As a boy, I was always taunted. I wasn't the most social person, but then again, the scientist's wouldn't let me leave. I was implanted with the ADAM slug, like the little sisters, but I wasn't one of them. I was… a little brother. Yes, the reports are true. I killed a few scientists. But I was just a kid back then, only around 5 years old. Now, I have much more self control. Even though I don't use it.

I hated everyone my age, they hated me. It was mutual. But there was one person. One single living being. Who I didn't want to gut and stab until there was nothing left. Emily, she was a little sister who was celled with me. We had to share a room, until we were thirteen. But even after that she was still friendly to me. She was the one thing that I cared about. I say fuck rapture. As long as Emily gets out alive, I don't care.

Emily had long blonde hair, red eyes, and an angelic voice. After we turned thirteen, she was taken to point Prometheus. To be trained as a big sister, I guessed. I saw them out with the little sisters. One day I saw Emily, and I tried to say hi. But she ignored me. I didn't really blame her.

But now, Jeff is all grown up. I'm 19 now, and I'm taking my revenge on rapture. Once I turned 15, they suited me up with modified big sister gear. The armor was specially designed for me alone. The top of the helmet looked like a jester hat. Everyone nicknamed me the jester, and I didn't really mind it. I had a modified Big sister syringe, and an electro gun. An electro gun is an Eve powered, super tazer. It shot an arc of electricity up to 20 yards. And I had a belt that had a J on it, for Jester. I had leg braces like the Big sisters, but mine were more heavily reinforced.

They had sprayed me with a good 10 vials of Big daddy pheromones. Once I was released, all the sisters, little and big, turned to the door I walked out of. I got swarmed, and I'm glad the scientists had reinforced all my gear. Otherwise I would have been standing in front of a crowd of riled and hormonal big sisters in nothing but my under clothes. Then, I would have been molested by all of them…

Ok, enough remising. Now, what was I doing? Oh yeah. I was sent to track down a group of rouge alpha series. Bastards keep killing our patrols and taking the little sisters. I've been sent to kill them.

After about an hour of searching I found em, harassing a big sister.

"Aye, c'mere and give me a kiss!" one yelled.

"Heheh, check out her body!"

"Hey! Assholes! Leave her alone!" I yelled.

"You gonna make us?"

"Actually, I am."

I electrocuted one of them. I charged the two standing alpha's, the other one on the ground having a seizure. One tried to hit me with his drill; I ducked and stuck him with my syringe. He fell, and the lone alpha pleaded for his life.

"Please, no. I'll go away! Just let me go."

"Sorry. Mercy is for the weak." I stabbed him.

I took his helmet off, and put my hand on his forehead. It's how I drain ADAM. Unlike my female brethren, my needle contains poison. I walked over to the sister, who was gathering herself. I offered my hand, she took it and I pulled her up.

"Thanks for getting them off my back. Assholes." She said.

"No problem. It's what I was built for."

"Wait a second… I know you. Jeff? Is that you?"

"Emily? Good god, what are you doing out here?"

"Well, I heard about the little sisters disappearing, and I came to look into it." Emily replied.

"Well, come on. We gotta go back to the labs. I need to report success."

We walked home, and it was kind of awkward. Considering the amount of big daddy piss they coated me in. But Emily had pheromones to. Just not to attract little sisters. She was maturing at a much faster rate than I was. I sniffed the air and I was intoxicated almost instantly. Everything was blurry, I couldn't tell where I was going. It was getting hard to breath. For the first time in months, I removed my helmet.

"Are you alright Jeff?" Emily asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I think." I replied.

I carried my helmet, and when we got to the labs everyone was staring at me. Again, I was swarmed by all the sisters. And this time, with no helmet and poor senses, I was basically raped. Emily had to fight them off while I crawled into the lab. I had claw marks and cuts on my face. It took half an hour to stitch and clean the cuts.

"Ah! That stings!" I cried as I got stitched up.

"Are you alright?" Emily asked.

"No, no I am not. I just got raped by a bunch of 13 year olds."

Emily couldn't help but to giggle. One of the scientists asked if I took care of the problem. I told them all about it. They didn't seem that surprised that they were harassing Emily, considering alphas are convicts converted into big daddies.

