As Otaru pushed the door to classroom 37A open, the noisy bustle of unattended second-graders hit his ears full-on. Few people paid any attention to the child as he padded his way toward the back of the class to his lone desk and took his seat. In fact, if anything the room only got noisier.

Sighing, Otaru turned his gaze into the snow covered landscape beyond the window. As he watched the swirling clouds of snowflakes drive by the glass, Otaru slowly unfocused his eyes. The world always felt so private when you did this, he thought. When you made your vision go blurry, everything slowly got quiet and calm until you could hear yourself breathe even if everyone around you was screaming. And then, just for a moment, if you turned your eyes right to the big blur that was Japoness Mt. Fuji, you could sometimes see Kami.

Of course, no one had ever told Otaru this. In fact, when he'd tried to explain this world to Hayashi-senpai the last time he'd been accused of 'daydreaming', he'd been soundly boxed on the ears and made to stand in the corner all during morning break. But that didn't change anything. If you looked right up at the mountain you could sometimes see Kami, in spite of what Hayashi-senpai said. And sometimes, if you were really good and asked for something you really needed with all your heart, sometimes Kami would answer your prayer. After all, hadn't Otaru gotten a new pair of shoes only a day after he'd asked Kami for them? And a high grade on his math assignment when he'd asked for that? As the snowflakes blurred past his vision, Otaru made a decision; if Kami could give you new shoes and good grades, then surely asking for something far more important wouldn't be too hard.

~Please, Kami,~ Otaru turned his eyes to the tip top of the mountain. ~Please... give me a friend. Well, I'd like a lot of friends... except for Gan, 'cause he's stupid and mean and smells bad... but... but that's okay. Because all I really want is one really, really good friend... someone who I can hang out with all the time and who won't always try to pick on me... someone I can have fun with, someone who....~

Something yellow was bouncing around out there.

~Someone who'll always be there for me....~


"Huh?" Starting at the noise, Otaru blinked rapidly and turned his gaze towards the noise. Outside, the swirling flurries seemed to part to reveal a dark haired bespectacled man and an equally dark-haired marionette. However, Otaru was more interested in the smaller figure with them.

blonde boy about his age lay on the recently shoveled sidewalk, flailing his limbs so quickly that they were little more than white blurs. As he wailed, the man desperately tried to cal him down.

"Mitsurugi-sama, please -- you'll hurt yourself if --"

"I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Otaru wiped the sweat beading his brow and stared at the screaming child, whose actions were quickly drawing a crowd of adults and children alike. The blonde boy seemed close to his age, perhaps a little older, even -- although given his current behavior it was difficult to tell. From the looks of his freshly pressed uniform, his elegant purple coat, and matching shoes, (all equally damp now, thanks to the snow) he also appeared well-to-do.

~Great,~ Otaru sighed, propping his elbow up on the desk and resting his head against a clenched fist. ~Another stupid rich brat!~ Honestly, why the heck couldn't they all just go to their own schools and leave all the orphans alone?

~Probably their stupid fathers are too cheep to pay for them to go anywhere else,~ Otaru pouted to himself as the dark haired marionette lifted the flailing child from the sidewalk. Oh, well. At least the new boy looked to skinny to hurt him... and if he tried...

~Aww, I know I can beat the snot outta him!~

Oddly enough, however, the boy stopped struggling immediately when the marionette touched him. Closing his mouth tightly, he simply wrapped his arms around her neck and nestled quietly against her ample breast as she carried him towards the building.

~What in the world? Now what's he up to?~ Otaru wondered, craning his neck to follow the boy and the machine's progress.

And at that moment, the blonde looked up and noticed him.

For some reason entirely beyond the seven-year-old's comprehension, Otaru simply returned the gaze, his eyes unflinchingly locked onto the boy's pale blue pair. He had to admit it, Rich Boy had a fascinating face... pale skin, high cheek bones (~Maybe he's not from here?~) and a pair of wide light blue eyes which seemed to stare right into you. And after a moment of mutual staring, the blonde raised a tentative hand and waved timidly.

Stunned at this sudden change of behavior, Otaru cocked his head and blinked quizzically before returning the wave.

~Weird,~ he thought as the marionette carried the boy inside. ~I wonder what that was all about...~ and shrugging, he turned his attention back to his desk.

And while no one answered Otaru's question, a sudden wind kicked up the snow, swirling it in sparkling circles that made Japoness Mt. Fuji shimmer in the distance.