Disclaimers: Why in the world would I write a fanfiction if I owned the real thing? So yeah, I'm sorry I don't own it and you won't get to sue me.

This story is purely crackish! So it has no meaning, and it is considered as a failure, please enjoy.
By the way, no one forces anyone to read anything, so no blaming me!

Naruto and the gang head on over to New York on a field trip, but what the rest of the gang doesn't know is that Naruto is a secret agent. Yaoi, slash. SasuNaru xD

Chapter 1:

Goodbyes and dares

"KIT! Hurry up and get moving! You'll miss the bus and then won't go to New York!" screamed a blonde man.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Called a blonde teen as he grabbed his jacket and hugged the older blonde. "Bye dad! ... I promise I will try and keep up the charade, but I still don't know."

"It's ok Naru-chan" The teen glared and the older blonde chuckled.

"You know I hate that nickname dad! Ever since you called me Naru, Ino and Dei have had a field day calling me Naru. Its your fault dad!" The older blonde chuckled again and ruffled his hair.

"Fine, I mean Naruto, and don't be so mean to your cousins." The older blond sighed and looked at his son's deep ocean blue eyes that the sky envies. "Just promise to try and keep it up. I know how much you want to drop it, but just do it for us, for me", Naruto smiled and nodded.

"Sure dad. Besides, I know for a fact you put Kakashi in this trip to ensure that."

The older blond smiled and let go of Naruto. "ANBU agent Minato Namikaze-Uzumaki, Hokage level, Dismissed." Naruto rolled his eyes at his father. "ANBU agent Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki, Jounin-Captain level and Sannin in training, Dismissed." They both laughed and hugged one more time.

"I'll miss saying that to you dad." Minato smiled and let go of his son. "I know kit, I know ... and before you tell me, I will take care of Kyuubi for you. There is no way he and Itachi will be having sex in my house without me knowing it. And there is no way they will be doing it in your room as payback!"

Minato moved to the front door and pulled out a hat. "Here Naruto, wear this proudly and tell them all I gave it to you." Naruto took the hat from him and stared at it in awe. "I know, it could be dangerous for you to wear it, but you are a sannin in training, meaning you are stronger than me, so there is no reason for you to get your ass beat."

"I know dad, and I wasn't going to say anything, but ... if Kakashi, Iruka, and the others don't know about it ... there's going to be a problem!" Minato chuckled and nodded, moving his son over towards the door as he squeezed the hand still holding the hat.

Naruto smiled and put it on, grabbed his suitcase, and ran out the door yelling, "Thanks dad! Just watch out for Fugaku, don't want him getting into your pants and help Itachi, now do we?"

"NARUTO!" Minato yelled after a chuckling Naruto as he ran to school.

"Hey guys!" yelled a pink haired girl. "We're all here early ... well almost everyone." 'Che, that Naruto is always late. I just hope he doesn't come period! He always gets in the way of me and Sasuke-kun'

"Hn ... we all know the dobe won't be here this earl-" started Sasuke, but was interrupted. "TEME! stop calling me that!" Screamed Naruto as he made impact with the railing they were all waiting at. Naruto was wearing an orange jacket, opened up so you can see his white tank top and a black and white scarf tied loosely around his neck. He has a hat with an metal plate attached to it with some weird insignia of a leaf with a swirl in the middle. The hat was cropped to the side, making some of his hair cover his left eye. 'Damn the dobe looks HOT! He never dresses like that.' Sasuke apraised through the corner of his eye.

"Naruto-No-Baka! Stop talking to Sasuke-kun like that!" Sakura punched him and made him fall to the ground face first. 'One of these days you pink bitch! One of these damn days, you won't be able to do that!' Naruto thought as he picked himself up.

"Hey Kit!" Kiba gave a sympathetic look through his eyes and laughed at Naruto. 'I know Kit, I know.' Kiba thought as Ino and Deidara snuck up behind Naruto. "Kit, the symbol. What are you doing with the symbol out?" Kiba whispered before Ino and Deidara had a chance to talk.

"NARU! You're here EARLY!" Yelled the two other blondes in unison. "Sorry for comming early ohh great cousins of mine!" came the sarcastic reply of Naruto as he bowed to them. They were all there. Shikamaru, Ino, Deidara, Sakura, Tenten, Neji, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, and ... HIM!

"Hn, well thats the first, dobe" Of course no one can have a life if they don't have an arrogant bastard to ruin it.