After I got stitched up and paid for my recent job, I sat outside amidst the crowds of sisters. They were calmer this time. Although they were still a bit hands on. They were all touching my armor, and my helmet. They were especially interested by the electro gun. One of the big sisters tried to put it on, but I stopped her before she deep fried someone.

"WAIT! You do not want to do that." I said as I removed the gun from her arm.

Her porthole turned blue, so I explained how it works. She seemed extremely happy because I was looking at her the whole time. After carefully explaining it to them, and answering questions, I shot off a few volts. After about an hour and a half of being petted by them, someone asked me what my name was.

"Um, what's your name?" everything went silent.

"Jester." I replied.

Everyone glared at my helmet, then back at me. Then they continued petting me. After years of being tormented by kids my age, all the girls who are at least 3 years younger than me seem to fall in love with me. I should have used these pheromones a long time ago.

After about another hour of sitting outside in a mash pit of grabby, curious, girls, I got called in for my next assignment. They all seemed so upset, I swear that a few of them were about to maul me and drag me off to some hole where only they could see me. Ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit there but they really didn't want me to go.

"Awww, do you have to go?"

"Sorry ladies. It's part of the job. See you all later." I told them as I got up.

I went inside, and a few of them followed me. Maybe 10 vials of the stuff was a bit too much. What really sucked is the fact that they wanted me for the pheromones, not for me. But oh well, at least I'm getting some damn attention for once.

"Ok, Jester you and Emily need to… Did you get a few fans on the way in.?" Dexter asked.

Dexter was a good friend. He helped raise me. He was assigned to me as soon as I was born. He had brown hair, he always wore a lab coat, and he always gave me my assignments.

"Don't tell them, but it's the pheromones you dumped on me. They are so hormonal; the pheromones are getting to them fast. I don't really mind though." I whispered to him with a grin.

"Well then, I guess you and Emily will have a few more teammates. You will all be looking for a band of survivors, and if possible, make contact with them."

"Ok. Sounds simple enough." I replied.

"Well then, you should all get going."

We went on our way, and the other two sisters couldn't keep themselves from rubbing against me. I started to get drowsy and found myself barely able to walk straight. Damnit, they're all trying to get me killed or something. Damn pheromones. I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up basically blind. All I could see was blurs. I heard chatter from the blurs on the other side of the room.

"Is he gonna be alright?" I heard a male voice. A male, no I'm the only male here. We found the survivors.

"Yeah, he hasn't slept in a few days, so he's probably just exhausted." I heard Emily claim.

"Mmm, he looks so peaceful. Doesn't he?" I heard one of the sisters ask the other.

"Yeah, he does. Why do you think he just collapsed?"

"Well, Emily says he hasn't slept in a few days. But how would she know? He never said they were together."

"I don't know. Let's ask him when he gets up."

The sisters walked away, and I started to get my sight back. God Damnit, the pheromones are doing this to me! I managed to pull myself to my feet. As I steadied myself, I found myself surrounded by complete strangers. I drew my fists and readied myself for combat. But Emily broke the group and calmed me down. I still can't see right though.

"You need to calm down. We found the group, and they are friendly."

"Ow, my head hurts. Like, a lot. Did I hit my head when I fell?"

"Yes, you did. Now sit down."

I sat down and the other two sisters returned. It's like they could sense me. They started to rub against me, and I lost sight again. I regained it after about half an hour. I guess my body was building up immunity to it.

"So… are you and Emily, you know. A thing?" one of them asked.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Just wondering."

"What are your names, anyway?" I asked.

"I'm Sarah." "And I'm Blossom." They said as they pulled their helmets off.

It started to get stuffy, so I had to do the same. As I took a breath, I could smell a very sweet smelling substance from the sisters. They were producing pheromones at an alarming rate. But then again, I heard the body of a sister produces more and more pheromones as it gets excited. You know, to increase chances of… don't make me say it. But they were far too innocent to know what their bodies knew. I wasn't however. I was careful not to alert them, because once they get going, it's hard to stop them.

"Hey, Jester. Come over here." I heard the man from earlier call out to me.

"What?" I asked.

"You okay with splitting a room with someone?"


"Can we share a room with him?" Sarah and Blossom interrupted.

"Don't see why not."

