AN: Hey hey! How yall been? Beena while eh? My bad on that. Im just bein lazy really. Anyway heres the next chapter.

Chapter three

Sylvanas Windrunner didn't know fear. Having fought against, been defeated by, served then once again fought against a monster such as the lich king, the banshee queen leader of the forsaken had cast aside that emotion a long time ago.

At least…she thought she had.

The second the words, "and goodbye," left Naruto's mouth, the very ground itself it seems surged to life and ripped the banshee queen from her feet in into the air, the wind, threatening to tear her asunder in its sudden ferocity, casting her, like an old rag doll into the hands of a sadistic child.

All sense of mobility was stripped away, all sense of direction taken from her mind. Her ears threatened to explode from the noise alone, the howling gale that engulfed her not only destroying all that dare be near Naruto, but also robbing her of any other feeling. No doubt, she'd be deaf for a good chunk of time…if she was lucky.

As the surging winds almost casually tossed Sylvanas about and across the silver pine forest accompanied by that unholy howl of rage and power, Sylvanas felt fear she had never thought herself capable of feeling.

"What…IS he!" she vaguely thought as she sailed across the land, over her horrified and ravaged troops and finally through a tree where she landed in a broken heap. She barely had time to gasp before he was there, suddenly. Those terrifying yet stunningly beautiful eyes glared down at her from behind a vale of howling wind. He took slow deliberate steps towards her, his tails, long and somehow terrifyingly magestic swayed behind him, fanned out, like the petal of an exotic new flower. Clutched protectively in his left arm's grasp was the high inquisitor who looked to be barely holding on to consciousness. She was so small compared to him and Sylvanas noted that she too was probably tiny compared to this…creature. That human looked so helpless yet so protected in that man's grasp.

clutched in his right hand was his massive blade. The thing was the most beautiful blade she had ever seen, most certainly and she could sense the magic swirling within it, nature magic. Wind, and fire. That blade was element forged into a weapon.


As he approached, she struggled to right herself, refusing, if anything to die with no dignity. Her glowing red eyes locked onto his and glared defiantly. He paused. The howling winds were suddenly gone and the forest, suddenly still and empty. But she could see the swath of destruction he had wrought in his brief fit of rage and that terrified her more.

What was he? Was that a shaman's spell? It certainly seemed like one.

He opened his mouth to speak, startling her out of her thoughts.

"What the fuck?" he said, anger overtaking his voice.

"Who the hell do you think you are huh?" the point of is blade was at her throat, threatening to lop off her head. She said nothing, refusing to answer to this creature. If he was to kill her she'd die with the satisfaction that she showed him no weakness.

So she waited, waited for him to become impatient and end her before he could get any pertinent information.

A tail suddenly lashed out and wrapped around her neck, hoisting her rather roughly into the air and bringing her until she was nearly nose to nose with him. She cast a glance at whitemane, so close. She could kill her before the beast could react…but she hesitated and that was enough. He stared into her eyes for well over a minute before he sighed and tossed her away from him. she hit the ground with a thump and widened her eyes in surprise.

"Whatever, I don't care," he snarled out.

"You clearly have your reasons for attacking Sally-Chan and her home but I don't care enough to find out why. I have more important things to worry about." His eyes flashed and he gave her a pointed look.

"But know this," he began. He paused to give her a challenging look, daring her to go against the warning he was about to give. "If you come after us…if you attack her again I WILL kill you." He turned to walk away. "That is your only warning."

He turned and began to walk away, fading into the mist, dismissing her.

Her eyes widened at his casual dismissal. Like…she wasn't worth his time…wasn't worth the trouble of fighting anymore. Her eyes then narrowed in sudden anger.

"Don't turn your back on me, beast." She bit out. "Turn around and face me!"

But the Biju-kin was already fading into the mist.

No! willing her body to move with sudden renewed strength, she jumped to her feet and lunged.

No one. NO ONE ignored her!


Naruto barely had time to widen his eyes before he was tackled bodily.

Whitemane fell to the ground.


Two things are known, yet vastly unknown about Mashonin.

The first is that Mashonin seems rather emotionless, showing disinterest in anything, even as he slaughtered crusaders below in the name of the scourge. Those who know him often speak of his extreme lack of words, emotion and overall…desire to do anything. He appeared lethargic in his tasks, never doing anything more or less and never saying anything to suggest his thoughts.

