An: after much deliberation and thought. I have come to the realization that this is indeed the story I would like to continue. I apologize to those (Again) but it looks like Old face of Azeroth is here to stay.




He never has been one to make mistakes. Such a thing can lead to a gruesome death. He learned this…a long time ago.

"Rise and serve your new master…"

He is a king…an entity more powerful than any could hope to be…At least according to him. There are those in the world that oppose this idea with every fiber of their being.

"Open your eyes…mighty beast and join the scourge…"

His name…is Arthas Menthil, he's a human paladin transformed into a death knight and bonded with a lich and a cursed sword…He's one of the mightiest beings on the planet, and one of the biggest threats to the world itself. He currently resides in the deepest reaches of Northrend, commanding his undead legions to slowly infect the world. His current desire is the elimination of the Horde, The alliance and the Scarlet crusade for they are the obstacles that repeatedly stand in his way.

"Stand and give your might and your army over to me…"

He is always looking for new subjects…new allies to his cause. He will do anything to get them…Including subjugating. He's already convinced the Vykrul and the Quillboar and has already raised several powerful dragons from the dead. Not to mention the countless other lesser creatures he has already subjugated.

"Your time of rest is at an end…"

He is constantly looking for new ways to improve his army, searching out any who could add strength to the scourge.

"The power of nature itself…will no longer be need for you…"

He had stumbled upon something…something that would cement the scourge s rulers of the world forever…stored deep underground imprisoned in a safe of crystal…a scroll depicting a race long forgotten…

"Awaken and embrace a new power…"

Such is the reason Arthas was currently standing before a person entombed in crystal in a large hall. His sword was pointed at the tomb glowing with ancient and powerful magic, energy pouring from the blade and into the crystal, intent on breaking it open.

In the scroll he found are legends surrounding this area…this…citadel. Tales of this ancient and powerful race said to have ruled over the land thousands of years ago even before the titans arrived.

And he found them, enshrouded in a powerful illusion and buried deep beneath Silithus of all places. Heh those cenarion fools never even suspected. When at first he entered this place he was nearly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of life energyin this place. It was the first time in a long time that he was actually awed by anything. But he pressed on. He had a mission to complete, one that would further his cause. Perhaps he could make this barren land his own as well, assign this race and the insects here to it as a new plague land.

It took him and hour to actually find any solid evidence of the existence of this ancient race. It came in the form of another old scroll. It was full of powerful spells. The words though foreign and illegible, glowed with energy…and smelled of a bit of blood. This scroll was a powerful one. He couldn't help the spark of excitement that welled up when he found it. He'd hand it over to Kel'thuzad later for translation.

He found his solid proof ten minutes later and the sight that greeted him made him gasp in true wonder.

It was a woman. She was frozen in crystal in a face up position on her back. Her arms were crossed over her large bosom, silky pale blonde hair framing a perfect face, eyes closed in eternal slumber. A purple diamond mark was on her head. And a pair of canine like purple ears sat atop her head. Her lower half was enshrouded in thicker crystal, blocking it from view but he could see the tip of a tail…

"She's gorgeous," he had thought but he didn't dare try and awaken her. He had a much bigger fish to fry before he could do that. So he…after giving the slumbering woman one last glance, continued on his way.

As he progressed he laid eyes on the frozen forms of numerous others, a girl with dark blue hair and pale skin, cute lips accentuating her cat-like fangs.

A heavily muscled man with a pair of ox-like horns jutting from the sides of his head.

A woman crouched over as if in thought her short hair in the shape of a turtle like shell and probably hardened as such too.

There were…hundreds of them, each one, more unique than the last. Some looked to be of mixed inheritances, having the traits of more than one beast displayed upon their persons. While others looked to be of one ancestry.

He eyed them all with a smirk. Yes. They would shock the world with their return to the world.

He arrived at a large door perfectly preserved and stared at it for just a second before he entered. It was here that he found…his prize. There were nine of them, each one of them also slumbering behind a crystal veil but he instantly knew they were the most powerful…the leaders. They were arranged in a way that suggested that they were at different levels of power.

He scanned them all looking for the strongest one.

His eyes landed on the one with spiky bright yellow hair.

"Yeeeeeeeees, You are the one…"

Raising frostmourne, he began his spell…

"Don't do it you fool! You'll destroy us all!"

"Heh don't try and twist the situation Dobe. I told you I'd do anything to gain power. If that means I have to do this then so be it!"

