Title: I don't know 8/8
Author: Lysangelle
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: NC-17

Spoiler Alert: Post 7x07 "That's me trying". If you didn't see it and prefer to stay spoiler free, you shouldn't read this as some hints to it and following episodes are bound to show up in the story. But I'll miss you J

Summary: Final chapter. Arizona goes back to SGMW to get the rest of her life back.

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

A/N: Here we are. The last chapter of a very special story for me. It's longer that the previous chapters because I wanted to leave you with some more steaminess. I want to thank again those of you who stuck with me all the way. For your loyalty and the amazing feelings your renewed comments brought me with each new chapter, you guys rocks. Thank you a million times.

Chapter 8

Arizona Robbins woke up from the feeling of warm lips caressing her naked throat and chest. She brought her hands up and buried them in a thick mass of black curls, keeping the mouth close to her.

"You can wake me up this way for the next million of mornings." She muttered in a sleep hoarse voice.

Callie chuckled from her spot on the naked chest and snorted when the small but insistent hands directed her mouth down toward an already hardening nipple.

Both women's breathing was quickening when a loud pounding on the front door made them jump.

"Torres! What the Hell! Open that door." A deep voice resounded from the other side of the hard wood. "Since when are you locking that damn door!"

Callie groaned; "Mark! I can't believe it! He must have a 'lesbian sex is happening' radar."

Arizona looked up at her lover's face; "You locked the door?" She stated more than asked. "You actually locked the front door."

Callie searched the blue eyes of her girlfriend and found only wonder.

"Well yeah," she answered a bit embarrassed. "I didn't want someone like…Mark to burst in."

Her reward came under the form of a deep passionate kiss that made her moan in her blond lover's mouth.

"Callie! I swear if you're in there, behind a LOCKED door, doing something you shouldn't, I'll be killing you!"

Arizona burst out laughing as Callie hid her face in a handy pale and gracious neck.

"Hey, even I have to recognize that he's, at least, taking great care of your well-being." The blonde teased.

Callie chuckled as she lifted her head to drop a tender kiss on Arizona's lips.

"You just stay in bed and relax and I'll take care of him."

"Works for me. But only if you come back to bed when you're done." Arizona answered with another kiss.

"Oh you drive a hard bargain, Dr Robbins. But I think I can live up to it."

Arizona watched as Callie got up, grabbed a robe and walked naked to the bedroom's door, only putting the robe after she stepped out and pulled the door closed behind her.

"Oh you! Stop torturing me!" Arizona yelled after her lover, making Callie laughed loudly.

"Ok! Ok! You can stop that; I'll need that door a while longer!" Callie yelled to cover to sound of the pounding as she walked to the shaking door.

She waited for the pounding to stop before opening the door to a frazzled looking Mark.

"Why did you lock the door? You never lock the door! That door is an open book, except that it's a … door! Why was it locked?" Mark rambled.

Callie smiled at her BFF; "Thanks for worrying."

"I wasn't worried!" The tall man tried to defend himself. "I was just… frustrated. Yeah that's it! You can't stop a manwhore from accidentally stumbling over his half naked BFF that way. It's… immoral!"

Callie laughed and briefly hugged the man.

"Common, I'll make you some coffee." She said as she pushed him toward the kitchen counter before getting busy with the French press.

Mark sat on one of the high stool.

"I should be the one making you coffee with that thing, at my place."

The dark-haired woman snorted.

"Are you going to tell me why the door was locked?" Mark asked again.

Callie turned to him with a huge happy smile on her face.

"Arizona is home, Mark." The ortho surgeon admitted happily. "She came home last night."

"Really?" the tall man asked with his own happy smile. "That's cool, lemme go say hi!" he finished, getting up and turning to the close by bedroom door.

"Oh no, no, no!" Callie laughed as she moved quickly to grab his arm across the counter. "My woman is in bed, naked; you're not bursting in on her! She got her fair share of that."

The manwhore turned back to his BFF with a major pout on his face.

"Partypooper." He mumbled.

"Look, Mark, we need to talk." Callie said seriously.

"I think I know where this is going, Cal."

"Listen, I want you to know you'll always be my best friend and I'll be here for you no matter what, like you've been for me. But we need to stop being attached at the hip." Callie started sincerely. "I almost lost Arizona again and it made me see things in a way I wasn't before. I understand now that my partner, and my relationship with her, need to be my priority."

Mark nodded. "I understand, Callie. I really do."

