Author Note: The Predator in this story is the Yautja from Predator 2 (I call him Bakuub). This story is set a couple years after when he hunted at Los Angeles (let's just say he survived the fight with Harrigan), and now he's in Omaha (where I live). This story is about me and Bakuub...and zombies...and gods...and other Predators, too. I do not own Predators (I wish I did, though...then again, every Predator/Alien junkie like me wishes that). Anyway, enjoy the story!

Chapter One


Bakuub's gaze swept the ooman city, which was crawling with undead abominations. The red-skinned Yautja wondered what had happened, for the oomans to be dead and still walking around. Perhaps their gods have punished them, he thought with a snort. He wouldn't be surprised if they did. After all, oomans were among the most dishonorable beings in the galaxy. Bakuub did a double-take as he caught a heat signature in a medical station. Focusing on it, he saw that the ooman in the medical station (what was it called...a hospital?), and saw that she was actually alive.

Bakuub signaled a member of his hunting party, Dachande. The bulky warrior came over and asked, "Did you find something?"

"Over there," Bakuub said, pointing. "I think I've found a survivor."

Dachande looked over in the medical station. "I think you're right. Should we go investigate?"

Bakuub nodded and signaled the other four hunters in his party (Yeyinde, Guan-thwei, P'kya'vha, and Kujhade) to follow him to the hospital. Leaping from building to building, he made his way over to see if he actually found a survivor. The five warriors he was leading followed.

Bakuub blasted a hole in the ceiling of the medical station and jumped down into the building. He waited for his five hunters to enter the building before heading for the room the heat signature had come from. He extended his spear as he went, careful to watch out for walking corpses.

"I wonder what the oomans did," he heard Guan-thwei mutter.

"Who knows?" replied Kujhade with a growl of disgust. "I always knew oomans would wipe themselves out."

Dachande clicked with quiet amusement at that.

Bakuub stayed silent until they got to the room. Looking inside it, he saw a young ooman female lying on the bed. She appeared to be unconscious. The hall outside her room was covered in blood and half-devoured ooman meat. Papers and medical equipment littered the floor. Bakuub was glad he had his mask to give him fresh air; he suspected the scent of the hall wasn't too pleasant with the blood and rotting ooman flesh.

"I'm going in," he told his warriors. "Stay here and keep watch. Dachande, you come with me."

Dachande followed him into the room while the other four hunters assumed guarding positions in the hall outside the room. He broke down the door and cautiously entered the young ooman's room, raising his spear as he scanned the room for zombies.

"She was lucky," Dachande commented. "Lucky for her, none of those abominations came here looking for food."

Bakuub growled in agreement and went to the bed. The ooman was probably about fifteen years old. Carefully shifting her so he could check her body for bites, he said, "I don't think she's infected." Bakuub growled. "She's unconscious. It looks like she's been this way for a long time. Months, probably. She's thin and hasn't moved for a while."

"So what do you want to do? Bring her back to the clan?" asked Dachande.

Bakuub nodded. "She's helpless in this state with those monsters out there. And she's probably the only ooman left alive."

Dachande grunted. "Probably," he agreed. "Still, there's going to be a lot of Yautja who won't be happy about bringing an ooman to the clan."

"What other choice do we have, short of leaving her here for one of those creatures to eat? Or leaving her to die of starvation or dehydration?" said Bakuub.

"We could always kill her," Dachande said dismissively. "Put her out of her misery."

Bakuub rolled his amber eyes under his mask. Dachande would say that. "We take her," he decided firmly. He carefully scooped the ooman up into his arms, amazed at how light she was. She needed medical attention, water, and nourishment fast.

Bakuub carried her out into the hall.

"What is that?" demended Kujhade.

"A survivor," Bakuub said. "She's coming with us."

The hunters exchanged glances, obviously not liking his decision.

"Are you sure about this, Bakuub?" said P'kya'vha. The older warrior didn't seem to be disgusted by him saving a ooman, but concerned.

"Yes," Bakuub replied. He blasted another hole in the ceiling. Shifting the ooman so he carried her in one arm, he leaped up to the roof of the medical station.

The five warriors followed him. They quickly made their way back to the ship to report to the Elders and get off the walking graveyard of a planet.

I know, it's kinda short, but the chapters will get longer. Please review!