"Teme, I won't play your damn stupid games! We all know you want a piece of my ass, but you won't get any." Everyone stared wide eyed at Naruto's comment, even the great lazy know it all Shikamaru was at a loss.

"OWNED! Sasuke got owned by my cousin, un!" Deidara danced and cheered while Sasuke glared at him and Kiba ignored them.

"K-Kit? You ok dude? You actually made a comeback to him!" called Kiba as he ran to Naruto and felt his forehead giving him a knowing look that said "Your pushing it".

"Ohh I'm more than ok! Oh and Teme ..."

"Hn" replied the bastard, stopping his glaring and looking over at Naruto.

"Itachi won't be making it, he has some ... urgent buissness in my brother's room and bed. That's if my father even lets them out of his sight ... good old dad!" Naruto grinned and turned to leave his suitcase with Iruka leaving Sasuke shocked into silence asking himself how Naruto knew his brother.

"Naruto, you're slipping up, watch yourself! You-"

"I know Kakashi! I know, I'm supposed to act like an idiot! But I want to drop this charade, I want to act like myself and get Iruka to tell everyone the truth, that I'm at the top of the class, even higher than the bastard. I want to stop wearing orange like I'm some kind of mental idiot who doesn't know it looks bad. And I want you and Iruka to hook up and for you to fuck him into the mattress!"

Kakashi palled at the matress part. "NARUTO! ... D-Don't say such things!" Came the studdered scolding from a very red Iruka.

"Sorry Sensei, but you have to admit, you two are perfect for each other, so don't get mad at me for trying to make you both happy. Besides, it's this pervert you have to watch out for. For all you know he might be into cosplay, or bondage, or foreplay, or you fingering yourself for him to watch! Or- ITAI! What'd you do that for?" Iruka slapped him up side the head and blushed even more, taking a peek at Kakashi who was day dreaming about Iruka and three fingers up his ass ... all for him.

"For saying those things! ... Now you just watch your actions, its not time for them to know all of that yet."

"Its ok Iruka. I have you, Kakashi and his guys, and Kiba to baby sit me and prevent that! ... That is If I can put up with it. That pink bitch is pushing her luck."

"Naruto" Iruka glared at him as he made his warning clear.

"Naruto, why are you wearing the symbol? You know that if someone recognizes it, we could get into a lot of trouble and our cover could be blown!"

"Neh, Kakashi! Its ok, I know what your saying, but seriously! I'm a sannin in training, SANNIN! I can handle a small raid, and besides, these idiots don't know a single thing, so whats the point? They're even lower than gennin level for Kami's sake! AND my father gave it to me." Kakashi nodded his head and stared off into space. "Just watch your back, we don't want any trouble."

Naruto nodded and made his way to the empty bus and to the back. "Its almost time to get on anyways Iruka-sensei!"

Iruka rolled his eyes and left to mother hen on someone else while Kakashi stared at his ass. 'This is going to be sweet!' Naruto thought as his friends made their way on the bus with the exception of the bastard. 'That Sasuke Uchiha! The bastard!' Naruto grumbly thought as Sasuke took his correct asigned seat next to him.

"KIT! ... I have an awesome idea ... lets pull some epic dares here and mess with Sasuke" Kiba jumped excitedly in his place next to Naruto as he rolled his eyes and nodded with as much excitement as Kiba.

"GREAT! Ok I have these awesome dares ... ok the first one is ..." Kiba pulled out a small piece of paper and read it to Naruto " ... 'walk up to random people with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at them and say 'FREEZE! This is a hold up! Give up your shoes and we won't fry your ass!' at them' ... Hmm LETS DO IT! We can get your cousins to loan us their hair dryers!" Naruto fell out of his seat and rolled around laughing.

"Lets do it ... I'll get the hair dryers from them" Naruto said as he ran to said cousins.

"Ino! Dei! ... C-Can I borrow your hair d-dryers?" Naruto studdered as he took in the group Ino and Deidara were sitting with while waiting for the plane to arrive. Sasuke smirked at him, eyes full of amuzement at Naruto's expense.

"... Why?" came the reply from both of them.

"B-Because ... I need it f-for ... my hair" Naruto squeeked

"... OMG! Naru! Finally you have taken the family ways!"

"OMG! NARU! Just like me, un!" Squeeled Deidara as he hugged Naruto close.