The second thing about him, something that is known only by a few is that the lich king's hold on him is moderate at best. Numerous other death knights openly dislike and distrust him. some have even tried to kill him, angry at him for daring to be even a shred defiant to the lich king. However it is the lich king himself who halted any attempts on his life. Arthas seems amused by Mashonin's situation and since the blood elf death knight has yet to prove any disloyalty, there is no need to persecute him.

This is something the young death knight used to his advantage. Because of the lich king's misguided trust, or whatever it may be, Mashonin was able to think for himself, do things for himself…free himself subtly more and more each day, showing no desire for anything else, even to himself except for that which he hoped would happen.

Then he laid eyes on her.

Most death knights retain their name from when they were alive, usually only changing their last name to match their style, personality of even their spec. Then there are those who are born with no memories, not even their names, or posses such an overwhelming ability that they pretty much had no choice but to adopt a new moniker for themselves.

The death knight recruit named Glaciel was the perfect example of this.

She had to have been a frost mage in life. There was simply no other explanation for the phenomenon that took place upon her dark rebirth. He had been there, watching over the bound forms of unworthy initiates when he felt her power explode off of her, covering everything in a thick sheet of ice and nearly killing instructor Rezuvious on the spot.

"W-what…aaaarrrghhh!" he had seen her eyes, wide and confused as her pale hand clamped down of the wrist of the necromancer responsible for reviving her freezing him solid almost instantly with a gasp and hiss, had seen the tattered clothing she was wearing upon death and rebirth shatter like glass and crumble away from her. Gouls and abominations, and unworthy initiates, all were consumed by her ice. All stood little chance.

She caused a panic. Rezuvious was incapacitated, everything within a thirty foot radius was frozen solid and everything else outside of that range was chilled to almost freezing.

He had never seen such power. It awed him. It interested him.

A couple of weeks later he saw her again, covered from head to toe in cloth and armor, enchanted and specially made for her as normal armor would last but a minute before breaking apart. She couldn't touch anything with her bare hands, couldn't even be too close to others. She was a bit of an outcast. She didn't speak. No one tried to talk to her anyway. Even when taking instructions from the Lich king himself, she uttered not a single word. And her eyes…her eyes glowed with the fury of a thousand winters, cold and utterly blank. She was frost incarnate.

She was terrifying even for a death knight.

And yet…Mashonin couldn't stop watching her.

She was an elf like him, her frame, hidden as it was behind plate and cloth, exposing no skin whatsoever, was still noticeably slender and curvy and her gait, a graceful beautiful melody that spoke of her skill in her past life.

He followed her…everywhere, subtly of course, making it seem like coincidence every time he passed by her by.

He even stopped subtly freeing himself from the lich king's hold in favor of observing this woman.

It was around this time that Arthas had given him that assignment.

A biju-Kin, their leader apparently, a race even older than the night elves and the trolls, powerful nature beings bound in crystal beneath the earth. It was his task to get this being into the ranks of the scourge. It was also to be the last day he would see her.

No, that was simply unacceptable.

So he approached her.


Glaciel had noticed that man stalking her shortly after he had began to do so. He thought he was being subtle but to her he was basically a beacon, obvious amongst the countless drones, as a unique individual, his eyes when he looked at her shining with interest and want. What did he want? Why was he even following her?

There he was again. Walking right at her, perhaps meaning to simply act as if running into her was a coincidence. She almost smirked, such an obvious yet slightly entertaining man. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he approached. No doubt he would continue on as if he hadn't even noticed her, then send a very slight and very quick glance back her way when he thought she wasn't looking.

She suppressed an almost bitter sigh. Not like that man could get close to her anyway. Her cursed body would kill him nearly instantly.


Her eyes widened and locked onto her stalker's. He was talking to her! What…what changed! Her eyes narrowed and her face became a blank slate. They stood in silence for well over ten seconds before she finally spoke, her voice, a cold frozen mist that carried on the wind like a whisper from the Lich King himself.

"What do you want?"


With and expert back roll, Naruto threw Sylvanas from him and sprang back to his feet, ready for battle in an instant. The banshee queen too sprang to her feet, her eyes glowing with offended fury.

"No one ignores me!" she bellowed while drawing her weapons and leveling them at the Biju-Kin.

Naruto gave a deadpan look. "Are you fucking serious?" He growled out, eyes narrowed and angry. "What did I just tell you dammit!"