"Yeah," the woman smiled a bit awkwardly. "It means I can't invite you in our bed anymore. DO NOT even think it." She rushed to add.

Mark chuckled.

"And it means you can't just come and go around here unannounced anymore. Bursting in on us during… intimate moments… well it has to stop. It's on the inappropriate side." Callie finished, not wanting to hurt her friend's feelings.

The tall man smiled with affection.

"It's ok, Callie. I guess it is really time to grow up huh? I understand what you mean. I'll try hard to be more respectful of your and Arizona's privacy. But hey it's still me, I can't promise perfection!"

They both laughed and Callie moved around to hug her best friend again.

"Thanks Mark."

"Hey what are BFF for, huh?" The plastic surgeon quipped.

He grabbed the mug Callie placed in front of him and started toward the front door; "I still can steal your dishes though, right?"

Callie shook her head at him, a knowing grin on her face.

Just as he reached the door, Mark turned back to her.

"I'm really happy for both of you, Cal. Say hi to Blondie for me. I'll see her around sometimes. Now go back to your naked woman." He finished with a manwhore smirk.

And with that he was gone.

The shifting of the bed brought Arizona out of her dozing state. She smiled as a warm naked body wrapped around hers from behind. A long arm wrapping around her and a strong hand slipping into hers.

"Hey you." Callie whispered in case that her lover was asleep again, dropping a light kiss on Arizona's temple.

"Hey. How did it go?"

Callie smirked; "Well I can't promise Mark is suddenly going to turn into McHoly, but he promised to try and stay out of our private life… Well out of our bedroom at least."

Arizona laughed.

"What's really matter to me is that you had that talk with him."

"I heard everything you said during our time apart, Arizona. I really did. And I won't make the same mistakes again. We'll work together on our relationship like we promised." Callie confessed in a low voice.

The blonde brought the hand that was holding hers up to her mouth and kissed it.

"What are you planning to do today?" Callie asked as she nuzzled a sweet smelling neck.

"Well, it depends." Arizona distractedly answered. "Can we stay in bed and fuck each other brains out all day?"

Callie laughed; "You have a dirty mouth on you, Robbins!"

"Yeah but you love what it does to you, Torres." The innocent looking paeds surgeon quipped.

"Oh I more than love it, baby." The taller woman answered. "But to answer your question; no we can't. I really have to go to work today. Webber is still on my case for some reason."

Arizona groaned her disappointment.

"Well, then I'm going to the hospital with you. I want to see our friends. And I have some serious jerk attending ass kicking to do."

Callie chuckled; "Oh you heard about Stark then?"

"Yeah, both Teddy and Bailey mentioned him in their emails. I can't believe how he messed up with my department."

"Ouh, you're hot when you're getting all possessive! Your department, huh?"

"Hell yeah; MY department. Those are my kids and my staff. I won't let a lazy assed troll mess things up for them."

Callie smiled, she really had her feisty love back and she couldn't be happier.

"Yes ma'am, whatever you say."

Callie and Arizona were walking hand in hand toward the hospital's front doors. They had quite a hard time getting out of bed but duty was calling.

They walked slowly, bumping shoulders while teasing each other in low voices. Callie was slightly anxious though. She was wondering how her lover was going to take her spontaneous decision, knowing Arizona's dislike of surprises. At least the short time that Arizona had left her alone, while she was freshening up, only allowed her to text Mark, Teddy and Bailey. If her girlfriend was taking it badly she expected Arizona would only kill her halfway.

Once inside the huge building, Callie pulled Arizona to the attending locker room.

"Dr Torres," Arizona started with a fake innocent look as Callie was opening the door for her, "if you're planning on workplace's sexcapade, I'll remind you that the locker room doesn't lock."

"I'll just pretend I didn't just hear sex and workplace in the same sentence." A stern voice said, making Arizona look away from her girlfriend and focus on the trio that was waiting for them in the room.

A huge happy smile appeared on four faces as Bailey tried without much success to keep her usual stern face. Arizona rushed inside to room, Callie hot on her heels.

Teddy was the first one to jump on her self-declared best friend to hug her tight.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back, I should yell at you but I'm just too glad to have you back!"

Arizona chuckled as she hugged the taller blonde back.

"I wasn't sure until last minute that I would make it."

"Hey Altman! Leave some of the lady for the others, there's not much of her to start with!" A booming voice interrupted.

Arizona stepped away from the heart surgeon and turned to a grinning Sloan.

