Crowne: I'm just rewriting some of the errors here ^^

Just for future reference. Neah would be Allen's father here, not Mana. The Millenium Earl's the principal as well as Allen's class adviser. The Earl wouldn't be in his 'white form'.


Only five words had made Mana and Neah stop in their tracks. Maybe it was because Neah misunderstood his son or Mana was too stunned to speak. But no one can blame them, I mean, hey, first graders aren't meant to be married.

Prologue: Where it all started

"Mana! Father!", Allen yelled as he got home from school."I'm going to get married!"

Mana immediately dropped the cup of coffee he had been holding as he heard that, spilling its contents on the floor. Did he hear that just right? Unfortunately, his younger brother was just beneath Mana. Neah was trying to get the ballpen he had dropped beneath the round table.

"Hey!", Neah complained as he had gotten some hot coffee spilled on him. It startled him that he got up immediately and soon his head connected with the hard table."Ooooww! " Neah stood up from the table, wincing and peered at Mana's stunned face. He had been busy concentrating on getting the pen that he didn't quite catch Allen's announcement. The young boy came rushing into living room and hugged Neah. He looked up happily at his father.

"Guess what, father? I'm going to get married!", he said with a wide smile.

"W-what the-", Neah said, glad that he was able to stop himself from saying any foul words in front of his son. He doesn't want to accidentally corrupt his beloved son. He lightly shook his head as if they a grip of himself then asked an important question."T-To whom?"

"Road Camelot!", Allen chirped happily.

Mana finally came to his senses and shook his head."Road Camelot?", he asked. Allen nodded happily. Mana felt hitting himself."Isn't she Sheryl's daughter?"

"Yeah", Neah said, recovering from his slight shock."I think I met her some time. Though you wouldn't want to be around the minister when he's with her daughter. He's like Komui in some way..."

Mana rubbed his temples to massage himself and to relax. This isn't going to be good. Somehow, he got a feeling that things won't be easy. And... Why? And where did Allen got the idea to get married at such a young age. What is the world becoming to?