"Hn, just like the dobe to turn into a woman" Naruto rolled his eyes and ignored the raven. "So can I borrow it ... both of them? ... for Kiba too?" Ino nodded happily and handed him two hair dryers. "Now have fun with Kiba!" Naruto nodded and ran to Kiba who was rolling on the floor laughing on the other side of the waiting hall.

"Adda boy Kit! Now ... LETS GO!" Kiba made a secret agent pose and lowered his voice to sound like Arnold Schwartzeneggar.

"Hahahahaha ... alright, lets go!" They made their way to a corner that was right infront of their friends and put on their sunglasses. "Ok lets do this!" Kiba raised his hair dryer at a man who was reading the newspaper.

"HEY YOU! YEAH YOU FREEZE!" Kiba yelled and the man raised his head and so did their friends. "Sasori?" The man nodded and smirked at Naruto. "You here for that fuck that I promised you, or how about that threesome with Deidara that we were talking about?" Sasuke glared daggers at Sasori while Deidara's face flamed red.

"H-Hell NO!" Naruto turned a bright red and Sasori's smirk grew even bigger. "Well then, what do you want then? To give me a blow job then? You're going to need Deidara for that too, you know." Sasuke gritted his teeth and Deidara seethed in his seat while Naruto glared at Sasori and shook his head furiously, blush still in place.

"Give up your shoes and we won't fry your ass" Screamed Naruto. Ino fell out of her chair along with Deidera while everyone else stared dumbfoundedly as Naruto glared daggars and tried to make Sasori fear him with a hair dryer.

Sasori's smirk dropped and he looked at them like they were crazy, "What the hell? What are you talking about?"

"We'll never tell you that we work for Sasuke-cheeks!" Naruto made a hero pose like Lee while Sasuke gaped at Naruto and Sasori rolled his eyes. "You just told me who you work for you dumbass!"

"He said ... GIVE. UP. YOUR. SHOES!" Kiba growled and held the hair dryer closer to Sasori.

"NO, now put that down you idiot" Kiba glared daggers at Sasori and began to walk closer.

"TAKE THIS!" Kiba and Naruto both started to push the button on the hair dryer while glaring at him.

"Its no use Kiba! This man is immune to our weapons! ... TO THE BAT CAVE!" Naruto gabbed his imaginary cape and covered his face as he made a hasty retreat. "Come Robin!"

"Yes Sir, Batman Sir!" Kiba ran after Naruto, giving Sasori the evil eye along the way and Sasori sweat dropped. "What a couple of idiots" He said as he returned his attention to the paper.

"Umm Ino ... I guess Naruto didn't embrace the family way ... Ino?" Sakura touched her friend's shoulder and made Ino fall on the floor laughing.

"Hahahahaha! Thats just like Naru, un!" Deidara joined Ino on the floor while the others stared in amazement.

"But why did they do that in the first place? ... And what did Sasori mean by that Deidara?" Tenten turned her questions onto a frightened Deidara who cowered in fear. "Well ... how am I supposed to know? We only know Sasori from a family friend who brought him over one time to our house for a party, and he ended up dry humping me and Naruto." Everyone sweat dropped as they stared at Sasori who only chuckled and turned to them.

"What?" they all turned away quickly, blushing and not meeting anyone's eyes while Sasori smirked and made his way over to them, only to sit down and not say a thing.

"MY DEAR FRIENDS! That was a good display of YOUTH! May I join in your youthful rituals?" Yelled Lee as he made his way down the hall after Naruto and Kiba and passing their friends, successfully tearing the awkward silence that settled over Sasuke's table.

"Sure Lee, we're just doing dares and messing with Sasuke, if you want one then ... "Kiba pulled out a piece of paper and grinned "... I've got a good one for you ... 'Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy" with a serious straight face' ... That sound good?" Asked Kiba as Lee sat down at the table Naruto and him rested at.

"YOSH! ... In accordance with the prophecy!" Kiba laughed and Naruto chuckled.

"My turn! Give it to me hard Kiba!"

"Kit ... you don't know how sexual that just sounded- OUCH OK, OK! yours is ... 'Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice' ... now go do it man!" Kiba roared.

Naruto got up determined to do his dare. He passed Sasuke's table again and made his way to the reception where the receptionist was at a coffee break.

"Hey guys, what's Naruto doing?" asked Shikamaru.

