A Jacob x Seth Story- "You're My Angel"

Summary: While out on patrol, Seth encounters his first vampire. Just when Seth is about to give up, he is saved by the person he had secretly imprinted on, Jacob. This event brings forth a series of more events that lead up to the childhood best friends true love for each other. (Eventual Lemons)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Chapter 1: How it all Began

Seth's POV

Today was my big day, I was now finally able to patrol at night with the others. It was around 7:00pm and the light was starting to fade very quickly. I immediately ran downstairs to tell my Mom I was leaving for patrol, "Hey Mom! I going now!"

"Ok dear, just be careful."

"Yeah I'll be careful," I replied and with that said I left and went around to the side of the house. There I tied my shorts around my ankles. Closing my eyes, I remembered what Jacob told me to do when I transformed: "Ok Seth, the key to transforming is to just channel your inner heat. Let the heat envelope you, but don't reject it. The rest should just come naturally."

Just when I was about to transform, I realized that I had feelings for Jacob. For the past few days I kept thinking about Jacob being shirtless, Jacob's attractive body, Jacob's cute smile, and more Jacob this and that. Even though Jacob and I are childhood best friends, I had desperately wanted to be with him all the time. So it just seem to hit me. It was now that I had noticed my imprint on Jacob.

Jacob's POV

'Hey were's Seth? I thought today was his first day on night patrol with us.'

'It is Jacob, just be patient,' Sam thought out loud in his mind. Just then I heard Seth's thoughts running through my head.

'Sorry I'm late guys. I just had to mum… you know tell my mom I was leaving.'

'Whatever Seth, you must be daydreaming.'

'Hey Paul, shut up! Be nice to Seth'

'Sure, sure, sure. Anything for you Jacob,' Paul was snickering with that last comment. A few seconds later, Seth emerged in wolf form.

'Ok, so what do I do?'

'Seth,' stated Sam, 'You will out patrolling a small area by yourself near Forks. Don't worry, as Jacob will be patrolling an area that is nearby yours.'

'Thanks, Sam. I might as well head off.' Seth left and I went with him.

'So Seth, are you excited?'

'Me, yes I am very excited!'

'Well then lets start running to our designated areas. Race ya.' With that said, I sprinted off ahead Seth.

'Hey thats unfair!' he called after me.

Seth's POV

'Jacob sprinted ahead of me, jeez, he is such a knucklehead.'

'Heard that Seth!'

Oops I forgot that everything I think of is connected to the others when your in wolf form. After about 5 minutes of trying to catch up with Jacob, we had finally reached our destination.

'So this side is your patrolling area and this side is mine. If you need any help just give a loud yell, bark, thought, etc. All you have to do is just basically look around your area for suspicious looking characters and that's all there is to it.'

'Thanks for the tip Jacob, see ya!'

'See you too Seth!' Within 10 seconds Jacob was no longer in sight.

'Hope this goes well,' I thought to myself. To tell you the truth I was very nervous.


"Smells like dinner. Fresh wolf for tonight!" Grinning, the mysterious person ran towards Seth's scent.

25 Minutes Pass

Seth's POV

'This is becoming very boring.' I was getting very tired from pacing back and forth from one area to another. What seemed like the night would never end, I laid down on my belly on the soft leaves of the forest. It was then that I heard the sound of a twig breaking. Being alerted to the sound I looked for the source of the noise. I first looked behind a bush that was in front of me. No Luck. Next I continued to look around where I laid on the leaves.

Then out from behind a tree emerged a figure. The strange figure had red in his eyes and judging from his facial expression he was smiling. It was at that exact moment that he chose to speak, "Hello mutt. Which do you prefer grilled, chopped, diced, seasoned….mmm… this is making me even more hungry."

Oh shitÖ. 'Jacob!' I screamed loud in my mind. 'Help, it's…it's…it's a vampire! And a hungry one at that!' I waited for a few seconds for a response, but none came.

"Oh by the way, if your trying to get in contact with that nearby wolf. He has some issues to deal with, including issues that involve bleeding profusely from the legs, and neck.

'Fuck You! You...You leech!' I then thought to myself, wow, who know I would start talking like Jacob when he thinks or talks to Edward.

"Now then.. Be a good wolf and hold still. It won't take very long for me to devour you!" said the insane yet hungry vampire.

'Sam, Paul, where are you?'

'We are on our way Seth. We're a bit farther away from Jacob and your location.'

Phew, thank you pack connecting thoughts. Sam and Paul were our their way. 'So what do I do? This vampire is wanting to eating me!'

'Just run away Seth! Just run... You need to stall for time'

'Hey umm how can I Sam, when he's slowly walking toward me mouth open and all!'


Immediately, I ran as fast as I could away from that hungry vampire.

'Paul, please be a little nicer to me.' 'Sure, pal, sure. I highly doubt that.'

'Thanks a lot Paul.'

'You're welcome!'

