Me:Hey its me :D
suigetsu: why am I with the pink haired chick not that I'm complaining *smiles a toothy grin*
sakura: pervert (punches him in the face)
Me well here is the disclaimer I do not own naruto if I did suigetsu would be mine all mine XD
Sakura:age 17
Sasuke: 17
Kisame: 20
Itachi: 22
the rest I'm not sure :3
thoughts :3
Sakura opened her eyes to the green liquid shes grown accustom to waking up to. She could barley see outside what she could see is blurs only three people she could make out was the two who experiments on her and the one who was always with the black haired man. A man with long black hair his eyes yellow and cold his face pale, and another with silver hair and black eye and glasses, The last one she didn't like very much he had black hair in a duck butt hair and black eyes that turned red sometimes. Sakura floated like she usually did now a days since the man stopped experimenting on her but still it got lonely in here. Sakura closed her eyes trying to hear what was happening around her she heard a crash and rushing of water her eyes shot open she pressed herself against the glass her face pressed against the cold surface. All she saw were two blurs one of the blurs she recognized the duck butt dude.
Sakura noticed the pale blur disappeared from in front of the boy to behind she couldn't make out what the were saying except these words.
"You...killed...orochimaru...sasuke" sakura tried to hear more but the thick glass kept her from doing that. Sakura banged on the glass screaming at the top her lungs which even though under water made it crack a little letting a small trickle of the green liquid leak out. Sakura banged on the glass even more catching the attention of the two figures the slowly walked up to her containment area the pale figure seem to smirk while the weird guy just glared up at her. Sakura banged some more on the thick glass only causing the trickle to turn into a slight gush slowly draining the container. Weird dude grabbed the pale person by the shoulder and turned walking away.
kick their asses
I tried to break the glass but no avail she sat down on the bottom of the container sulking.
Hours have passed since I saw the two humans looked up the liquid was almost half way gone she touched my fin the beautiful whitish blue scales shimmered. I touched the bottom of the container and felt the cool soft metal when she heard a yell.
"damn itachi look at this mess I wouldn't think it would be this bad" I turned around and saw two people one looked like that sasuke well I think that is his name the other dud said something about it being that. While the other I had to peek over the green liquid to see him he had pale blue skin gills and a darker blue hair.
Maybe they will let me out
I banged against the glass gaining the attention of the blue man. I smiled a toothy grin my pointy teeth showing he gave me the same grin back and walked over to the glass.
"Look itachi a little fish girl and I think she likes me" the blue man tapped on the glass he stood up and took his sword and broke the glass. When sakura stepped out she noticed her fin gone she stepped out on the broken glass that cut her feet making the green liquid brown.
"thanks for letting me out" sakura said about to run towards the small spring that run through this area to escape but the man grabbed her and hit the back of the neck knocking her out.
When I awoke I was in a black room I got up off of the bed I was laying on and walked to the bathroom
my hair was green I messed with my hair to see the pink locks were still there but were just covered in that red liquid she sat in for five fricken years. I smiled happily when the shower worked I washed my hair of the green liquid when I walked out of the shower I saw that some clothes were placed on the sink I placed the baggy black pants black mid drift shirt and fish net shirt. Brushed my long pink locks and smiled and did a peace sign anime pose in the mirror. I giggled I love being free but where am I. I tiptoed out of the bathroom looking around I checked the door touching it lightly I feel chakra rush through my hand causing a electric shock making me feel a very slight pain run through my body. And I passed out AGAIN.
Stop passing out dammit
shut up then I was out cold
Me: chya I feel energize (dances like an idiot)
Sakura:probably all that candy you consumed since Halloween
Suigetsu: damn your going to get fat
Me: I will never get fat eats five pounds of candy at once