"No damn you! Stop! Teme! STOP!"

"Heh, too late. See you in the new world order…slave."


"Brat! DO IT! DO IT NOW!"


"What are you doing Dobe! Stop it!"

"Heh you lose. See you never again…Fool."


"Wha…? What's happennning! Dobe what did you do!"

"Heh…I told you...Not to…But it looks… like I had to go with plan B. Looks like the furball's power outweighs your own."


"Say goodbye to your precious eyes Teme."


"Let the merging…begin. Make me proud Boy. Make us all proud…"

"The age of ninja and the Uchiha is over, Teme. I'll see ya when I wake up... if you survive that is."


Energy exploded from the crystal in a captivating display of crimson light. Arthas was nearly thrown from his feet by the backlash as the crystal exploded outwards, freeing the blonde man and dropping him to the ground. His glowing blue eye were unfocused, shocked as the memory faded from his mind. A thick cloud of dust was kicked up, obscuring the Lich King's vision. Arthas took a tentative step forward, sword drawn in case of an attack, poised to subjugate this man if he proved to be a problem.

Finally the dust began to clear. A silhouette appeared and it made the lich king raise an eyebrow at the strange shape.

"So…You're not human."

He grinned.

"Huh? What…happened? Where am I?"

A…Paw stepped out of the dust followed by another, then a pair of crimson furred canine legs in an upright position…Arthas was reminded of those Drenai when looking at them except instead of hooves this man had paws.

"Damn my head hurts."

The rest of the body was revealed. A chest that was previously covered by crossed arms was revealed, a small open vest went down to just below his pecks, and a thick strap slanted diagonally across it, holding a massive blade to his back. His hands were normal enough looking in terms of human standards save for the claws that looked like they could tear through steel. His eyes were a shocking shade of blue but with a crimson ring outlining the irises and his pupils were slit, like those of a feline. On his cheeks were three thick whisker like marks each and sticking from underneath his upper lip were a pair of fangs. His ears were ridiculously long like those of an elf but more animal like and covered in crimson fur as well. They slanted back from the side of his head twitching as they took in the sounds around him. He wore a pair of dark red shorts that stopped just above his knees and behind his back swayed nine long crimson yellow tipped Tails.

The man looked around for a second, his eyes adjusting to the slightly darkened area then they widened.


Arthas couldn't help the grin that danced across his face as he took a step forward, gaining the beast man's attention. The man gasped as tensed, his nose twitching, taking in the scent of death and decay.

"Who…what …are you?" he asked. His strange eyes focused more intently then what was probably natural. Arthas was unaffected, giving an evil grin as he began to approach the man.

"I am the Lich King, your savior and your new master." He raised his sword and pointed it at the man. "I have awakened you from your slumber just as I plan to wake the rest of you, so that you may join the scourge and help me purge this world of all life."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Straight forward aren't you?" He asked while crossing his arms. Arthas couldn't help but laugh. He honestly expected indignant yells and proclamations of how he'd never join such a foul creature, but instead he receives a calm question about his recruiting methods. However before he could speak again, the man spoke up.

"While I appreciate you waking me up Lich-San, I'm afraid I must decline your invitation to join this…scourge." He paused and grabbed the hilt of his weapon. "Because now that I am awake I have my own agenda to get started on, and I serve no one."

Arthas felt no anger at this boy's defiance. He expected as much. However it didn't stop him from narrowing his eyes and gathering energy.

"I am afraid, noble warrior that you have no choice."

A bolt of unholy energy blasted forth from the tip of Frostmourne and slammed into the man's chest careening him into the crystal coffin of tall dark skinned man who looked like an ox hybrid with eight tentacle tails. The crystal shook a bit but was unharmed.

"Ugh!" said the fox man as he clutched at his chest, he could feel the ill feeling spreading through his body, trying to slow him down. Arthas smirked and approached him at a steady pace.

"You just woke up," he said. "You stand no chance against me. Submit now and save yourself the trouble."

The man growled and staggered to his feet. "You're testing my patience, Lich-San." Arthas chuckled and raised his sword again, his eyes taking on a more intense glow behind his helmet.

"I'm testing your patience? Heh, how arrogant of you."

He moved. It was almost too fast for the man to react…almost. In a flash, Arthas slammed his blade down into the man's own blade. An explosion of energies as different as night and day tore through the chamber and rumbled the ground. Glowing blue eyes widened in surprise as his opponent smirked.