"Mark. I should have guessed." The blonde quipped with a mischievous smile.

"Come here, short stuff." The tall man said, opening his arms to her.

Arizona walked into his arms and gave him a hard squeeze.

"We missed you." Sloan whispered in her ear as he hugged her and she knew he was speaking of Callie but not only.

Arizona moved back a step and smiled at him, she knew what a good friend Mark had been to Callie during her time in Malawi.

"Hey, but where is your tan?" Sloan teased, "You don't spend seven months in Africa and stay as pale as you were when you left!"

"Sloan, look at me!" Arizona pretended to frown, "You're a plastic surgeon, do you imagine this pale skin reacting to the Africa sun in any other way than turning as red as a cooked Maine lobster?"

Everyone in the room burst out laughing. They sure had missed the sunny woman's humor and brightening mood.

"Ok! Ok! You two said your welcome," Bailey interrupted, "Now it's time to go back to work, shoo!"

Both much taller surgeons hurried to obey the impressive if diminutive woman. They each squeezed Arizona and Callie's hand on their way out.

"Now," Bailey started again. "Dr Robbins, come here right this minute."

Arizona looked at Callie with a questioning look but walked up to the short woman and was instantly pulled in a very tight hug.

The blonde smiled happily as she wrapped her own arms around the shorter woman.

"I missed you too, Miranda." Arizona said quietly.

Bailey gave her a last squeeze before releasing her. Her dark eyes suspiciously bright.

"Don't you dare leave like that again, Robbins." She said raising warning index finger in Arizona's face.

"No ma'am." The blonde answered with a good behaved kid voice that made Callie snort.

"Good." The stern wannabe said firmly before heading to the door.

Bailey turned around as if she just remembered an important point.

"And by the way, this never happened."

Both Arizona and Callie chuckled as Miranda Bailey left the locker room.

Callie walked up to her lover and took her in her arms.

"Are you happy?"

Arizona answered with a tender kiss; "I'm very happy, Calliope."

Callie was about to suggest they could pile up benches in front of the door when her pager went on.

"Dammit!" She cursed; "We're doomed today!"

The blonde laughed.

"Make sure you're finishing early and I promise we'll squirrel at home, turn off all the distracting accessories and just do more catching up."

Callie quickly released her lover and turned to her locker; "Let me get started then, the sooner I start, the sooner I finish." The dark-haired woman resolutely answered.

Arizona chuckled and walked up to her girlfriend to drop a kiss on a now uncovered shoulder.

"You do that, baby. I'll go see Chief Webber and I'll meet you later for lunch." The blonde said between nibbles to the soft, warm shoulder.

"Arizona! You're not helping here!"

The shorter woman laughed, gave a harder bite to the round body part and walked away quickly before Callie could grab her.

"See you later, baby." She mischievously called back.

Arizona was smiling as she walked back to the main hospital building after her meeting with the Chief. Webber had been very happy to see her back and had received her demand to be reinstated as the pediatric department's head with obvious relief.

The blonde knew that Webber was mostly considering the good name that having a Carter Madison grant recipient as an attending would give to SGMW but she didn't care. All that mattered was that she might get her job back and soon be working among her second family again.

And the thought that Webber probably stopped only seeing her as the surgeon that was crying when confronted to figures of authority was a welcome bonus.

She was walking down the long hallways leading inside the paeds department, thinking that she needed to dig out for her Heelys, when she heard her name being called quite loudly.

Looking around she spotted an unusually happy looking Alex Karev rushing toward her.

"Dr Robbins! Dude, did I miss you!" He exclaimed as he roughly wrapped her in a hug.

Arizona chuckled as she patted the broad back of her star student with affection.

"It's good to be back, Karev."

"Karev, take your paws off of my girlfriend!" Callie yelled from the end of the hallway. A sudden rush of jealousy filling her. "Someone find me a brick!"

Karev instantly let go of a smirking Arizona and stepped back quite a few steps. His face sporting his usual closed expression.

"What's with you lesbians and bricks anyway!" He asked as Callie was siding up to her girlfriend.

Arizona bit her lip as Alex turned around and rushed away.

"What did he mean exactly?" Callie asked turning to her lover.

"I think he just discovered he has a brick phobia." The blonde answered then she visibly shivered.

"That was a bit disturbing." She mumbled.

"What was?" Callie asked. "The brick thing?"

"No. Having Karev hug me. Probably because of the day he told me I have hot boobs and that he was watching them." Arizona answered like she was lost in disturbing thoughts.

