One day in the dragon worlds, Spyro and Sparx were eating supper when Niles came flying in. Spyro knew that something was wrong because Niles was eating fast enough.

"You should slow down." said Spyro, watching Niles closely.

Niles didn't pay any attention to Spyro's warning. He continued to gobble down his food. And after he was done. He wanted to talk to Spyro and Sparx in Spyro's room.

"I have good news Spyro. Your mother is having a baby!" Niles said trying to keep calm.

Spyro couldn't believe it. He is going to be a brother.

"Do you hear that Sparx? I'm going to be a brother." Spyro told his friend.

"Yeah. And I can help you take care of him." Sparx said.

"It's hard work caring for babies." Niles said sounding very serious.

After Niles left Spyro's room the two friends began to get ready for the new baby.

The next day there was a surprising day at the dragon worlds Spyro's mother came back from the hospital with a baby dragon in her arms.

"Spyro, don't you want to meet your new sister?" his mother called.

Spyro came running outside to see the new baby dragon. His mother bent down so Spyro can see a little better.

"She's so cute! Can I hold her?" Spyro asked his mother.

Spyro's mother handed the pile of blankets into Spyro's arms and Spyro was holding the baby.

Sparx was getting a little jealous. But he was glad that Spyro loved his little sister.

"What are you going to call her?" Spyro wanted to know.

"Her name is going to be Maxine." Spyro's mother said smiling.

"That's a good name!" exclaimed Sparx.

"Well, Spyro. You are a brother now!" Niles said.

"Yeah. And I love my little sister."

So Spyro and Sparx helped out Spyro's parents. Spyro was happy that he was growing up to be a perfect brother to his little sister.

The End