"You shall see in accordance with the prophecy!" Exclaimed Lee with a Laughing Kiba at his side as they made their way over to Sasuke's table.

"Excuse me, but may a Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki please come to the back reception to meet a Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki, that's Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki. Please meet Naruto at the back reception, Naruto" The loud speaker rang, effectively cutting off any noise within the group.

"Gaaaaah! Run, Run for your lives! Sasuke let Iruka the mother hen loose from his private zoo" came the yell from the intercom as Naruto ran away from a fuming Iruka.

"Hahahahahaha! Good one dude! Come on Lee, lets go" Sasuke's left eye twitched in annoyance as he watched Iruka yell at the blonde.

"YOSH! in accordance with the prophecy!" They both ran after Naruto and Iruka with a horny looking Kakashi tailing them.

"What just happened?" asked Tenten.

"Hn" Hn'ed both Neji and Sasuke.

"Troublesome, those two are probably up to no good, just stay out of it and don't pay them any attention and they'll leave us alone." Everyone turned to Shikamaru as he grumbled from under his hoody.

"You think something will happen? Cause I have a feeling that won't be that last we will see of Naruto and his posse" Tenten said as she stared at Naruto getting his head bashed in by Iruka, completely ignoring Shikamaru's advice. "Yeah, I think you're right Ten. Besides Kiba and Naruto keep glancing over here and sniggering a lot." Sakura added as Naruto crawled away from Iruka, also ignoring Shikamaru's advice and receiving a sigh from him as he grumbled something about troublesome women.

"Hn, that dobe is always glancing at something ... its like he knows something we don't. Sakura, keep an eye on him. Tenten, you and Neji try to get to Lee and get him to spill." Sasuke whispered to them as Ino and Deidara discretely glanced at each other and nodded.

"Don't come to me when the shit hits the fan and you get sprayed in it. I told you to leave them alone. Shikamaru sighed as the rest of them kept on plotting and investigation on the blonde and his dog loving friend.

"Alright Kiba! I have one for you! ... 'sing "Gay Bar" at a certain someone and declare them Husband and wife.' Can you do it?"

"Yosh! in accordance with the prophecy .. can you do it my youthful friend!" Added Lee.

"Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I?" Kiba began to make his way to their friends sitting area while humming the Gay Bar chorus.

"Uhh .. Kiba? What are you humming?" Asked Shino.

"A song! …. FOR SASUKE!" Sasuke spit out his tea and glared murderously at Kiba as he began to ceranade him

"You! … I wanna take you to a gay bar! I wanna take you to a gay bar! I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar!" Kiba began to sing loudly as everyone at the table and around them began to stare at Sasuke. "You're a superstar … at the gay bar. You're a superstar, at the gay bar … Yeah you're a superstar! At THE GAY BAR SASUKE!"

"And now … I proclaim you and Naruto husband and wife! You may now kiss your banana!" Sasuke gaped at Kiba as he made a mad dash to Naruto, leaving a banana in a wedding dress and a note from Naruto stating that dinner was ready.

"Well Sasuke, it seems you need to go to your honeymoon with your banana, so off you go." Neji smirked as Sasuke's left eye developed a tick from all his surpressed anger.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! Kiba that was brilliant! Nice touch too."

"YOSH! My blonde youthful, blushing companion has a point in accordance with the prophecy!"

"I know right?, Now your turn Lee ... 'Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror, and pick your nose' Do it!"

"Yosh! in accordance with the prophecy!" Lee made his way over to the security camera behind Sasuke.

Everyone turned around as Lee looked into the security camera with a serious expression as he began to pick his nose.

"Umm Lee ... ?" asked Sasuke as he saw Lee pick his nose

"I am doing the best I can woman! Stop pestering me about my nose picking and pick yours faster if you want me to do it so much in accordance with the prophecy!" Then Lee made a swift turn and ran like the devil was chasing him.

"What the hell is this all about?" Everyone turned to a very perplexed Sasori as he stared at Naruto and Kiba laughing at Lee.

"Well if we knew, then we would have already taken care of it!" Sasori rolled his eyes at Sakura and waved her off. "Don't make me laugh, pinky. You're strength can do nothing to me." Sakura gritted her teeth, but remained silent. Sasuke smirked at Sasori and exchanged a knowing look with him.

"Okay my youthful friends in accordance with the prophecy!" Naruto and Kiba were on the floor laughing their asses off as Lee sat down next to them.

