
"So . . . does this change anything?" Emi asked Yasuhara quietly as to not alert the others. Though the chance of that was slim, seeing as the racket the team was making would have made a bomb sound like a whisper. Masako and Ayako were teasing each other about their love interests, though somehow it had turned into an argument while John and Bou-san watched in confusion. Naru had gone to his room to finish his paperwork. Lin was most likely in the office and Sayuri . . . Where was Sayuri? "Great . . Just when I need you, you pull a disappearing act . . . I am so pranking you now . . ." Emi shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her boyfriend's eyes as she waited for his answer.

"Does it?" He returned the question, looking down at the girl sitting beside him, "Do you want to break up?"

"No!" Emi exclaimed, turning to look at him in surprise, "I don't want that. It doesn't really matter to me that Tsukiko-san influenced it. Besides she said that the couples she influenced would have ended up together anyways so . . . I still want to stay together . . . But if you don't . . ." Emi looked away again.

"You silly girl."

Emi looked back up, caught unawares, as Yasuhara took the chance to press a kiss on her lips. "Eh . . ."

"Did you really think I was going to let go of the girl of my dreams that easily, sweetheart?" Yasuhara whispered in her ear. He pulled away, smirking as he saw her blushing face, "Don't worry. Even with me in Japan and you in America, you'll still be mine."

"Oi, oi," they heard Bou-san call out, "Shouldn't you keep that stuff private, young'uns?"

Yasuhara winked at Emi before heading over to the monk, "It's alright, my beloved~ I have plenty of love left for you~"

"What? No. Ayako, save me!"

Emi watched as Bou-san went to hide behind an amused Ayako while everyone around them laughed in amusement. "I really am lucky . . . Wonder how Sayuri's doing though . . ."


Lin unplugged all the equipment, getting ready to move everything out. He had already moved a couple of the larger equipment. He was just about to pick up another computer when a voice rung out from the doorway.

"Someone who worked so hard in the exorcism shouldn't be straining themselves without rest." Sayuri had an amused tone to her voice, but in her mind, she was anxious to set things right again so they could go back to speaking terms.

However Lin said nothing.

"I wanted to say thank you for saving my life as well as that of Emi's. I really appreciate it." She shifted uncomfortably, "And sorry about our argument before. I shouldn't have reacted so . . . offensively."

Still nothing, but Sayuri had one more thing to say.

"Oh, and I do like you in a romantic manner. And I know you're not attracted to me so don't worry." She ran her hand through her hair nervously, "I'm telling you this because I don't know when we'll meet again and I'm not one to leave with regrets." She turned around to leave before . . .

"I am."

Sayuri stopped, looking back, "Huh?" Pleased as she was that he spoke to her, she was confused as to what he me.

"I am attracted to you, but the reason these feelings seem so strong is probably because of the White Willow's influence." Lin turned to look at her, meeting her eyes.

She simply smiled, "Perhaps."

Lin smiled faintly before bowing slightly, "I apologize for my harsh words during our argument. I simply became worried over your placing yourself in danger as well as your questioning our right to stop you as friends. I suppose the influence of the White Willow made me a bit . . . over-protective. I ask for your forgiveness."

Sayuri laughed, "Okay, the only one I needed to forgive for that argument was me so don't worry about that." Lin raised his eyebrow disapprovingly, as though he wanted to argue against her blame on herself.
To which, Sayuri smirked, "I thought we weren't going to argue, Koujo." She reverted back to his first name, hoping that he was okay with that, relieved when he nodded slightly.

"I hope we can remain friends despite the long distance between our countries and our arguments," Lin spoke quietly, as though he was worried as well . . .

Sayuri blinked before walking forward and punching him lightly on the shoulder. He looked at her in surprised before she spoke, "Of course. And seeing as you are Koujo and have already saved my life and all, my loyalty is one of the two things that you will get no matter what"

However Lin can ask about the second, Naru came in.

"Lin, I've already called the others. They'll join you in packing." As though to prove Naru's statement, a groan from Bou-san could be heard from the hallway.

"Alright," Sayuri rolled up her sleeves, "I'll help." She moved to pick up on of the boxes when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She looked up at Lin.

