DCM A/N: This week we have a returning squeezer, Nicia, bringing us more Vampire Academy loving. She has a custom banner as her picspiration, so make sure to check out our blog and see for yourself *fans self*. www . dirtycheekymonkeys . blogspot . com Ready, set, squeeze!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Squeeze My Lemon~~~~~~~~~ 12.28.11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Christmas is the time for sharing and precious family moments, as well as the still precious but not so family moments. A slither of ribbon, and a lack of privacy leads to a nice Christmas inspired surprise for Dimitri from Rose. A naughty Christmas one-shot for your reading pleasure. RxD. Rated M.

As promised, here's the Christmas outtake for my current WIP Life Will Turn Around. You don't need to have read LWTA to understand this one, just read and enjoy. This is only the lemon from my o/s as the version on my profile has references to characters that will complicate the story of you're not familiar with the Vampire Academy series. If you want to see the full version, it's on my profile.

Very many thanks to untamed00notbroken for beta'ing this in less than a day so it could be posted on time, and massive hugs to mandy52799 for making such an awesome banner for this o/s.

Thank you also to Chartwilightmom for letting me write for DCM once again. :) xx


What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.

~Agnes M. Pahro


Rose POV.

I hadn't planned on wearing anything racy for Dimitri for Christmas, but Olena's comments about my weight loss had boosted my confidence. And so, I'd taken advantage of the fact that she and the Belikov's were here for the Christmas holidays and wanted to spend as much time as possible with my children.

I'd given in to my inner desires and had a quick peek in Ann Summers while running around town doing my Christmas shopping.

I bit my bottom lip nervously as I tugged at my 'outfit'. It hid a lot less than I'd expected it to.

Here goes nothing.

I covered up with my dressing gown and poked my head out of the bathroom door. "Dimitri!"

"Rose?" Unfortunately for me, Olena stuck her head out of the doorway to our bedroom. "Is there a problem?"

I shook my head. "Is Dimitri still downstairs?"

"I assume so. Do you need my help?"

I shook my head rapidly. "No, I'll just yell until he comes up here."

She smiled at me. "Okay, Roza. Goodnight."

"Night, Olena."

With one last smile, she moved back into the room and shut the door.


"Yes?" His voice was faint as he answered.

"Can you come here for a moment please?"

The dim sounds of shuffling floated up the stairs, and I quickly ducked back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me as I did so. The last thing I wanted was for any of Dimitri's family or the kids to catch a glimpse. I hung my dressing gown on its hook a second before Dimitri called from the landing.


"I'm in the bathroom."

The door swung open, and Dimitri entered.

And froze.

His jaw dropped open as I tried to strike a sexy pose and crooked my finger for him to come closer.

"What do you think?"

"I- I-"

I grinned – in what I hoped was a seductive fashion. "Merry Christmas."

"Roza," His voice was slightly awestruck as he took in the sight, and my grin turned to a smirk.

"You've been a very, very naughty boy this year, Comrade."

"On the contrary, Roza. I think I've been very good." I giggled at the suggestive tone to his voice and shivered as his hungry gaze slid over my body once more. "What is that?"

"Take off some of your clothes and I might tell you."

One of his dark eyebrows rose challengingly, but he did as I said; his large hands sliding up to grasp the hem of his t-shirt before he yanked it up his body and over his head in one smooth movement.

"Is that better?"

I shook my head sorrowfully, and then grinned. "Normally, I love those jeans. But now… they need to go."

"And what if I don't?" His voice held a hint of a smile, but his expression was expectant, teasing.

I toyed with the one of the ends of the bow. "I'd have to shower alone. And that means you wouldn't get to see what's hidden behi-"

His jeans hit the floor before I finished talking and he stepped forwards eagerly, his hands replacing mine as he tugged lightly at the ribbon strategically wrapped around my body in a bow.

"How do you get this off?" His brow wrinkled in confusion as his large fingers fumbled with the tight knot I'd tied in order to keep the smooth silk from coming undone.

"That's for you to work out. If you deserve your present, you'll figure it out."

"God, Roza. Hidden behind that innocent demeanour is the mind of a smart, sly, sexy-" His voice trailed off as he finally figured out how to undo the knot, and the slither of ribbon slipped from my body and pooled on the floor. "Beautiful."

I grinned and tugged him forwards as I stepped backwards, until my legs bumped against the edge of the bathtub.

"It's been over two weeks since we spent any time together, just the two of us. I thought that we could shower together. And if that just happens to lead to shower sex then who are we to argue?"

He smiled and shrugged out of his boxers. "It's good for the environment. We get to conserve water. And you're absolutely correct. We should appreciate all the little things in life." He grinned and kissed my shoulder. "Like lots and lots of shower sex."

"And it means that your family stay oblivious to the sexual tension that's been building. I don't know how I managed to stay away from you for the two months of our break up."

His face fell, but his eyes darkened and locked with mine. "Neither do I. But I do remember being driven half-crazy with lust the night that Tom went missing."