"Ok ok ok! My turn ... lay it on me Bushy brows!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Yosh! ... 'When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.. "NO! NO! It's those voices again!' Now go off my youthful blonde friend in accordance with the prophecy!"

Naruto walked over to their friends who were mentally preparing for what the blonde had in store. Just when he turned around in front of Sasuke to leave, an announcement came on. "May the Janitor please come to the west wing of the waiting hall, I repeat Janitor to west wing, thank you."

Naruto bent over and assumed the fetal position. "N-No .. No ... NO! It's those voices again! ... NOOOO! PLEASE STOP TALKING!"

"Dobe, are you ok?" Asked Sasuke feeling a little aroused at having Naruto's ass in his face.

Naruto shot up and glared at Sasuke. "WOMAN! Leave me the fuck alone! I heard you the first time and if you seriously want to fuck then lets go to the bathroom and get it on! … But Sasori is not allowed." Naruto then ran to Kiba's table leaving a stunned Sasuke, a depressed Sasori, and everyone else trying hard not to laugh, but failing miserably.


"Wow Naruto, never knew you had it in you. But anyway ... my turn, lay it on me." Kiba exclaimed holding Lee closer to hear his dare.

"hmm well ... 'Grab a toy sword and run around yelling "FOR NARNIA!". Then find an old lady and say "AH! IT'S THE WHITE WITCH! SOMEONE GET ASLAN!"' ok Kiba?"

Kiba held a spark of excitement and ran to the gift shop, buying a toy sword and running around Sasuke's table. "FOR NARNIA BITCHES! ... Oh wait not bitches ... Sasukes!"

Sasuke felt a vain in his forehead explode and went to grab Kiba when Kiba stopped in his tracks in front of Jiraya, Naruto's Grandfather. "AHHHHHH ITS THE WHITE WITCH! SOMEONE GO GET ASLAN AND BRING SASUKE SO ASLAN CAN USE HER TO BEAT THE WITCH UP WITH!"

Jiraya tilted his head in confusion and Sasuke growled as Kiba made a dash for Naruto.

"What the hell? I am certainly no woman, and besides … I ain't that old! …. and I don't have any boobs to play with!" Everyone sweat dropped at Jiraya and began to stare at Naruto's table.

"Ok, they are really up to something, and it's getting on my nerves!" Everyone turned stunned to a very angry Shino, or as angry as he could look … which was the same as normal.

"Well … lets just wait and see what they do, then Jiraya-sensei can go and sort it out." Everyone nodded at Tenten's solution and Jiraya just smirked, already knowing he would do nothing to sort it out.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! KIBA THAT WAS EPIC!" Naruto could be heard from even at Sasuke's table.

"All good, now Lee, are you ready? ... 'Find some Yu-Gi-Oh cards and walk up to random people saying " IT'S TIME TO DUEL!"' now go Lee!"

"Yosh in accordance with the prophecy!" Lee bolted up and walked over to some boys. "Can I borrow your cards of youth my good men in accordance with the prophecy?" The boys shrugged and gave them up in favor of watching Lee.

Lee made his way over to Sasuke and threw a card down in front of him. "IT'S TIME TO DUEL! GAME ON WOMAN THINGER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPHECY!"

Jiraya cracked up and walked Lee away from the seething raven over towards Naruto.

"Ok … so what the hell?" Sasuke sighed and shrugged at Neji, choosing to just stay silent and watch Naruto and his table to calculate their actions. "Maybe they are planning something? Maybe take over the world by annoying the hell out of everyone starting by me" Sasuke said absently while starring at the laughing group.

"Naruto, what are you all doing?" Jiraya asked.

"Pulling random dares and messing with Sasuke ... wanna join in gramps?" Jiraya nodded furiously and sat down in front of them. "Gaki? What are you doing with the symbol on a hat?"

"My dad gave it to me! How many people are going to ask? Gramps I'm a sannin in training, you are training me, so there is no fear!" Kiba nodded his head in understanding and Lee for once in his life, had nothing of youth to say.

"Ok its Naruto's turn ... 'Look for a guy that has a girl beside them and say "Who is this?" and when he says that he doesn't know what you are talking about, say " Oh, so that's how it is. Well, whatever we had is now over, you cheating liar." Then run away crying.' do that to Sasuke and I will forever look up to you, man!" Exclaimed Kiba with a laughing Jiraya at his side and a determined Lee.

