Naku: Here you are! Happy Holidays!

My Goddess Life Chapter...2 I think?



Sakura-53 (jk jk) 13


Kakashi woke up as the light flickered into his room. He shifted a bit only to met by Naruko sleeping at his side. He wiped his face with his hand, growling mentally. She had again had those nightmares, her screaming woke him up in the middle of the night. The middle of the fucking night. To say Kakashi wasn't a happy camper...was the understatement of the century. She had been having these nightmares for over 3 weeks and it was the same one each night. And it was scary, he would have been pissing in his pants, screaming too if he saw that nightmare too.

She always put her pointer and thumb into a square and tell the story over adding more and more. She said, There's a room full of girls strapped to chairs, screaming for help. I stood there watching as a man came behind me and groped me. (1) Being the father, brother, sensei thing; he just allowed her to sleep in his bed...but...this has been going along time...making him lose sleep. Now when he goes to get missions, he has bags under his eyes and he gets the D or C ranked for working too hard. He hadn't had a A or B ranked missions in maybe...2 weeks? Well whatever...he was just sick of these horrible dreams. He watched her small chest rise and fall as he thanked the heavens that her breasts hadn't grown that or he would have had a problem even more. "Naruko...Naruko, wake up..." He said softly as he shook her gently. She opened her eyes, revealing purple orbs that had a sad tint to them and tear streaks were caked into her cheeks.

"K-Kashi..." She whispered, sadly. He smiled but it looked a bit crooked by the lack of sleep.

"Good morning..." He yawned, ruffling her hair. "Come on, Iruka is going to yell at you if you're late...again..." Naruko smiled sadly while sitting up and wiping her eyes off with her long sleeve. "

"Okay..." Naruko yawned before walking slowly to the bathroom. She looked at her mirror and saw her blood-shot eyes, the bags hanging under her eyes threating to fall a bit more and her skin a sickly pale color. Her breathing was quicker by all the screaming and crying she did last night. She frowned, now she had to deal with Mizuki. The man was after her, she hadn't told Kakashi about the man that stalked her and seemed to "love her". She never mention that the man that was in her dreams was him. She shuddered, she knew one day Mizuki would get her but she hoped that Kakashi would whip out a can of whoop-ass before he did that. She turned on the cold water, slipped in then slipped out when the cold water hit her. She then turned on the hot water and sat down letting the water calm her.

Zeus growled lowly as he watched his child suffer. He needed to tell Kakashi what was happening to "their" child. Being scared of one insolent mortal is not what a goddess do. Then he thought about it. She doesn't know she's a goddess...He breathed out. Bummer... He tapped his fingers on his cloud-chair-thingy. I should at least tell K-

"Honey, what are you doing?" He looked to his side, the mirror to the mortal world closed, as he saw Hera.

"Nothing...just...checking up on the mortals..." He said smiling. Hera raised an eyebrow before smiling, Zeus rubbed his temple. "Stupid, stupid mortals..."

"Sweetie, don't stress yourself over those could just zap them with your lightining and poof, problem solved." Hera smiled, massaging his shoulders. Zeus looked up, and frowned.

"Hera, I can't do that, it's against morals...and ethics..." He explained. Hera hummed.

"You're a god, you can do anything..."

I have a half-mind to zap you and that stupid mortal terrorizing Aphrodite's and my daughter...

Kakashi stood up, groggily, wobbling to his drawer; opening it and growling at the bright green jacket; foregoing not to wear it. He stripped off his pants, and shirt, sighing. At last, out of those itchy... The bathroom door swung open, revealing Naruko wrapping a towel around her. Their eyes met... Oh shit in a bucket... Naruko let out a scream before closing the bathroom door. Kakashi sweatdropped before hurriedly putting on his clothes, mask and thinking about shredding the green jounin jacket into little pieces. "Um...Naruko..." He knocked on the door. "I'm f-finished..."

"A-Alright..." came a small reply. Kakashi decided to get food ready. Naruko from the other side of the door, was blushing heavily. Oh Kami-sama, why did you give me such a handsome dad? (2)

"Naruko! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE OR YOU'LL BE LATE!" Kakashi yelled.

"O-OKAY! BE RIGHT DOWN!" She yelled back, quickly putting on her black and blue ninja clothes that her dad got for Christmas last year. She ran down stairs, kissed Kakashi's masked cheek, before grabbing her headband and running out.

Naruko sighed before walking to the Academy. I'm so sick of Mizuki and his constant flirting...

"Naruko!" Naruko smiled and turned around.

"Hi Naru-!" He quickly dove behind her. "-to, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, look?" He scratched the back of his head, pointing to the Hokage Mountains and they Hokages were...painted? Naruko laughed with Naruto, the more they looked at the disaster.

"Ohmigod, you are totally getting ramen from me for this!" Naruko laughed.

"YESH!" Naruto fist-pumped.

"So you think this is funny, Hatake-hime and Uzumaki-san?" They heard someone scream behind them and they looked back to see Iruka.

"Hehe, hi sensei...w-what are you doing here?" Naruto chuckled shyly.

"Um...hehe, hi?"

"This is no laughing matter! You both will clean the Hokage Mountains after school!" Naruto and Naruko started stuttering.

"B-but it w-was j-just an i-innocent prank..."

"I-I did nothing, b-but laugh and o-offered ramen..."

"Not changing my mind, both of you will do it..."

"Awww..." Naruto groaned.

Dad is not going to be happy about this... Naruko thought darkly. Well, here I come hell...

(1) I actually had a dream of this... *enter shudder*

(2) I decided I should probably make it a KakaFemnaruSasu. I just thought of a lemon that was really hot...