Callie turned a deep red with anger.

"He what? KAREV!" The bone breaker started down the hallway where Karev disappeared.

Callie was trying to defend herself, explaining how she was just looking for her girlfriend in paeds when she saw Karev holding onto Arizona in a totally inappropriate way, while the table load of attendings was laughing loudly.

Arizona comfortingly patted her lover's knee while Mark, Teddy, Owen and even Bailey were fighting to get their breath back after laughing so hard.

"You're all bad, bad friends." Callie pouted as she pushed food around her plate, sending the others into another fit of giggles.

"So, Arizona, when are you coming back to work?" Teddy asked finally.

The paeds surgeon shrugged; "I'm not sure. Webber seemed in favor of giving me the job back but I guess there's some things to take care of before that can happen."

"Oh you mean McLazy?" Mark stated more than asked.

"I only heard rumors but if only half of them are true, that guy is a disgrace to medicine." Owen said.

"Stark is in no way, shape or form nearly good enough to fill Arizona's caring and wheels wearing shoes!" Bailey uncharacteristically exclaimed.

All the attendings turned to the short woman in surprise.

"What she said!" Mark exclaimed, expressing the opinion of every person sitting around the table.

It's at that time that a small man wearing the regular attending dark blue scrubs rushed in the cafeteria and came to stand in front of their table. His eyes checking out every face until he stopped on the only face he didn't see around before.

"So you're the famous Dr. Robbins that everyone's talking about today." Dr Stark started distastefully. "What do you think you're doing exactly? Everyone in this hospital seems to be announcing that their real head of pediatrics is back."

Arizona squeezed Callie's knee before the tall woman had the chance to get up.

"Dr Stark, I really don't think this is the time or place to have this conversation." Arizona said quietly, looking around as a hint of the many people surrounding them.

The woman's attempt at discretion was thwarted when the now furious man kept going.

"You've been going around my department all morning, checking on things, what are you trying to do?"

Arizona squeezed the knee that had tensed under her hand harder.

"For your information; I was visiting the nurses I've been working with for years and a few of my old patients that unfortunately were back again."

Every eye now being on the commotion created by Stark, no one noticed Chief Webber as he entered the cafeteria and stepped closer.

"Well, from now on, I'd ask you to stay away from my department, your presence obviously created a disturbance that might be harmful for the service."

Stark loudly stated.

Arizona's eyes turned to slits as she stood up to face the man.

"Excuse me?" She started in an icy tone of voice. "You have no right telling me to stay away from my people!"

"Your people?" the short man snorted.

It was Callie's turn to grab the close by pale hand of her girlfriend.

"Yes; my people!" Arizona raised her voice. "They're the nurses I worked closely with, they're the kids I treated and worried about, they're the residents I taught to and that you mistreated. So hell yes; they are MY people!"

Stark turned redder by the minute; "And what are you planning to do, Dr Robbins? Steal them all away from this hospital?"

"I'm taking back my job, that's what I'm planning to do!" Arizona exclaimed just as loudly.

The short man laughed; "Whose help are you counting on to accomplish that one, Robbins?"

"On mine!" Chief Webber cried out. "And I'll be backing her up all the way!"

"I have a three years contract!" Stark answered threateningly. "If I get fired, I'll sue this hospital into the ground!"

"Please do. It'll be way worth it if we get our Dr Robbins back." Webber answered calmly.

Stark rushed out of the cafeteria as all the staff in the room knowing Arizona started clapping.

Arizona looked at Richard Webber and smiled gratefully, receiving an almost fatherly smile and an encouraging nod in return.

Callie opened the front door as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake up her girlfriend if she was actually sleeping.

Arizona had stayed at the hospital a while longer after their agitated lunch.
Each attending and resident she met welcoming her back warmly and exchanging a few words with her.
When Callie saw her hide a yawn behind her hand for the third time, she sent her home to rest.

Walking deeper in the apartment, the dark-haired woman smiled as she did spot the beautiful blonde cuddling with a pillow on one of the couches.

She decided to get changed before going to Arizona, giving her a few more minutes of rest before she woke her up to start on their dinner.

Wearing a large t-shirt and sweatpants she kneeled next to the couch. Callie spent a few minutes just watching her lover. She still couldn't believe Arizona was back at times.

"You gotta stop watching me sleep, I'll start thinking you're a stalker." A sleepy voice made her jump.