"Alright!" Naruto ran up to Sasuke's table and stared at everyone slowly making his way to Sasuke.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS SASUKE?" Naruto pointed to Sakura.

"Uhh Sakura?

"What about us? You left me for a blob of pink?"

"Naruto, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, so that's how it is. Well, whatever we had is now over, you cheating lying son of a bitch! I said I loved you when we had sex, SEX! FUCKING LIAR SASUKE!" Then Naruto started to cry and run away.

"What the hell was that about?" Everyone asked Sasuke.

"How would I know, the dobe and I never even had a full conversation before! And what the hell? SEX?"

"Maybe he's saying he wants you by doing these things? You would never know. Although I am disappointed that he chose you and not me, even with the chances of him AND Deidara open, they both refused." Deidara, being silent the whole time, stood up and glared at Sasori.

"You pervert, un!" He smacked the back of Sasori's head and sat back down with Ino, starring at their cousin in hopes of finding a way to be with him.

"GAKI! Damn! That was epic! Give me a dare!" Said Jiraya as he calmed down.

"Sure .. hmm ... 'Get a toy gun and walk around humming "The Pink Panther's theme song."' Go pervy gramps!"

"Sure thing gaki." Jiraya made his way to Sasuke's table, a toy gun in hand, and hiding it.

"Hum-hum, Hum-hum, Hum-hum Hum-hum Hum-hum Hum-hum Humhummm, Hum-hum, hum-hum!" Jiraya pranced around the table, making jaws drop to the floor and Shikamaru wake up completely. "Uhh Jiraya-sensei, what exactly are you doing?" yawned Shikamaru.

"Oh nothing! But ... Yo homie-sause! Gib meh some crack! I know you brought it with you! ... Itachi says that it was you who broke into Naruto's room and molested him while leaving crack thar, so gib it up!" Sasuke fell out of his chair while Jiraya made his way over to Naruto. "Um Sasuke, is that true? Are you having a thing with Naruto behind our backs?" Neji elbowed him.

"Hell no! I don't even know where all of this is coming from!"

"I'm telling you … it's his way of saying he wants something." Sasori said suggestively, elbowing Sasuke and winking his eye at him perversely.

"Oh I'll go ask Naruto if he is ok, and check to see if grandfather is ok in the head" exclaimed Ino as she made her way over to Naruto with a laughing Deidera in tow.

"Yo Ino! Dei! ... Sup!" Ino rolled her eyes at Naruto's greeting while Deidera giggled and sat down.

"Naruto, they suspect something. Sasuke set Sakura and the others to investigate, but I'm pretty sure we're safe from them, but we can never be too careful." Naruto nodded and smiled.

"So, what are you guys doing?"

"Doing random dares and messing with Sasuke." Ino nodded and sat down too.

"I want in! Besides its another 30 minutes till the plane boarding, so why not have fun eh?"

"Yes, un! But I just want to watch and maybe help a little in the messing with Sasuke part" Grinned Deidara evilly.

"THATS THE YOUTHFUL SPIRIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPHECY!" Lee made a hero pose and Gai made his way over.

"Yosh! in accordance with the prophec- wait what?"

"Gai-sensei! We are doing youthful dares and screwing Sasuke over, would you like to join us in accordance with the prophecy?"

Gai had sparkly eyes and nodded in excitement.

"Alright! Naruto you ask Ino." Kiba interjected before the time went by.

"Alrighty then ... 'Crawl all the way around the place, muttering "I'll find you...I'll find you..." as you go."

"Ohhh I have an idea, un! If someone asks you what you're doing, tell them you're looking for Sasuke's balls, un" Laughed Deidera.

Ino grinned evilly and nodded, getting on her hands and knees and crawling over to Sasuke's table. "I'll find you ... I'll find you ... I'll find you ... I'll find you" Ino muttered on her hands and knees in front of Shikamaru.

"Ino-pig, what are you doing?" Sakura asked looking concerned for her friend.

"Looking for Sasuke's balls." Ino said happily and smiled innocently as she picked herself up, accidentally giving Shikamaru a lap dance, and walking away to Naruto's table where Jiraya was making cat calls at her.

"No comment on that what so ever." Everyone agreed with Sasuke completely and just watched as Ino blushed and smacked Jiraya's hands away from her waist, his attempts at getting her to give him a lap dance as well, failed.

