Hi people. No I'm not dead, but it's much worse. Two words, boarding school. Yeah well as I said in my other story my writing time has been literally cut in half with a meat cleaver or some other huge knife. This school piles on work like there's no tomorrow. Updates WILL be sluggish and I cannot promise regularity but I will try the best I can.

And I do believe that an explanation is in order. Before today I was unable to upload anything onto the site. Idk if there was something wrong with my craptastic new computer or with the school craptasitic internet connection. Either way I could not upload anything or even view any of my stories. I can now however so I will write and update when possible.

And also not to worry just because I started a this new story does not mean that I won't be continuing Twisted Reality. I Kind of have a bit of writers block at the moment, but oddly enough this little idea worked its way into my head. xD So with much pleasure I present to you; The Bet.

Disclaimer: I go to Boarding school in Canada... Nope Bleach is not mine.

He couldn't believe she had done it again. This was the last straw, the absolute last straw. Toushiro Hitsugaya glared at the desk, overflowing with paperwork; files, forms, documents, reports, every form of office work known to man. And none of it was done. Usually he would let it slide, he knew how much his lieutenant hated paperwork and he for the most part did not mind the extra work too much. She did help when he asked but this… this looked like a pile up of work from two weeks ago. He felt his eye start to twitch and he curled his palms into fists. She took advantage of him sometimes. Did she not know how often he stayed in the office until the early hours of the morning trying to finish work that she was too lazy to do? More often than not he made it through the day on less than three hours sleep and a few cups of green tea? Did she even care? She had to because she was always mothering him. But then why would she cause him so much stress? He began to tremble in anger. No he would not let this one slide.


"Yees Captain?" The ginger haired woman poked her head into the office. "I was coming to work I swear. And look I'm not even late today!"

Toushiro rubbed his temples. "Please tell me Lieutenant, why is my desk full of your paperwork. Unfinished I might add."

"Oh um... well," She laughed uneasily, "I was going to do most of it last night, but then Shuuhei and Izuru Showed up and asked me to go out with them-"

"Okay stop." He sighed and went over to the desk. He knew for a fact that most of the time Matsumoto considered drinking to be more important than her work. It was a lot for her to even consider doing any of it in the first place. "Look Matsumoto, I know I usually help you with your paperwork, but I have my own work to worry about too. I cannot do both the jobs of a Captain and a Lieutenant."

She folded her arms across her large chest. "I don't think that's fair Captain. I do do my job as lieutenant."

He snorted, "Barely. Then explain these." He indicated the forms on his desk.

"I had to go out last night so I couldn't finish them."

"See that's proof that you take your job as a joke. You left the forms for me to finish so you could go and drink."

Rangiku's eyes sparkled dangerously, "May I remind you, Captain, that paperwork is only part of my job as lieutenant. I take care of the other stuff just fine."

"So because you do 'the other stuff just fine' you think that makes it okay for you to shove all your paperwork on to me? Might I remind you that I as a Captain also have my own work to do and cannot afford to do yours also?"

"You don't even have that much work to do anyway. I know your duties as Captain. I would consider my job to be way more demanding. I deserve a break every now and then."

"You're joking right? Maybe you would deserve a break if you did any work to begin with!"

"You sit there like you're all high and mighty, Captain; I'd like to see you doing my job. I doubt you would even last ten minutes in my place."

"I doubt you would last five minutes in mine!"

"Fine then you're on." She shot him a deadly glance.

He rolled his eyes and waved her off. "I refuse to take part in such infantile games. Just get to work Matsumoto."

"If I'm not able to last a week as captain of division 10 I'll do all my paperwork for three months."

His ear perked up. Rangiku smiled when she realised that she had gotten him interested.

"And what if you are able to last the week?"

She shrugged, "I'll do anything I want, and I can assure you that it won't be paperwork."

He seemed to consider the terms of the bet for a while. "Fine but if you lose you'll have to do my paperwork as well."

"..." damn, he drives a mean bargain, she gritted her teeth, "Fine. But since I'll be acting as Captain you'll have to be lieutenant."

"Naturally. And Matsumoto I'll expect you to meet all the deadlines. We start tomorrow."

"Don't be so cocky Captain. I expect to have three months of relaxation."

"And so do I."

Sooo how was it?

Haha you think you escaped that question just because this is a new story? Well think again my dearest readers, think again.

Seriously though, please tell me what you think. Suggestions, ideas, and constructive critisim are welcome. ^^