Callie laughed to settle her nerves. "And you need to stop doing that 'I'm asleep but speaking' thing; you'll give me a heart attack."

Arizona chuckled and opened soulful blue eyes to look at her lover.

"Hi." She simply said.

"Hi beautiful." Callie answered as she leaned forward and tenderly kissed her girlfriend.

"Are you hungry?" The dark-haired woman asked as she peppered tender kisses over Arizona's face.

"Starving." The blonde answered already short of breath.

Callie bit a pink lover lip; "What do you want for dinner?"

"You." Arizona answered hoarsely.

The blonde quickly discarded the light blanket she was covered with and pulled her girlfriend on top of her. Callie went willingly and took her lover's mouth in a passionate kiss again.

"Not that I'm complaining but what got into you? Asleep one minute and all worked up the next." Callie teased as she kissed down her lover's neck.

Arizona moaned and tilted her head to give more room to her girlfriend.

"Let's call it the lesbian's morning hard on. Now shut up and make love to me, woman."

The dark haired woman chuckled and wasted no time pulling Arizona's old T-shirt off of her.

"Hey, isn't that mine?" She asked as she looked at the shirt she just discarded.

"Who cares? It was in the way anyway!" Arizona cried out.

With Callie's attention effectively brought back to the important matter at hands, Arizona quickly undressed her lover.

"See? That's how it's done." She whispered in her girlfriend's ear as she dropped Callie's shirt on the floor.

The taller woman groaned and pulled Arizona's own sweatpants and panties off in one swift move, making the blonde squeak.

"See? I had a good teacher." Callie quipped as she leaned forward and, without warning, closed her mouth over a waiting nipple.

Arizona gasped and Callie moaned as she felt the nipple harden in her mouth instantly.

Both women knew it wouldn't take much for the blonde to reach her climax. Wanting her lover to come with her Arizona reached down between their bodies and ran her fingers over her girlfriend's sex, easily slipping between swollen lips that parted for her, dipping in abundant wetness.

Callie's deep moan pushed the blonde's need even higher and she pleaded; "Calliope, touch me. I need you inside of me."

"Anything you want, baby." Callie answered hoarsely as she moved back up to kiss her lover.

An olive-skinned hand parted long pale thighs and long strong fingers slipped just as easily in the similarly abundant wetness.

Dark velvet like eyes plunged deeply in sky blue ones and held as they stroked each other slowly, matching their movements to the other's.

They breathed the same air as their lips stayed within an inch of each other and moaned into each other's mouth when two fingers of each hand slid home, deeply burying in their lover's center.

"Oh yes, don't stop." Callie groaned when Arizona's thumb found her swollen clit.

"Not likely." The blonde moaned back. "Just keep fucking me, Callie."

Their thrusts into each other became more frenzied as their need grew and grew.

A few harder, deeper thrusts from Callie's fingers inside the blonde's drenched core and a couple more circles from Arizona's thumb on the dark-haired woman's soaked clit and their orgasm hit them almost simultaneously.

They both arch their back from the pleasure, pushing the other's hand harder against their own sex, prolonging their climax.

Callie managed to roll off her shorter lover before dropping between the back of the couch and Arizona's body.

The blonde groaned, not liking the loss of Callie's warmth in the least. She wriggled closer to her breathing hard lover who dropped her head on a pale, soft breast.

"That was a very nice way to get reacquainted with this couch, as a couple." Callie said teasingly when her breath returned to normal. "We'll have to revisit this place."

"Does it mean we're going to christen all the apartment's possible spots again?" Arizona asked, laughing.

"Well since you suggest it..." The taller woman quipped.

"Well then we'll have to think about being more careful with the kitchen's counter," the blonde suggested, wriggling her eyebrows. "Last time you almost sent the French press flying."

Callie's head shot up from where it was resting on her girlfriend's naked chest, her eyes wide.

"What's up with you people and that damn French press?"

The blonde frowned; "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, baby." Callie laughed as she laid her head back on its previous comfy spot. "It's just that that French press comes up a lot lately."

Arizona started running her fingers through the dark locks, reveling in their closeness. And they both got lost in their thoughts for a while.

"Do you have any regrets?" Callie asked after a good while. "About leaving your project in other people's care, I mean."

Arizona didn't need to think to answer that question.

"No, baby. I don't have any regret. Not a single one. I realize I don't know how to live without you anymore."

Callie smiled in relief and turned her head to kiss the pale skin under her cheek.

"Welcome home, Arizona."