Webber: Well… Webber will now give you the next chapter! *smiles nervously*

Prussia: Hey, why didn't you update this earlier? You're so un-awesome!

Webber: Ummm… Uh, well… Oh look, here comes the actual story! Bye! *turns around and runs off as fast as she can*

Prussia: *stairs after Webber, looking confused* Why was she talking in 3rd person? What a weirdo.

Disclaimer: (I) still do not own Hetalia Axis powers or Maximum Ride.

Warning: Bad Grammar and spelling (even though I am trying to fix my mistakes, I am human and make errors; apparently, lots of errors. Sorry!)

(FYI, the government does not know about the flock yet, but even if they did, I'm pretty sure that that wouldn't change anything. Also, Arthur didn't tell Iggy and Gazzy that they were countries, he told them that they were the representatives of said countries.)

Chapter three: Chaos at the Conference

(Arthur's POV)

Arthur braced himself as he opened the conference room's door, hoping that Germany had gotten everything under control; he didn't want yet another headache interfering with his already worn thin patience.

Sadly, it looked as if the heavens wouldn't allow the tired and over worked nation any such piece of mind, for as soon as he stepped into the room, he could see the full effect the explosion had had on the other nations: Prussia was getting beat over the head with a frying pan, courtesy of Hungry (Why was he here anyways; he's not even a country!), America was hiding under his chair, China was looking around franticly; trying to make sure that all of his 'children' were okay, Russia was just sitting on his chair, smiling… wait, scratch that; Russia was just sitting on someone that looked vaguely familiar, smiling, North Italy was screaming for Germany, Germany was trying to comfort North Italy while trying to bring order to the room, Japan was sitting quietly in his chair, deep in thought, Spain was hugging South Italy, South Italy was punching Spain while cussing his head off, France was hitting on anyone that he happened to see (typical, frog!), and every one else was just screaming and running around in circles.

He face palmed and tried to asses the situation he was in by listening to the many different conversations taking place around him, but since he couldn't keep track of all of them, he decided to focus on the one taking place behind him.

"What, what's going on? C'mon man, tell me!"

Arthur flinched at the unruly people's grammar; perhaps while they're serving their sentence of repentance, he could teach the American kids some grammar… Heck, why not teach America as well? It's as they say, "The more, the merrier!"

He turned his attention back to the conversation just in time to hear the smaller child say, "Madness."

'Well, I guess that's one way to sum it up nicely," Arthur thought absentmindedly.

"What kind of madness; Eraser madness, a hungry Flock madness, an angry Max madness? No, wait, I got it; it's Sparta!"

Well, it seemed as if the tall blind one would get along nicely with America.

"Ha! But no, actually…. Y'know that one time Max let us have that weird energy drink… Monster or something?"

The tall strawberry blond suddenly cracked up, and was still snickering when he said, "Oh, you mean that time we didn't go to sleep for, like, a week? Man that was frickin' hilarious! Pfft, hahahahahahaha!"

"Yeah, but multiply that by about fifteen; I mean, dang; Max would have a heart attack if we acted this way! Of course, she would most likely kill us, but hey!"

Well, it seems as if the two trouble makers were all ready accustomed to the always hectic state of being that was the result of two or more nations being in the same room. This was good news to Arthur, considering the fact that they would have to put up with it if they were to carry out their sentence of shame (that had yet to be determined)

Just then, Hong Kong walked up to the two children, bringing with him a question that had been bugging Arthur for quite a while, now.

"Where did you get a bomb that powerful?"


The two boys looked at each other, both looking rather confused at the question.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that we made that Big Boy in London... I think," the short one said unsurely.

"Yeah. Hey, remember that time we had to use those two lumps of burnt… stuff (1) to ignite that bush? That was hilarious; I mean, who knew that those things would work like flint?"

Arthur had the sudden urge to bang his head against the nearest wall; how could these uncontrollable pyromaniacs have gotten into his capital? Good Lord, if they were like Russia, who just showed up without any warning or explanation, then he would have to be careful; he didn't want these two untrustworthy kids to know that every one in this room (except for three people) were all nations; who knew what damage they could cause?

Arthur's plan for secrecy was spectacularly blown out of the water by none other than America, who had abandoned his chair and gone over to observe the two unfamiliar people that Arthur had brought into the room.

"Hey England, who are these people, new countries or something? Iggy, tell me tell me tell me tell me!" He yelled, obviously trying to draw Arthur's attention to himself.

"America, you wanker!" Arthur said, trying really hard to not strangle his former colony.

1 The two lumps of unidentified substances were actually one of Arthur's failed cooking attempts.

Webber: All right, I just want to say that I may not be posting on this story for a while because of A) my Mom, B) school, and C) writers block. If anybody out there has an idea that I can work with, please share it with me!

Prussia: Wow, you do know that you really are unawesome, right?

Webber: All right, that's it! From now on, I, the author of this story, BAN you from any and all Author's notes for at least 7 chapters!

Prussia: Wait, what?

Webber: Nyet, your statement is invalid, please leave at once!

Prussia: How-

Webber: GO NOW, THE CHAPTER HAS ENDED! Muhahahahahahaha!