"No, you won't, Sayuri," Lin frowned sternly, "You'll end up hurting yourself and that's not going to happen on my watch."

Sayuri blushed slightly when she heard the concern in his voice, but she didn't show it as she pouted "But Koujo~"


"Aw," Sayuri crossed her arms, "Meanie." Lin simply should his head at her childish tendencies.

"Wait a minute . . ." Yasuhara smirked, "'Sayuri'? 'Koujo'? And since when did you guys get so close?"

Sayuri shrugged, "Since the day you got me to stay with Lin while you guys took temperatures and stuff."

"So my evil plan did work?" Emi appeared.

Sayuri sighed, "No, because we are not together."

"Aw," Emi moaned.

"Wait, so we know you for years and we can't call you 'Koujo', but Sayuri knows you for one day and you let her?" Ayako enquired Lin, smirking, "It does seem to imply that you two are very close."

"You never asked," Lin spoke.

Mai turned to Sayuri, "You asked?"

Sayuri shook her head, "Nope, just told him to call me by my first name."

Bou-san grinned at Lin, "Then what exactly happened?"

John laughed nervously, "Everyone, you should leave them to their privacy."

"Yes," Masako agreed from behind the sleeve of her kimono, "It is unseemly."

"Oh really," Ayako challenged the medium.

"Really," Masako returned.

"Oh boy . . ." Mai sweat-dropped as an argument broke out once again while the others watched with laughter, "Things never get dull, do they . . .'


Two weeks had passed since the SPR team had returned to Japan. Mai sighed. Though only two weeks had passed, she already missed her newfound friends. And unlike their other clients, Mai couldn't just hop on a bus and go see Sayuri and Emi. They were in another country. One that was across an ocean. Yup, not happening.

Other than that, everything was normal. Lin went to his office, though he was slightly more open now. Naru, on the other hand, didn't act differently at all. "Wonder if I just dreamed what he said . . ." Clearly her thoughts appeared on her face as a voice entered the office. . .

"Oi, oi, ojou," Bou-san scolded, "No gloomy faces around Daddy, okay." John, Masako, Yasuhara and Ayako followed behind them.

Mai smirked, "Then is Ayako Mommy?" The couple blushed, stuttering protests which rounded into an argument. Mai relaxed into the seat, smiling as she saw John and Masako sit rather close together. She turned to Yasuhara, "So how are you doing?"

Yasuhara shrugged, "We call each other every night or so."

Ayako broke away from the argument, "Aw, that's sweet." She sat down in front of them along with Bou-san.

Yasuhara nodded, "But I am curious about what she said last time."

"What did she say?" Masako asked inquisitively.

"She said that she had a surprise for us here in the office today."

"I don't know if I should be excited or scared," Bou-san muttered. John chuckled at the comment.

"How about both?" They turned to the new voice to see . . .

"Sayuri! Emi!" Mai exclaimed, running to hug them, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We live here," Sayuri dropped the bomb.

"WHAT?" The collective exclamation rang through the office, bringing Lin and Naru out, though only Lin looked surprised while Naru just looked annoyed.

"How many times do I have to tell you all that my office is not a café?" The irate boss raised his eyebrow.

"Emi and Sayuri have moved to Japan," Bou-san explained.

"Yes, I am well-aware that they had been planning the move for quite some time," Naru answered.

"You knew. And you didn't tell us," Mai frowned.

"I had no reason too," Naru replied, "Mrs Thomas told me that she wanted Emi and Sayuri to get comfortable in the presence of those from Japan. It didn't seem to provide a problem so I agreed."

John looked at Lin, "Did you know?" The silent man shook his head.

"Now that's just rude," Ayako placed her hands on her hips. Naru shrugged and returned to his office.

"So where do you live?" Masako inquired.

"Well, actually we have Naru to thank for that," Emi responded, "We asked him if he knew a good place to stay and he said that the lady next door to Mai was moving out so we jumped at the chance."

"So you guys are my new neighbours?" Mai beamed, "Cool."

"Wait, why does Naru know that your neighbour is moving out?" Bou-san asked suspiciously.

Lin answered, "Because Naru drops Mai off at her place every night."

"Really~" Yasuhara gained a teasing glint in his eyes.