"Ok my turn ... Gai-sensei ... 'Find a microphone and sing "Dude looks like a Lady" while pointing and looking straight at a certain guy..' go ahead Gai-sensei!" Ino smiled.

Gai smiled and walked over to the gift shop to purchase a microphone. When he had his microphone in his hand, he walked over to Sasuke, who was talking to Kakashi about Naruto and his table.

"Ehem! I, the incredibly youthful Gai, shall now grace everyone with ... a song!" He winked at Sasuke, who got chills down his spine.

The music began, and Gai looked straight at Sasuke. "That! That! Dude looks like a lady! That! That! Dude looks like a lady! That! That! Dude looks like a lady! That! That! Dude looks like a ladeh!" Gai pointed at Sasuke every time, and girls were starting to fall in love with Gai's singing.

"That is all, because ... I have become tired, but I will change the lyrics and sing one last time!" Kakashi sweat dropped and felt sorry for Sasuke. The music began again, and Sasuke's eye twitched when everyone began to notice that Gai was pointing at him.

"Sasuke! Sasuke! Looks like a ladeh! Sasuke! Sasuke! Looks like a ladeh! Sasuke! Sasuke! Looks like a ladeh! Sasuke! Sasuke! Looks like a ladeh!"

Both Kakashi and Sasuke stared wide eyed at Gai as he skipped off to Naruto's table. (Notice the "skipped" in that sentence XD)

"Uh … well, I don't know what to say to you Sasuke, Gai is weird like that, so I can't say Naruto is harassing you all." Sasuke sighed and rubbed his throbbing head in hopes of making his head ache go away.

"Is that good then my youthful students?"

"Hell yes Gai-sensei!" exclaimed Naruto. "Now give me a dare to do"

"Yosh! ... 'Eat a chocolate bar suggestively while staring at a classmate' now go get that candy bar and stand in front of Sasuke and make him nosebleed like the youthful student you are!" Gai stroke his nice guy pose and Naruto stared in amazement, but went off anyway.

Naruto walked over to the gift shop, bought his candy, and walked over to Sasuke's table. Everyone stared at Naruto, expecting him to do something and have Kakashi catch him. Naruto glanced at Kakashi and Kakashi knew exactly what was happening and watched in amusement.

"Sasuke" Naruto nodded in acknowledgment. He then started to tear at the chocolate bar and lick at the tip while staring at Sasuke with half lidded eyes. He licked from the underside to the top, sucking on it here and there. He kept eye contact with Sasuke and he stuffed the chocolate bar into his mouth, deep throating it and moaning at it's taste.

Sasuke could feel a bulge forming. He could see the fire in those blue eyes that could rival the sky. He followed the bar with his eyes, watching every single move that devilish pink tongue made on the bar.

Naruto smirked at the expression Sasuke was giving him, Sasuke was drooling. He swallowed around the bar and gave it one last suck before biting on it and turning away. "I just wanted to say ... HEY!" Then Naruto walked away laughing with Kakashi on his tail.

Sakura stood up and started to walk towards Naruto's table. "Sakura, where are you going?" Asked Tenten as Sakura walked further away.

"To settle this! Naruto needs to stop coming over here and messing with Sasuke and consequently ... us! Did you not see what he just did in front of us?" Sasuke glared holes at Sakura while she swiftly made her way over to Naruto.

"Nice one gaki!" cheered Jiraya.

"Naru, un!" Deidera glomped Naruto as he sat down. "That was sexy, un" They all laughed.

"NARUTO!" Sakura came up behind Naruto and punched him down. Naruto soared to the other side of the room and slumped against the wall. 'ONE OF THESE GOD DAMN DAYS! That pink bitch is going to get it!' Naruto glared at Sakura as she made her way back. His glare hidden behind his golden mane. Kakashi gave him a look, already seeing the red rage in his aura.

"Ok ok ok, give me my dare before I kill you!" Growled Kiba. 'He must be pissed that he hasn't gotten a turn yet.' Naruto thought as he was brought back to reality.

"Alright, but first .. Kakashi, we are doing dares and messing with Sasuke. That's all! ... now Kiba 'Offer piggy back rides to your classmates. You only succeed if you manage to persuade a classmate to accept a piggy-back' now go and amaze me with your amazing piss-off-Sasuke skills!" Kiba grinned and walked over to Sasuke's table.

"Hinata, may I offer you a piggy-back ride?" Hinata blushed cherry red.

