strained from renewed pleasure, and by the chuckle of disbelief he uttered as a result of being allowed to get anywhere near these women, let alone into their bed. Juliet gasped slowly as he filled her up. They'd been with other men before but this was the first time having one since they'd run away together, and it was the first man they'd shared.

"Doesn't he feel amazing?" Gillian asked.

"Ohhh, god," Juliet moaned as Eli's cock went in and out. She turned her head to look at Gillian, slipping her hand up Gillian's arm to clutch at her shoulder. "I love you so much, but I missed this..."
Gillian grinned. They kissed hard on the lips, and then looked down Juliet's body at the young man that was once again between her legs.

"You want to come inside of me?" Juliet asked, perfectly willing to let him do so. His eyes were closed, and he groaned as if it pleased him to the point of pain to think about it. "Do you, Eli?" she asked again.

"Or do you want to come in my mouth?" asked Gillian. The boy, bless him, actually blushed when he heard those words leave Gillian's pretty mouth. He opened his eyes and stared at her mouth, gulping when her tongue crept out to lick her lips. She bit her bottom lip and then released it, keeping her mouth slightly open so he could think about it. His own mouth moved, but he couldn't answer. He couldn't decide.

Gillian turned her head and nuzzled Juliet's cheek with her nose. She started a trail of kisses at her temple that went across her cheek before reaching her lips again. They frenched each other, and Gillian's soft hands caressed Juliet's skin, moving up from her belly to squeeze her breasts in a lusty grip. That's when Eli knew.

"Her tits." he croaked, moaning afterward. "Oh god, on your tits, both of you."

Gillian's approval came out as a satisfied moan. She was still half-wearing her shirt. She arched her back, contorting her body so she could slip out of the shirt and lay naked next to Juliet.

"Tell us when you're close." she said, her voice low, still facing Juliet and nuzzling her nose.

"We want to see your face when you do it." Juliet said softly, looking into Gillian's eyes and kissing her lips again.

The velvet in their voices brought him very close indeed. For another minute he was pumping into Juliet, and the girls made out, touching and sucking on each other's breasts, putting on a show to get Eli hot and bothered enough to cover them both. When he began to moan and breath in an irregular pattern, Juliet and Gillian looked up at him. They could tell by the way his head moved, he was trying to make it last as long as possible - and that the end was nigh.

"Come for us, Eli." said Gillian.

"Come all over us." said Juliet.

"Cover us with it..."

"Drown us in it..."

Eli cried out, quickly pulling himself out of Juliet and masturbating for a grand total of two seconds before he started ejaculating. He moaned and thrust his hips toward them, spreading himself evenly between the two of them, alternating between squeezing his eyes shut and forcing them open so he could see what he was doing. Juliet and Gillian moaned and cooed from below, appreciative of the warm blanketing they received. They were flat on their backs, pressed to each other's sides, heads turned, licking each other's tongues, and Eli just kept coming.

"Mmm," Juliet groaned lazily. Gillian chuckled in the same relaxed tone. They looked into each other's eyes as the last warm drops landed on Juliet's belly.

"So, what do you think?" Gillian asked Juliet. They glanced at Eli. He was catching his breath, his eyelids heavy from all the energy spent. From his knees he sat back on his heels, resting his hands on his hips.

"I think we should keep him." Juliet said, her tone quite matter-of-fact. Gillian grinned and bit her bottom lip. They turned their heads back toward each other, and Juliet smiled.

"I think we should keep him too."

"I think," said Eli. "That's a great idea." He smiled, and moved as if he were going to lie down next to Gillian.

"Ah," Gillian stopped him, suddenly all business. "You're not finished yet."

Eli froze mid-crawl. "...I'm not?" he asked.

Gillian shook her head. "Nope." she said. "You have to clean us up."

The right half of Eli's mouth turned up in a half smile. It was adorable, sheepish yet cheeky, as if he was debating whether or not to say something.

"I was sort of hoping you'd lick it off each other." he said.

The ladies smiled warmly at him.

"You're a lucky boy, Eli." said Juliet.

"But not that lucky." said Gillian. Eli grinned. Their warm smiles were actually sort of bossy, and he liked it.

"Use your shirt." said Juliet, another one of her soft commands. "And clean this mess up."

At this, Eli hesitated. "...My shirt?"

The ladies nodded in unison.

"It's...the only one I own." he told them, embarrassed now.

"We have others." Juliet assured him. "You'll have plenty more to choose from."

"You have men's shirts?" Eli asked. "Just, laying around?"

"We're pirates, Eli." Gillian reminded him. "We've been collecting men's...things for a few years now."

Juliet giggled, which caused Gillian to look at her and giggle in response. Juliet smiled brightly. Gillian grinned. They shared a kiss. Eli chuckled, and he glanced around the room as he dismounted the bed and reached for the shirt they'd thrown to the floor. Their bedroom was filled with all sorts of trinkets and decorations. He hadn't noticed them on the way in - he'd been a wee bit distracted - but now that he looked at them, he realized those were just the items that they had on display. Who knew what treasures they stored below?

He climbed back on the bed, and they interrupted their kiss to watch him cover his hand with his only shirt. He mopped up the beautiful mess he'd made, sweeping the fabric over Juliet's breasts and across her chest and stomach, picking up every trace. It had begun to dry already, but that was just fine; they'd all be taking a bath together soon. He moved to Gillian next, using a fresh area of shirt and cleaning her in the same gentle and meticulous way he'd cleaned Juliet. They gazed up and him, and watched his slow and steady movements with kind smiles.

"Will you be our cabin boy, Eli?" Juliet asked him as he worked. "Cook for us, guard us?"

"Make sure no one steals our treasure?" Gillian added with a smirk.

"I would be honored." he said, with another good-natured, lopsided smile.

"We can't promise every day will be like this one." said Gillian.

"But we reward hard work and good behavior." said Juliet.

"Then I'll work my hardest." said Eli. "And I'll be on my best."

He was still wiping his semen from Gillian's chest. She placed her hand on his wrist, stopping him gently.

"That's good." she said, inviting him with a smile to join them. Juliet scooted over, and Gillian made room as well, so he could lie down between them. With a sigh, he twisted and flopped down on his back, looking up at the ceiling as the ladies snuggled in close on either side. He put his arms around their shoulders, knowing full well he was the luckiest man on the planet, on land or at sea. He also knew this king-like position was a role he was playing for the day.

"Maybe next time you can sit on my face while she rides me." he said, sounding as happy to suggest it as he was willing to do it.

"Alright." said Gillian, as if she'd really decided it this time. It didn't even matter who he meant by you, or who he meant by her. The boy was on top of things and thinking ahead. She raised her head to give his cheek a kiss. "We're keeping you."

And they did. They reeeally did. They kept him, he was theirs, and he was a damn good cabin boy, cook and sex slave for a few good years. But even the best cabin boys have dreams of their own, and now that James and Cal are in the picture - we haven't yet seen them cook, but they can get a decent meal on the table - Eli has a chance to fulfill one or two! BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ELI, I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL ONLY MENTION HIS NAME LIKE ONCE OR TWICE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER.