Well sorry for not updating in such a long time but I sorta lost my drive for this story. So sorry a billion times if this final chapter sucks as much as I think it is going to. It's gonna be short since it's a bit like an epilogue.

Disclaimer: You know the drill.

Chapter Thirteen: The Finale!

Fred sniggered as he shoved his younger borther into the snow. "Yield, Ronniekins! Yield!" Ron's long limbs were flailing out on either side of him, one mitten-less hand tried to smack at Fred but the redheaded joke shop owner just shoved the hand away. Then Ron began yelling something, but his brother couldn't hear what he was saying do to the fact his face was pressed into the ground and his voice was muffled.

"What? I didn't seem to catch that, ickle Ronnie." Fred asked gleefully. He let up on the preassure he was putting on Ron's head just enough for him to turn it to the side.

"Alright! I yield, now get off you bloody idiot!" he howled.

"Okay." Fred got to his feet again, making sure to shove Ron's face into the snow one more time.

As he staggered a bit, trying to regain his footing, a piece of cardboard fluttered out of his pocket. Not that he, or anyone else, noticed.

About five minutes later Ginny came out along with her future son and nephew. They walked up to the twins looking exasperated and a little eager. Fred wondered if they had found the instructions. He would be glad to see the kitchen looking less vulgar but would still be sad to see his future family go, taking his memories of this adventure with them. Especially since he would never get to know them either. He would be dead. . . .

He suppressed a sigh, looking over at his twin. He knew how badly his death will effect George, and he didn't really want his best friend to go through so much pain. But, Fred thought with conviction, George would pull through it; hadn't these time travelers already told him that?

"So what brings your search out here, my friends?" George questioned the approaching people. For some reason though James was slowing down, falling behind the other two. Fred paid that no mind though and fell into a conversation with his little sister.

James thought he had just seen a bit of blue over in the snow. . . there! Then Lily and Hugo, chased by Teddy and Victoire, darted across his line of vision and he lost sight of that blue thing. He paused. Had he just been imagining it? Had the package even been blue?

He continued over to that spot, though, if only to satisfy his curiousity. There, in the snow, was a square of cardboard. James plucked it off the ground and squinted at the thing through strands of his red hair.

He jumped in delight and called, "I found it!"

Everyone looked at him in surprise. "How'd it get out here?" asked Al.

"I dunno. But I found it!" James replied.


They stood in the now normal kitchen split into two groups, future people and past people.

They had said their tearful good-byes and now everyone was preparing themselves for having their minds wiped on the past people side. Hermione would do this task, because Harry and Ron were both still pretty bad at it.

She waved her wand in an intricate pattern and murmured, "Obliviate." Everyone slumped over their eyes drooping and unfocused. The adults worked quickly to transport the people who had not been there originally back to their resprective homes and moved the people who were there for the holiday into different rooms so it wouldn't look like they were all shoved in one place for no reason.

Then the future people grouped together and Hermione set the time turner to the year they were in and twirled the hourglass. They all disappeared with a flash.

When they reappeared in Grimmauld Place Lily sighed. "I wish they could've kept their memories. Maybe it would've changed some things."

Her father pulled her into a hug. "But it might have also changed so much that you or james or Al or any of your cousins hadn't been born. Someone else might have died when they shouldn't have. We may not like that we couldn't seve those we did loose but we have to know they wouldn't want us to regret anything. The would want us to be happy." Hary told her.

Ginny nodded. "That's right sweetheart."

So with that they, and their family, descended down into Number Twelve Grimmauld Place's kitchen to inform everyone else that they were home and safe.


So that's the end of my story! I would like to dedicate it to everyone who stuck with it and reviewed and made me very happy by praising it! P.S. If any of you like Star Wars I have started a sort of AU fanfic for that. The summary is: The law has changed at the end of TPM and now Jedi can have families. Anakin is raised on Naboo being taught the ways of the force by Obi-Wan, who has help from Siri Tachi. Will this change his destiny? Def. Anakin/Padmé ?Siri/Obi-Wan? Pretty much the overall point of this story is that I hated that Anakin turned into Darth Vader and I locked myself in a bathroom and cried when Padmé died so I wanted to explore a little world of my own creation where everyone is not killed and Anakin and Padmé can be together openly. Please read and enjoy! Also I wanted to know your opinion on my other HP time travel story Sirius, Harry, and the Time Travel Potion. I'm debating on deleting it because I just don't have that drive to keep writing for it. What do you think I should do?