"I may have just woke up but I am far from weak, Lich-San." Then he heaved. Arthas was nearly thrown off his feet and barely had enough time to raise his own sword to block his opponent's counter attack. Another explosion of energy blew forth from the two.

Arthas actually felt his arm straining under the force of the fox man's blow. "You are strong," he commented. "Good. The scourge will make great use of you and your people."

The fox man leapt back as Arthas attempted to punch him in the stomach. Then he rushed again, with greater speed than that last time and went for a horizontal strike. Arthas leapt up and over, allowing the blade to slam into the crystal tomb of a red headed man with Tanuki features. Arthas raised an eyebrow as he saw that the crystal was unaffected.

"Hmm whatever sealed you all away must have been truly formidable."

The fox man nodded. "Yeah, I'm actually surprised you were strong enough to release me." He readied his blade. "Though now that I am free the crystal is sure to strengthen, you won't get anyone else out of here. Heh without help I won't even be able to awaken them now." Arthas smirked.

"I am more than willing to lend you a hand."

"No thanks Lich-San."

Arthas sighed. "I see you cannot be reasoned with. But it seems I have no choice." An aura of cold began to glow around the Lich king, getting more intense by the second. Arthas gave the fox man a piercing stare before he said, "I am done playing with you boy." Energy, massive and foul suddenly exploded off of the lich king in a display of power No single individual outside of the scourge's most loyal and powerful enforces had ever seen and lived to tell about it. The fox man's breath was washed away in an instant and his eyes grew to ridiculous proportion as his pupils shrunk in pure shock.

Arthas, smirked as his opponent froze.

"Like I said, you are still weak. I can tell you are very strong, impressively powerful in fact. But most of that power is still asleep."

He took a step forward and raised his blade, glowing runes emanating a foul twisted energy, calling for the very soul of all it touched.

"Do not worry. That power will return to you. I will make sure of that, my second in command."

He laughed evilly as his swung down, the blade cutting right through the man's torso. Arthas smirked.

"Welcome to the scourge, mighty Biju-Kin."

An explosion of life energy rocked forth from the fox man, healing his slight wound in an instant and effectively cutting off the frostmourne's link to his soul. Arthas couldn't help the gasp that escaped his lips.


"So you know of my kind. Hmm either we haven't been asleep long enough or there are legends about us."

Arthas leapt back as the fox man swung at him with his tails, climbed to his feet and held up his hand, a sphere of pure energy mixed with wind itself suddenly coming to life in it, chaotic and powerful, screeching as it grew more powerful by the second.

"If you know about us then surely you must know that the Kyuubi is not so easily defeated. It was fun while it lasted Lich-San. But I too am done playing games."

He charged, rearing his energy sphere back, preparing to drive it right through the Stunned Lich-King's chest.

"Goodbye Lich-San."

He shoved the sphere forward. "Fuuton Rasengan!"


Arthas at the last second, threw Frostmourne against the Rasengan in a last ditch effort to keep himself unharmed.

The fox man's eyes widened in horror as the two conflicting energies mixed…then exploded with the force of a massive bomb. Arthas had no choice. He had to teleport, creating a death gate just as the explosion tore outwards. However the fox man was also caught in the gate, flailing wildly through the air.

"SHIT!" was the last this heard before both warriors vanished.

On the surface, the druids of the cenarion circle gasped in wonder as a massive explosion sent debris miles into the air, destroying one of the massive silithid hives in the process.

"What in the name of Elune was that!" shouted a patrol.

"I don't know!"

They waited for the commotion to settle and for the dust to clear, Once it did they could see a distant green glow. The druids could feel the energy…the Life coming from that area. They were drawn to it.

They set out an hour later, not knowing they were about to make a great discovery.

In the forests of Trisifal glades not too far from the scarlet monastery, the death gate appeared, unnoticed and unheard. The fox man stumbled out, clutching his injured right arm and panting. He was a mess. I clothing was in tatters and his blade warped and cracked. Blood was streaming from a gash in his forehead and one of his tails was broken.

"Damn that Lich guy sure doesn't know how to quit."

He took a few more labored breaths before he passed out from exhaustion, never hearing the gasp or seeing the two figures rapidly approaching.

So how was that? Once again I do not know how many of you play WoW but eh it's worth a try.

By the way if you do have any characters feel free to tell me about them. Naruto will be meeting quite a few people including my characters. He will need companions *Grin*

Till next time yall!

Peace out!