Disclaimer: Not my characters, except the ones that are.

Author's note: Part one of a longer story. Please review. If you can't be kind, be specific!

"This is Guerrero."

"Where the hell are you?"

Guerrero held phone a little further from his ear as the ex-cop bellowed louder than was surely necessary down the line.

"I'm right here dude. Where are you?"

"I don't have time for your wise-ass remarks right now. Chance needs your help. The jobs going south fast. Chance ditched his comms and…"

"Slow down there big guy. If Chance ditched his comms it's 'cos he chose to. If he wants my help, he'll ask for it. Seriously dude, Chance doesn't need his Big Mama today so go un-bunch your panties and braid your hair or something."

Guerrero smirked as he hung up, picturing a fuming Winston running a hand over his sweaty, bald head in a familiar gesture of frustration. He wasn't that surprised when moments later his cell phone went off again, the display flashing Winston's name.


"Shut up Guerrero. We messed up. The PA was in on the whole thing. He handed the client and her kid over to Bateman's goons."

Guerrero knew he should have trusted his gut and over-ridden the client's insistence that her PA Harley was "absolutely trustworthy" a guy who she'd known "forever" and her best friend in the world. Maggie refused to believe anyone she trusted would betray her, which is why, he suspected, Chance took the job. The money wasn't great but Chance recognised the danger to the clueless designer and her young son. He knew he could help and she needed help. Sometimes it was just that simple with Chance.

Guerrero had little interest in the case. The financial reward was minimal and, as it was just a standard kidnap threat, it offered him no real challenge. Chance knew that Guerrero had dealings with Bateman in the past so he reluctantly agreed to scope out Maggie's offices as a technical consultant to support Chance's cover as a potential investor. Guerrero hadn't recognised any of Bateman's crew in the stream of faces that flowed in and out of the modern office building that Maggie's furniture design company worked out of.

He'd spent twenty minutes or so beefing up Maggie's woefully inadequate computer security and browsing though her personal and financial documents when he looked up to see a twenty something year old man in a very expensive suit standing in the doorway. He was definitely not pleased to see this scruffy looking man going through his boss's computer.

"Dude, you got any decent coffee around here?" Guerrero said turning his attention back to Maggie's phone records.

"There's a coffee machine in the hall. I'm actually Ms Garner's…"

Guerrero cut him off mid-sentence. "Personal assistant. Yeah, Harvey, I know who you are. I'm happy for you dude. You gonna get me that coffee or not?"

Harvey obviously considered himself far too high up the food chain to be fetching coffee for scruffy looking IT guys but Guerrero was amused to see the younger man shuffle off to fetch his coffee regardless. Guerrero made the guy feel uncomfortable, but that was nothing compared to the man's reaction to being in a room with Maggie and Chance. He fidgeted, cleared his throat, and was visibly sweating.

The dude might as well have a neon light flashing above his head spelling out the word guilty.

Guerrero caught Chance's eye and saw his friend had also clocked the guy's multitude of tics and tells. He sighed. He knew it was Chance's thing to draw the threat in to the open, to expose the plot against his client, but really? He could just dispose of that two faced PA. Make it look like an accident… Chance's way was probably the wiser option though. It was unlikely Harvey was the one ultimately responsible. He was just another link in the chain and until Chance could identify everyone involved he'd want to keep the back-stabbing turd close by.

"Winston, Chance can handle a simple extraction…"

"You're not getting it Guerrero. They killed the kid."

Many, ok most, people considered Guerrero a cold blooded killer but in that second his blood turned to ice in his veins.

"Explain." Guerrero demanded.