A/N: So, I know I haven't posted anything in like FOREVER, so here is a consolation prize. My multific is actually going horribly. I'm in a fiction-writing class and I saw a story map for JK Rowling's Order of the Phoenix. I realized that I hadn't planned out "Angles" as much, so I need to work on planning it out and then you will all see more of it. To show how much I haven't even planned it, I don't even know the name of the killer. Oops, fail.

Hope you all enjoy this piece, it's been sitting on my mind for like EVER because I'm kind of a Minesweeper addict. Reviews as always, are delicious. :)

If there was something Lassiter was sure that Shawn couldn't beat him at, it was Minesweeper.

There was a certain amount of sophistication to the simple computer game—recognizing certain patterns of number assortments, something more than lining cards up sequentially by the simple rules. A game fit for a patient detective, not someone who was all over the place like the fake psychic. So it surprised him when he opened up the high scores on his computer at home and found 'Shawn Spencer' listed as the fastest time on the expert board.

w w w w w

The door to his house opened quietly, but Lassiter was still aware of it.

"Shawn!" he barked. "Get yourself over here!"

The fake psychic shuffled over to greet him with a kiss.

"'Sup, Lassie?"

Carlton tried to growl, but it ended up sounding like a contented purr.


"What about it? It's so boring, right?"

The head detective's ears turned red before he faced away from his boyfriend.

"What? It is!"

"Then why is your name on there as the fastest time for the largest board?"


"I'm not really angry at you, Shawn," Lassiter mumbled resignedly, "Really, I'm not."

He felt the younger man drape himself across his back and smile into his neck.

"I know, Carly. Let's just say sometimes I'm competitive."

Shawn looked up at his boyfriend in time to see him pout. Genuinely pout.

"Couldn't you just let me better than you at something?" he whined. He blushed as Shawn's eyebrows waggled. "Something that is not related to things that we do on the mattress."

The older man grunted as the pseudo-psychic settled himself in his lap.

"You're way better at winning me over than I'll ever be."

Lassiter smiled slightly before kissing his boyfriend.

"I guess that's enough for me."

Remember, reviews are appreciated! :) Even if it is just a comment.