"U-uh n-no Kiba-kun i-its ok, h-honest I-I d-don't need a ride t-thank you" Hinata stuttered out, looking everywhere but at Kiba.

"Please Hina-chan! I need to do this, and you are the only one I want to take with me." Hinata shook her head, but slowly nodded and stood up. Kiba walked around the whole hall getting a few "THE POWER OF YOUTH"'s along the way.

"Well thank you for letting me give you a lift. Now ... Sasuke would you like to ride me, or would you like Naruto to do it for you ... or better yet, ride you? You know he'll like that a lot" Before Sasuke could even glare at Kiba, he was out of there with Kakashi chuckling and Naruto on the floor.

'Damn that Kiba for giving me that mental image! Sweet god that would be so damn hot! Naruto, riding MY cock, in MY room, withering under MY touch, and moaning MY name ... WAIT! No not happening! I need to stop thinking like that because there is no way I'm lusting after that damn dobe!' Sasuke thought as he observed Kiba and Naruto laugh and the small pink dusting Naturo's cheeks.

"Kay, now my turn ... Kakashi ... 'Finish all your sentences with "In my pants" while talking to someone and giving them a serious look.' Now go Kakashi-sensei, drag Sasuke down to hell!" Kiba laughed at his dare for Kakashi while Kakashi made his move on Sasuke.

"This is going to be good, un"

"Hell yeah Dei" came the response from all of them.

"Sasuke, I've talked to Naruto … in my pants. He said he is just messing with you … in my pants. I told him to stop messing with you … in my pants. But he won't listen to me … in my pants"

Sasuke stared dumbfoundedly at Kakashi as he looked at him with a serious expression.

"Excuse me Sasuke, but could you just leave Naruto alone ... in my pants?" Sasuke stared at Kakashi as if he were crazy. "He'll keep at it ... in my pants. So leave him alone and he'll stop ... in my pants. Or if you want, as Kiba so graciously put it, he'll ride you … in my pants." Kakashi walked away while Sasuke tried not to throw up.

"Ok whatever that was, we will never speak of this ever again!" Everyone nodded as Sasuke took a huge gulp from his water and tried not to puke.

"Was that good?" Everyone nodded chuckling and giggling at Sasuke. "Well then ... Ino 'Give Sasuke your car keys and tell him you're too drunk to drive' now run along Ino" Kakashi gave her a warm smile while she walked over to Sasuke.

"Ino, please tell me you're not going to tell me to get in your pants." Sasuke pleaded while still trying not to throw up. "No, no Sasuke I just wanted to ..." She gave him her car keys and took a breath, " ... give you my car keys because I'm too drunk to drive." She then walked away, but came back quickly to take her keys back and accidentally give Shikamaru another lap dance.

"Ok what is going on with that dobe and his table?"

"Sasuke-kun, I think they are smoking something. They even have Jiraya-sensei, Kakashi-sensei and Gai-sensei over there." Sakura sighed and waited.

"No matter everyone, in 10 minutes we will be boarding the plane and leaving, maybe by then I won't get lap dances every now and then and everything will be back to normal." Replied a thoughtful Shikamaru as he watched Ino walk and talk with Naruto and his table as they made their way to the gate of their plane.

"Hn, lets go then." Sasuke got up and walked away, the others behind him and laughing about the strange happenings of their wait.

"Hey guys, I've got the iPods back, so we can keep this up. Who wants in?" asked Kiba as he took out the iPods. Everyone grinned and took an iPod as they walked to their gates.

"Hey wait, un! How are we going to continue this with iPods?" Deidara asked, being confused as to why the iPods were presented. "Because Dei, the agency modified these iPods to be able to act as walkie talkies for us." Naruto ruffled Deidara's hair and walked in front of them.

Chapter end! :D

Yeah, this was actually my first chapter story, so ... yeah, I know it sucks, but at least it's sort of funny?

Naruto: Now that's what I'm talking about! Getting on Sasuke's nerves!

Sasuke: You were talking about me dobe? Can't get enough of me I see.

Sasu's libido: You know what to do boss! Let me at him!

Sasuke: Patience young one. You will learn how to control the force in time.

Naruto: Sasuke, you need therapy.

Me: o .o ...

Sasuke: Shut up dobe, unless you want some of the Sasu-nator!

Me: Sasu-nator ... ? O...k then ... see ya next time! :D