"Shut up!" she bellowed, rushing forth to engage her enemy. His sword caught her twin blades in a stalemate…that lasted three seconds.

With a heave, Sylvanas was lifted from the ground and tossed back like she weighed almost nothing. Her back hit a tree and with a grunt and she slumped to the ground panting and snarling. Naruto growled like the beast he resembled and drew his blade back in preparation for a swing. The wind began to swirl around him again.

"Lady Sylvanas!"

Six figures launched themselves from the bushes out of nowhere, blindsiding the Biju-Kin and forcing him to leap to the side. Clad in maroon, grey and black, the warriors attacking the Biju-kin howled out warcries, desperate to protect their dark lady from the Scarlet crusade's bestial protector. Blades and shields at the ready, Naruto was almost shocked into non-action when he finally got a good look at what was attacking him.

"What the f-!"

And an arrow nearly struck his temple for his second of distraction.

Turning to snarl at Sylvanas, he crouched and leapt, aimed his massive blade for the banshee queen's, ample chest, determined to end this little scuffle and get Sally to safety as soon as possible and fell upon her with the speed of a bullet.


Black blood exploded from her mouth as he red eyes widened in shock. "T-the…wind! It propelled him!"

And as the huge blade sunk deeper into her sternum, Naruto's eyes narrowed in resignation. The six forsaken warriors all lunged themselves at him, flying into a rage when they saw their queen get impaled. Six of his nine tails lashed out and seized them by the necks, stopping their assault in its tracks and holding them in the air in a crushing grip by their necks.

And as Sylvanas gasped for breath, he whispered, sounding almost sorrowful, "It didn't have to end this way, dammit. I gave you the chance to walk away…"

Sylvanas coughed one more time and then responded with a smirk. "That you did, beast," she began. Naruto eyes widened when she pushed herself further up his blade until she was nose to nose with him. "And that was your first mistake."

Her smirk grew and she gave him an almost sensual wink. "And your second mistake…was underestimating the Banshee queen."

She took a deep breath…

…and screamed…


"A…Biju…Kin? And lord Arthas wants you to get into contact with it?"

Glaciel was recounting Mashonin's words in her head and quite honestly, she was surprised by what she had been told. A mystical race of shaman-like demons imprisoned in crystal deep beneath the lands of the silithid and their apparent leader was on the loose after a confrontation with their king.

This man next to her was to get this being into the scourge? How?

Mashonin simply nodded. "Yes," he began. "The Lich King wants me to do this. He claims it to be a test of loyalty…but perhaps it is a ploy to be rid of me? Either way, I'm not all that concerned. The task itself is interesting enough."

She simply nodded. If anything, this task would get him out into the world. He was free to do whatever he wanted, as long as he completed the task given to him. She could understand why he would take the job, other than the certainty of death again should he refuse the king's order of course.

But she had to ask, had to gain the answer to the question that had been nagging at her the second he stopped her and asked to talk to her.

"Tell me," she began, her glowing blue eyes seeming to pierce his very own red ones. "You reveal all of this to me, and take the time to engage in conversation, ignoring the obvious threat I am to you." She paused, examining her gloved hands and clenching a fist. "Why have you done so?"

At this, Mashonin smiled. It was something she'd never seen any being of the scourge do.


It was a genuine smile, one full of emotion she was certain no one in their position should be capable of. He stood, bent down, offered her his hand, and spoke three words.

"Come with me."


He didn't know what happened.

One second he was in her face…

Then the next…


Sylvanas was nearly eviscerated right then and there when he reared back in agony, swinging his blade to the left and throwing the banshee queen like a rag doll.

He noticed none of this. His ears exploded from the noise, blood poured from his nose his eyes went blurry and unstable.

He collapsed writhing in agony as his head tried to spilt itself apart. The forsaken warriors clutched in his tails suffered a second death as he lost control of his body and their heads were quite literally popped off of their necks.

Despite the grievous wound in her chest, Sylvanas smirked.

The beast hadn't even seen it coming. And she gave herself a mental pat on the back in guessing that those ears of his did more than make him look cute. He fell so easily to the scream, more so than anything else she had ever fought. It didn't matter if he could control the wind or howl with enough force to crumble buildings. Having your eardrums destroyed always gets to ya, especially if said ears are super sensitive. She watched him roll around on the ground, cursing and writhing and couldn't contain her smirk, even as her vision went dark.