As I went up to the room, I saw one bed. I dropped my armor, and was in my civvies quickly. I grabbed a sleeping bag and lie down on the floor. Sarah and Blossom dropped their armor too, but they didn't have any casual clothes under it. They were down to their under clothes in seconds. I looked away, I knew I was blushing. They hopped on the bed, and were whispering to each other. I somehow found myself up in the bed with them. We didn't do anything, but they were slowly inching towards me. I fell asleep after that.

I woke up with the hormonal sisters clinging to my arms. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" that woke the sisters up.

As the man entered the room he saw us all. He had a smirk on his face.

"Jealous?" I asked him.

"Yes… well you guys need to come downstairs."

The girls covered themselves with the blanket on the bed. Once I told them he was gone they pulled the sheet back down. I got up, and slid into my armor. Sarah and Blossom followed behind me. Until, that is, I leapt from the third story balcony. I landed perfectly, but then tripped on a crate.

"Come on!" I yelled up to the sisters.

Blossom was the first to go. She jumped and flew to the ground. I caught her in a cradling position. I set her down and Sarah jumped. I caught her the same way. They were both whispering when we began the meeting.

"Ok. Jester, Emily, Sarah, and Blossom. We know your names. Now you need to know ours. I'm Bill. This is James, Eric, Aaron, Jenny, and Susan. Now that we're all acquainted, let's talk business. We need to go out and scavenge for supplies. James, Eric, Susan, you go with Emily. Aaron, Susan, you guys go with Jester and the twins. Let's go people."

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll stay and watch the cameras, and alert you to anything I see wrong." Bill replied.

We all went our ways. Aaron seemed to "like" the twins. He kept hitting on them. It pissed me and Susan off.

"Hey, are you two angels or what?" Aaron asked the twins.

"What?" they both replied.

"Doesn't he know it's not gonna work? They're only into me because I'm covered in big daddy pheromones." I whispered to Susan.

"No, he thinks all the ladies are going to fall for him." Susan replied.

After about half an hour of unsuccessful pick up lines, Aaron shut up. We walked for a few more minutes, before we found a group of splicers with a cache of med kits. I quietly assassinated 2 of them before they noticed. I silently drained one of them for all his ADAM. I impaled the other, but he was a screamer. Kept crying for help.

The splicers attacked our group, and they never stood a chance. Sarah and Blossom had a double team routine down perfectly. It looked like they were doing the dance of a thousand blades. Let's just say I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that. Aaron had spliced incinerate and teleport, so he was a Houdini splicer. And Susan was a master explosives expert. We took the group of splicers out pretty quick.

After we gathered the med kits, we went back to the pink pearl, which was converted into a base. We brought back the large stack of med kits, and we were met with large amounts of praise.

"Uh, Jester. You may want to see this." Bill announced over the loudspeaker.

I ran to the command room, and saw Emily battling a large group of brutes. I ran back to the room the twins and I shared. They were already out of their armor, and into some casual wear.

"Suit up girls, we got a situation." I instructed.

The twins got their armor on, and we ran to the area the battle was taking place. It was still full on. I intercepted a shot from a brute to James. That pissed him off. I electrocuted him. And while he was dazed, I sucked his ADAM dry. Yeah, a fresh one. That felt good. I pounced another brute, but I only cut his arm. But my poison got deep in his blood. He collapsed a minute later. There was 2 left. Sarah and Blossom were doing well, until one of them fell and got hurt. I had to intercept a chunk of debris to keep it from hitting Blossom, who was on the ground. And trust me, it hurt like a bitch! I stabbed the brute in the heart, which dropped him. The last brute was assassinated by Sarah, as revenge for her sister.

"Blossom, are you alright?" I asked.

"No." she replied.

"Alright, come here." I said as I picked her up.

On the way back she hugged me tighter and even tried to kiss me. But she forgot that both our helmets were on. She snuggled in closer to me. She was starting to get really serious.

We got back to the base, and we fixed Blossom up real easy. Just had to reset her leg. I helped her up to our third story room, and helped her undress. But I knew she didn't need help with that. She was just testing me. I played along to see what happened. After I was in my civvies, Blossom kissed me on the lips, and we fell onto the bed. We both fell asleep. I was starting to rethink most of my hatred.
