Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns any Twilight characters that may appear in this story.

Summary: Wait. Did a gorgeous movie star just pick me up by my arm pits from an embarrassing position? On my ass? At least he didn't brush off the dirt from my back side. Although, that would have been the most action my ass would have seen in a long time. AH.

A/N: This is my very first attempt at anything fictional. Reviews are greatly appreciated!

This was beta'd by my cyber-wife Ditte.

I'm revising the first few chapters in April/May 2011. Nothing major, just cleaning up punctuation and misspelling.


Chapter one. Impetus (Prologue)

Impetus: The driving force behind a movement or rotation.


The shirt is goddamn lilac!

I look into her eyes and give her a tight smile. She beams back at me with trust in her eyes.

The room is dark, but any minute the spot light is going to hit us.

The music starts and I'm counting.

I've been counting every day for seven weeks now. Every goddamned day - some nights too - even in my dreams. And they put me in a lilac shirt!

She whispers to me to enjoy it. Just to be in the moment.

Four more beats until we're off!

In a lilac shirt. With great big sleeves. Oh, yes.

I make sure to show the love in my eyes. The closeness and the - well, sensuality. I can do that. This is what I have been trained to do. I will not let her down. We have been working too damn hard.

Still counting, three, four. Cue spotlight and we start moving.