
A/N: Got an idea for this after reviewing a safety procedure for a potentially dangerous person in a school. Enjoy!

Summary: "May...good luck out there..." he whispered to her faintly.


"Class, there have been reports of a suspicious person in the school."

The whole class gasped simultaneously. A young brunette became extremely worried as she looked at the empty seat beside her.

'Brendan...get back here soon idiot!' she thought.

The class went back to working, but they all found it extremely hard to concentrate when they knew that some guy with a gun/knife was wandering around. 15 minutes later, everything was back to normal - paper airplanes flying, extemely high noise levels, and PokeGears blasting on the radio.


The sound of a gunshot rang through Petalburg High, all going silent. May dashed out of the classroom, her teacher screaming at her to come back, but she ignored her warnings.

"BRENDAN!" she shrieked, quickly kneeling by the white-haired boy's side. Her class followed her out, gasping at the sight.

"Brendan! What happened? Are you alright?" she asked shook his head with all the strength he had.

"Shot...he-he shot me..." he tried to explain. It was quite evident, because blood was quickly draining from him, his face soon becoming as white as his hair.

"Brendan! Hold on!" May said, quickly pulling out her pink PokeGear he gave her as a present when she was 10. She quickly called 911, as the operator quickly assured that they would be there soon.

"Brendan, they're coming, okay?" he was unresponsive.

"Brendan! Brendan! Talk to me!" she begged frantically.

"May...good luck out there..."

"And know...that I will always love you..."

And knowing that she held his last words, Brendan Birch took his last breath, and closed his eyes never to reveal the shining rubies under his eyelids again.



Review, please!