Mai rushed to change the subject, "So, Emi, Sayuri, why didn't you tell us that you were moving to Japan?"

The two girls shrugged, replying simultaneously, "We forgot."

"Are you kidding me? !"

Mai sighed, "Naru's never going to get his peace and quiet, is he . . ."


Sayuri sat in the office, waiting for Lin. Soon after everyone had calmed down and left, Yasuhara and Emi had gone off on a date. Then, it was just Mai and Sayuri, who simply talked about Mai's school, to which Emi and Sayuri were transferring. But soon, Mai's shift ended and Naru took her home. So why is Sayuri still here? Simple. Lin had offered to show her the city after he closed the office, to which Sayuri had agreed.

Sayuri blushed, remembering Emi's teasing about the 'date', "I am so going to murder her when we get home."

"Are you ready?"

"Ah!" Sayuri jumped at the unexpected voice. Lin raised his eyebrow at her reaction. "You scared me," Sayuri shrugged and followed him out the door. She was waiting at the bottom of the steps when Lin came behind.

"I apologize for it being so late. I didn't expect there to be so much paperwork." Lin told her.

"Calm down and don't be so formal," Sayuri reassured him, "Besides, at night, we could just walk to any place. Where do you want to go?"

"I do know somewhere you may like," Lin mentioned.

"Then lead the way," Sayuri grinned. And off they went, chatting amiably.

When they reached their destination, Sayuri's breath was taken away. It was a beautiful park. The light of the full moon cover the rich green grass, which glinted softly as it swayed in the wind. But the most beautiful part was the cherry blossom trees huddled together, petals floating the wind as the moonlight hit them just right.

"Oh my god . . ." Sayuri murmured as she approached the cherry blossom trees.

Lin smiled, "I take it you approve of my choice."

But Sayuri didn't reply. Instead, she simply turned around and threw her arms around him, "Thank you . . ."

Lin's eyes widened, surprised, but he returned the hug, taking in her scent, "I see."

It took a moment before Sayuri realized what she was doing, blushing slightly, "Oh sorry." She began to pull away, but Lin stopped her by the unexpected.

He kissed her.

He knew he was taking a big chance here. She might not forgive him, but something told him he had to take it. Not that he could do anything, seeing as he had already done it. Though he most definitely wasn't pulling away – not just yet.

But he didn't have to either as Sayuri returned the kiss, shy and unsure. "So much unlike her usual self," Lin smirked as he pulled away, taking in her blushing face.

"Okay . . . Um . . . Care to explain?" Sayuri questioned after a moment to regain herself.

"It wasn't the Willow's influence."

"Huh?" Sayuri's eyebrow furrowed in confusion.

"Back when we finished the case, I thought my romantic feelings were due to the influence of Tsukiko-san and the Willow. But even after I got here, they still remained. However it took me until you got here to figure out that these feelings aren't leaving no matter what and they're only mine," Lin smirked wryly, "Though I have no idea about yours."

"Let me get this straight. You kissed me without knowing if I liked you or not?" Sayuri raised her eyebrow.

Lin shrugged unrepentantly, "Risky, but effective. You did kiss me back."

Sayuri blushed before glaring at him, "Mention that again and I'll kick you where the sun don't shine."

Lin's eyebrows shot up in surprise before he began to laugh. Sayuri's eyes widened. She hadn't heard him laugh before, though it was a nice sound. He smirked, "I don't know if I should or shouldn't have expected that."

Sayuri grinned, "I'm a paradox. Either one's okay."

"So, I must ask," Lin meet her curious gaze, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Well, here's my answer," Sayuri smiled with a slight blush that seemed to becoming permanent, "Do you remember me telling you that loyalty was one of the two things that you will get no matter what." Lin nodded encouragingly. "Well, the second thing is . . . um . . . how to say this . . . love."

She spoke so quietly that Lin almost didn't hear her . . . almost. And he answered her shyness the only way he could, by pulling her into his arms while silently making the vow to never let her go.


The next morning . . . let's just say that if Naru thought he was going to get a break from exclamations of shock . . . he was wrong – finally.

And in the background, unseen by everyone, a woman watched in amusement and joy as she turned to gaze in love for the man she had always waited for under . . . the White Willow.