A/N: One Piece does not belong to me. I only claim my own characters.

"Ne, Sola!" Sola stopped in her sewing—yes, she did such tasks—to look up and see her Captain looking up at her expectantly. He was smiling, eyes bright.

"Hai, Luffy?" His grin grew and she decided that whatever he was planning, it probably wouldn't have a good outcome for Zoro's shirt, which was what she was fixing. So, she set it away in her basket, closely the lid tightly before facing the straw hated boy once again. "Do you need something?" she asked cautiously. The last time, two days actually, he had decided she needed a hug and then tackled her. Three weeks she had been an actual member of the Straw Hat Crew. Three weeks.

"Sola, you never told us about your watch! How come it glows and stuff?" The girl blinked and all activity on the deck ceased. True, they had all been curious too. Only Zoro knew the past, but he felt no need to enlighten them.

"Huh? Oh, my pocketwatch? Wait, I never told you?" a furious shake of Luffy, Chopper's and Usopp's heads.

"NOOO!" She scratched the back of her head, looking away sheepishly.

"O-oh… I see… I never explained… Ahem, well- Oh, Nami-chan, is something the matter?" She had noticed Nami gazing at her intently. The red-head waved her hands quickly.

"No! Go ahead! Finish your story! Don't mind me!" Sola smiled, settling herself carefully on the crate she had decided was her chair.

"Oh. Okay. I ate a Devil's Fruit when I wa-"

"YOU DID?" She winced at the Captain's volume.

"H-h-hai, yes, uh, when I was a kid… Um… I don't really know why, but, u-um, I can change and control time, to a certain extent at-least… Of-course, I have to give something up in return fo-"

"Whaddya have to give up?" this time Usopp interrupted. Nami sent him a glare, but the long-nose didn't notice.

"Some of my life. Like for instance, when I had my arm broke and my voice shot, I gave up about a year of my life to return my body to the way it was before. Of-course, by doing that, my time was shortened tremendously, because suspicion was created, along with confusion. And then it was shortened even more when time was going to show that I was going to go overboard. And since I can't swim… Well. You get the idea, right? What?" she noticed their stares. "What?"

"What exactly do you mean, 'suspicion and confusion'?" Robin inquired quietly. A rather puzzling notion, this Devil's Fruit of hers'. Sola frowned, tapping her chin.

"Hmm, well… hmmm…"

"When you guys saw what happened, you freaked out. So would have those pirates if you guys hadn't talked to them beforehand. Suspicion and Confusion. The future then showed that Ero-cook would knock her overboard, thus shortening her time even more than when she originally gave it up for her voice and arm." Zoro drawled from the corner, polishing his katanas. Sola slammed her fist into her open palm.

"Right! You guys were all confused, and the other pirates wanted revenge. They would have enacted that revenge the day after I returned to the island, but you guys found them first and thought out what might have cause me to go psycho. They released that rage, but then Sanji kinda knocked me overboard… But Zoro came in time and rescued me, so it's all good~!" She smiled brightly while Sanji collapsed in the corner, being reminded yet again of the 'crime' he had committed against his goddess.

Zoro took great delight in reminding him of that little detail whenever he was in high spirits. Sola frowned over at him. "Sanji? Are you okay?" Zoro snickered at the cook.

"He'll be fine, Sola. Just ignore him for a bit." Sola pouted a bit.

"But, onii-san…"

"Don't worry." Nami shook her head, also assuring the girl. "He will be fine. Just give him a few minutes and he'll be back to normal. Or…" Nami grinned evilly over at Zoro. The male blinked. "..or you could kiss him, Sola. I bet that'd get him back to his old self even faster." Zoro growled and you could almost see the light bulb go off over the green-haired girl's head.

"Really? That's it?"

"Don't just say 'that's it' that easily, Sola!" Zoro snapped. He then turned to the navigator. "And you! Don't you go messing with my sister's head! You evil, conniving, manipulative, controlling, immoral-"

"Zoro! Manners!" Sola scolded. The male twitched, but said no more. Nami gave a triumphant smirk, before going teary eyed to Sola.

"Oh! Sola-chan! He's just so cruel to me! Why me? What did I ever do to him? All I've ever been was nice to him, and this is how he repays me!" she wailed, falling against the girl and sobbing. Sola sent her older brother a glare, making him look away quickly.

"You should be ashamed of yourself! There, there, Nami-chan… He didn't mean it. I think he's just a little under the weather today. Just ignore everything he says." The red-head nodded slowly, wiping away 'tears'.

"O-okay, Sola-chan…" when the girl's back was turned, she sent yet another triumphant grin in the marimo's direction. He growled once again.

…ummm… hi? Yea, yea, I know I said it was finished, but, genius me never explained about why she could do all that 'magical stuff'. So, here's a short little epilogue. Emphasis on the short part. And, if anyone of you caught the hint, congrats. Those who didn't, I mentioned… twice? That she couldn't swim. So, that pretty much tells you the chick has a Devil's Fruit. I know I didn't make it all that clear that that was the case, but I hope I cleared up any confusion. The Devil's Fruit is unnamed and shall remain so. I'm not in the mood right now to go and look up possible 'topics' if you will on what her fruit is, like the time time no mi or whatever, but that sounds stupid by the way. It would be more like spirit or control or moment. Something like that.

But like I said, I'm too lazy to actually think today. I did that in school, thank you very much.

And so. As the final final installment of 'The Crimson Maiden', I end this epilogue.

Fare thee well, faithful readers.