"This wound is nothing beast," she said as she began to lose consciousness. "It takes more than simply a stab…to kill an undead…"

She was certain a few of her forsaken, or other members of the horde would find them before he could recover and she very much looked forward to…paying him a visit in his dungeon cell when she recovered.

Unfortunately she failed to take into account the high inquisitor.

Sally Whitemane cared not for the unconscious Banshee queen sprawled out in a pool of her own blood a few yards off, a true testament to her feelings for Naruto that she didn't take advantage of this opportunity in favor of assisting him.

He was panting now and she was certain he was close to passing out himself. It looked serious, his ears, nose and eyes was all bleeding, she herself was still reeling from the scream and she knew she didn't have much time before she herself finally succumbed to the exhaustion.

"C-come on…beast," she said and she helped him to his feet and slung and arm over her shoulders,

Damn he was so much larger than her! "W-we…have to get out…of here." She took a step and collapsed. "D-dammit!"

Ignoring the pain and her body's protests, she forced herself back up and shouldered Naruto's weight. Once she was stable, she ambled off into the forest, determined to get as far away from Sylvanas as possible.

She limped in a random direction for an hour, determined, driven until she absolutely couldn't go on anymore.

Her teeth clenched as she finally began to succumb to her injuries and exhaustion. Her ribs were killing her and he head felt like it was trying to explode.

Coming to a rather innocent looking clearing and approaching a thick trunked tree, Whitemane sat Naruto against the tree as gently as she could before collapsing next to him, panting as he back rested against the tree.


Her bloodied mouth parted in a smirk. "Thank me…if we make it through the night…Beast."

There was a snort, and both of them willingly succumbed to unconsciousness.


Kamaal was sure something in his back had been broken. It ached almost agonizingly every time he took a step. By all rights that little trip through the air would have killed a lesser man, shaman or no, but he was among the stronger of his class and was able to sustain himself and the rogue girl as they fell, as such the two of them were able to immediately begin making their way back towards the undercity. They travelled in silence. All words that needed to be spoken had already been so, or would be later.

Kamaal cast a side glance to the rogue next to him. The girl was frightened, and rightfully so. That beast man's power scared even him a little. To be so in tune with the elements as to have one of them come to his aid without him even actively calling it or without using a totem spoke of the terrifying potential. And he just know that, that was only a sample.

It was quite amazing. What shaman wouldn't want to have that kind of ability?


Lavieria's gasp tore him from his though suddenly and loudly. The rogue jumped behind him, daggers drawn and clutched in fearful hands.

"What…?" and his words died in his throat as they stepped into a clearing.

It was him, the beast man and the high inquisitor of the scarlet crusade, unconscious against a tree, both suffering from obvious injury.

For well over a minute he just gaped at the two of them, shocked at what he was seeing. It seemed absurd that such a coincidence would even occur…but here they were, weak…helpless.

He and Lavieria could so easily bring them in and claim the reward…

"K-kamaal," The rogue tugged at his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts and causing him to sigh.

He eyed the two unconscious people before him one last time before he made his decision…


Glacial stared up at him. Her entire body was frozen in shock.


Mashonin's smile turned into a smirk and he reached out to her again, his glowing eyes flashing with hope.

"Come with me, Glaciel."

She just gaped up at him for a few more seconds, before her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Mashonin's smile slowly faded a bit as the temperature began to plummet.

"Why?" she hissed out. "Why the interest in me? You think I haven't noticed you watching me? Please."

Mashonin looked surprised at first then he began to sputter out denials about her claim but she cut him off. "Spare me the act and tell me what I want to know."

For a second Glaciel thought the man was going to bow out and retreat, but that proved to be a wrong assumption as he straightened out, and looked down at her, his face completely serious with no hint of a smile. She was startled by his abrupt change in demeanor.

"You want to know why?"" he asked with narrowed eyes. Then, suddenly, without warning he moved in, yanked her too her feet and crushed his lips into hers.

There was a gasp.

And two pairs of eyes widened…

"You fool!"

Haha. Normally I don't do abrupt romantic actions like that even if I can assure you this in no means is a sudden birth of a love or hell even a romantic liking. Mashonin acted on his own desires and will pay for it later.

Tell me what ya thought eh? Sorry for takin so long.

Character info.


Blood elf Blood death Knight

Lvl 61


Blood elf Frost death knight

Lvl 82

Note: Mashonin is one of my toons on the Undermine server.

more of my characters will appear later.