I then noticed I was about to run into a tree, moving to the side I avoided making contact with the tree. What I didn't notice was that there was another tree in my way and unfortunately I crashed into it. 'Owwwwww!'

Then in a flash, that hungry vampire was there. "HmmmÖ. To bad. I gave my dinner a chance to run away, but if they are this clumsy I can't pass this opportunity."

Jacob's POV

'Ugh….. What happened?'

Judging from the bleeding, I was severely injured. Crap..

'Seth! Seth!' From what the damned vampire said he was after Seth.

'Please, somebody... SAVE ME!' Dammit Seth, stop being afraid. I guess this was truly my fault. Not being able to fight off another damn leech. Now, Seth is too afraid to respond to my calls. Shit.. 'Hang on Seth! I'm on my way!' I then began running towards Seth. As I was running a felt a strange feeling for Seth. 'Great, all I need now is confused emotions. It seems that for a while I had indescribable feelings for Seth. I felt like I wanted to be with him all the time. Wait a second! Me…Imprinting on Seth… Impossible. I'm in love with Bella, not Seth. Damn you Edward for taking her away from me!' As I thought all this out, I realized I was very close that hungry vampire. I then hid and waited for the right moment that I could go straight for the kill and save Seth in the process.

Seth's POV

Words cannot describe the immense pain and fear I am feeling right now. 'Why... Why….why…. can't somebody just be here and save me. This is too much for me to handle. It seems that life has given up on me. I can't even get that one special person to notice me!' I then phased back into human and said, "LIfe is very cruel to me. Please just end my life quickly."

"It seems you made a very wise decision boy. I will satisfy your important request." Then I closed my eyes. 'I wish life was nicer to me' thinking to myself. 'Jacob, I wish you were here. I miss you so much. My life hurts unless your around.' I waited for what seemed like eternity, waiting for that vampire to kill me. But after a few seconds nothing happened. I reopened my eyes and there he was, Jacob, but he wasn't in wolf form. I looked on the ground and in front of him was that hungry vampire, shredded in pieces. Looking back at Jacob, he had his shorts on, but didn't have a shirt. So I continued staring at his six-pack abs, then moved upward to his hot, developed pecs. It seemed that I was eye groping him, but then I snapped out of it when Jacob spoke.

"You ok Seth? You seem a bit out of focus."

"Me, oh I'm fine. Just a little shocked thats all." 'Was he smiling at me while I was eye groping him?'

Then out of the forest came two large wolves. Immediately, I put on my shorts that were tied around my legs. It then hit me that Jacob had just seen me naked. Blushing from this fact gave Sam and Paul enough time to phase back and put their clothes back on.

"Sorry Seth. I thought there would be no vampires in this area. Last time I was here I didn't have any encounters with any vampires."

"No, it's fine Sam. Jacob was the one who truly saved me!"

Flashing my signature smile to Jacob, he just smiled back and laughed, "Well everyone, I guess thats enough patrolling for tonight, except for Paul.

"Wait, what!"

"You heard me, due to you being mean to Seth you are going to be patrolling the area from the Reservation to Forks."

"Ugh… Fine…. Whatever! You better be patrolling with me Sam."

"Yes of course I will." I then saw Sam turn toward Jacob and me. "You two are to be returning back to the Reservation. And Seth, you are to watch and take care of Jacob until he heals back to normal. Jacob, you are to be resting. Just look at your legs, they're a mess. You can't go back to school like that."

"So how long will it take for me to heal before I go back to school?"

"About a week. So no arguments!" Sam said in his (I quote "Alpha" voice).

Jacob's POV

Once Sam had finished talking, I went off without Seth for home.

"Hey, wait up Jacob!" yelled Seth who was running to me.

"I'm fine Seth."

"Yeah, but orders are orders. Can't disobey them."

"Whatever. My place or yours."

"Umm...how about your place?"

"Sure." The walk back to my house was real quiet. During that quietness, I took quick glances at Seth's body. Staring at his four-pack abs and wait what I am I doing. I then shook my head trying to get those perverted thoughts out of my head. Unfortunately, my little friend started growing due to the dirty thoughts and soon my little friend would become my big friend and very noticeable to Seth. So I sprinted for the house. Knowing that we were that close, I ran into my house and yelled to my dad, "Hey, Billy! Seth is going be over for a couple of days to help watch and take care of me while I recover."

"Okay son," was all Billy replied. I then rushed up stairs, went to my room to grab some clothes, then went straight for the bathroom that was connected to my room. I then took the liberty of locking my bathroom door and turning on the bathroom vent.

A second later, Seth ran into my bedroom sounding all out of breath. "Jacob you moron, don't leave me behind like that!"

"Sorry Seth! My bathroom urges are too strong to resist. So it'll be a while before I get out of the bathroom."

"Fine, just don't' take too long. I'll just stay in your bedroom." I started breathing more easily when I heard Seth sit down on my mini-couch that was away from the bathroom door. Then I made my way toward the toilet seat and began pondering about my feelings for Seth and Bella.

This is my first story...So...comments would be nice.