Author's Note: Hello readers! This will be a story. It's not going to be too long unless you guys want it to be longer.

Not a fan of this just because I rushed to get it done because I need to study. But I promise you it will get better :) So please give this a chance.

"Clare, Wait up!" A voice yelled from down the hallway.

Clare turned around and saw Eli running towards her. She smiled. "Hey Eli."

"You got a minute?" Eli asked.

She looked down at her watch. "Walk me to class?"

Eli nodded and they walked down the hallway.

"So what's up?" Clare asked looking up to Eli.

"Well I need advice." Eli looked unsure.

Clare gasped and placed a hand on her chest. "I never thought this day would come, Elijah Goldsworthy asking me for advice." She started chuckling. Eli playfully hit her in the arm.

They arrived at Clare's class.

"Okay Clare, promise me you're not going to laugh." Clare nodded. "Okay well the dance is Friday night and there's this girl I want to ask."

Clare's face lit up and she smiled a little. "So what's the big deal?"

"She's perfect Clare. She's smart, funny, and absolutely gorgeous but I'm not so sure if she'd really go with me." Eli smiled just thinking about this girl.

Clare chuckled a little. "I'm sure she'd say yes. So stop worrying!"

Eli smiled and things became a little awkward. "Well do I know her?" Clare asked.

It took a minute for Eli to respond. "Yeah, she's in our English class."

Clare lost her breath for a second and just smiled. "Oh…"

The bell rang. "Thanks Clare! You're the best. I'll see you at lunch." Eli gave Clare a hug and was off to his class. Clare watched as he walked away with a huge grin on her face.

Oh my god. I can't wait to talk to Alli about this. Eli was finally going to make a move and take it to the next step. Clare thought to herself but was interrupted when someone placed a hand on her shoulder making her jump.

"So are you going to come to class or are you going to stare down the hallway all day?" Clare turned around to Adam.

Clare smiled with excitement. "Guess what?"

They walked into the room and took their seats.

"Well this ought to be good." Adam flipped open his book.

"Has Eli ever said anything about the dance Friday?" Clare asked with a huge grin on her face.

Adam shook his head.

"Well I think he's going to ask me, later today."

Adam's eyes widened. "What! That's like huge. How do you know?"

"Well he came up to me for advice about asking this girl and he said she was in our English class and was smart, funny, and gorgeous."

"Well I hate to burst your bubble Clare but there are plenty of girls in our class like Melissa, Keiry – she's really cute, Leah and Kassandra… or hey what about that Nina girl, she seems like Eli's type." Adam kept going on about the girls in their English class but stopped once he realized Clare was shooting daggers out of her eyes.

"You're not helping Adam! And please don't say anything to Eli." Clare was frustrated. Adam chuckled a little know how pissed Clare was now. He agreed not to say anything. Clare stared down at her book but her mind was definitely someplace else, thinking about the other girls in her English class and Adam was right, they were all perfect candidates for Eli.

The next few periods dragged on for Clare. She couldn't concentrate on anything whatsoever. The thought of Eli possibly asking her to the dance was too much for her. They had this weird relationship. They were best friends but there were many moments where you would think they were more than that.

At lunch sat across from Clare. Adam was next to him and then they were joined by Drew and Alli. Alli kept rambling on and on about the dance but no one really paid much attention. Adam rolled his eyes constantly at the little pet names they'd call each other.

"I'm taking Fiona." Adam answered Alli's question. He smiled and Alli squealed for joy.

"Eli? Who might you be taking to the dance?" Alli glanced over at Clare quick and winked.

Eli leaned back in his seat and stared at Clare smirking. Eli's foot brushed against Clare's slightly. "It's a surprise."

Clare started to blush a little and shot a glance to Adam while starting to play footsie with Eli.

"Hey Clare?" KC walked up to the side of Clare and cleared his throat. Clare looked up.

"Hey KC." Everyone glared at him for a minute before looking away, trying not to pay attention.

"So, umm, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance Friday night with me?" KC said almost silent.

Eli's and Adam's eyes widened.

Clare looked at Adam and stayed silent. This was the moment she was waiting for. Since her break up with KC, she'd always hoped he'd come back. She still liked KC and everyone knew that but when her gaze met Eli's shocked expression she knew exactly who she liked more. "I would love to KC but I already have a date."

"You do?" Eli chimed in shocked. Everyone stared at Eli for his quick outburst. "I mean," he cleared his throat. "that's cool."

"Okay, well I'll see you around." KC left the five of them in an awkward silence. The bell rang and Clare grabbed her things and quickly bolted to the door. Eli and Adam followed quickly behind. She knew they wanted to ask a thousand questions of who this guy could be. Last thing Eli knew was this was her prime opportunity to get back together with KC. For Adam his was who this guy was because the last thing he knew was Clare wanted to go to the dance with Eli.

Well what do you think?

Fail or not? Should I even continue?

Reviews and suggestions are welcomed :)