"How on Earth were you-"

"Driving around with you in the car for hours, and not being able to hold you and soothe you because I wasn't sure how you'd react. The light fragrance of you that filled the car. I couldn't think straight. I was panicked and worried for Tom, yet at the same time, I was hyperaware about the fact that you were so close to me."

My fingers splayed across his chest as he spoke, tracing the ripples and definitions that formed as he spoke, until the palm of my right hand rested over his heart.

"I thought that you hated me that night. When you left again, I thought we were over for good." I swallowed heavily and glanced up at him. "And then when you turned up the next day, I felt like life couldn't get any better because I knew you hadn't given up on any of us."

"I didn't give up on us either." His head dipped to kiss me softly before he let me go and grinned naughtily. "I'm still feeling deprived though, and there's only one known solution."

I rolled my eyes. "We sound like such a cheesy romance novel right now."

"Then let's sound like a naughty one instead." Dimitri's tone was suggestive and I giggled as he bent down to pull off his socks as I turned and switched on the shower.

"Lock the door."

His footsteps were light as he did so, and I stepped into the shower, the hot water instantly soaking my flushed skin.

"Is this my unofficial gift?" I turned to face Dimitri as he pulled back the shower curtain and stepped into the bath, before fixing it back in place, his large arms already reaching out to hold me.

"Maybe it's just an official gift that couldn't be put under the tree." My voice grew breathy as his head lowered to my neck so he could press soft little kisses to the sensitive skin of my collarbone. "I mean," I swallowed as his fingers began to trace small patterns over the skin of my hips, and then skimmed upwards to my waist. "Your mother would have had a heart attack if I'd laid myself down underneath the tree covered only in a scrap of scarlet ribbon."

"I wouldn't have minded."

"That's because you're horny since we haven't done anything for two weeks."

He chuckled and pulled my body flush against his own as his mouth followed the same path as his hands and moved upwards to touch my lips tenderly.

"And you're not?"

"Of course I am, I just-" I gasped as his grasp around my waist tightened and he lifted me into the air, before pressing me back against the tiles. "I just know how to control my urges."

He snorted and attacked my neck once again. "Your control is worse than mine Roza. You practically molested me under the table yesterday."

I flushed. "My hand just wandered a little higher than it should have. And it's not like you're perfect, you practically had me bent backwards over the kitchen counter on Monday."

His gaze darkened with lust as he pressed up against me a little more firmly, letting me know exactly how much his urges had built up over the past fortnight. "You were wearing nothing but that tight, blue silk shirt I love and a pair of my boxer shorts. I couldn't help myself."

I swallowed hard and allowed my fingers to explore their way up his arms and across his muscled shoulders to twine into the ends of his hair.

"Well, if there was ever a time-" He knew what I was going to say and cut me off as his hips ground against mine. "You're going to regret doing that."

His eyes lit up with excitement at my words, and I roughly drew his face back to mine, my mouth hungrily, silently demanding more.

And more I got.

His biceps and pecs rippled and bunched as his grip tightened, and he lifted my body away from the wall for a moment so that my hips could lower to meet his, and allow his throbbing erection to enter me slowly, and rocked his hips against mine.

We sighed together as my muscles tightened and relaxed around him, my nails clawing at his back as I tried to move against his pace and lower my body faster. I'd wanted this to be something special and meaningful, but now that we were in the moment, my body just wanted more.


He heard my unspoken request and let his arms slip around my waist fully, drawing our chests flush against each other's as his hips angled upwards and he drove a little deeper into my body.

"Roza," His hips moved away from mine, and then thrust back up sharply as he thrust into me again and again, the flow of water from the shower drowning out the echoed sounds of pants and moans.

It had been too long, even though it had only been two weeks, and my body felt like it was being consumed. My muscles felt weak, yet refreshed… alive, as Dimitri pulled out to the tip and then plunged into me, a guttural groan spilling from his lips as he did so.

Words couldn't express what I felt for him, and the lack of action had been driving me crazy. Now that we were in each other's arms, making love to each other fiercely, I felt overwhelmed.



It pushed me over the edge as we rocked against each other one last time: and my body fell apart in his arms as my name fell from his lips like a murmured prayer.


I panted softly as I tried to control my breathing and leant back so I could stare into Dimitri's eyes. The jets of water from the shower still sprayed over us, but my attention was centred on the man who held me in his arms.

"I love you."

Dimitri smiled and shifted my weight in his arms so that he could brush some of the hair out of my face. "I love you too. Merry Christmas, Roza."

"Merry Christmas, Comrade."


Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.

~Norman Vincent Peale

This December,
That love weighs more than gold!
~Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

DCM A/N: Merry Christmas indeed! We will take a present like that under the tree *bats eyes* we've been good Santa. Make sure to leave Nicia some love please.

Next week we have a new squeezer for the new year, Lo21.

And we would like to pimp a writing swap that is being hosted by IamTheAlleyCat, the Easter Bunny Twilight Fic Swap Event!
Sign up starts January 1st, so check out www dot easter bunny twi fs dot blogspot dot com for more details.

If you are interesting in writing for us, work on those lemon writing skills, drop us a line. We want you to squeeze us! dirty cheeky monkey at yahoo dot com