I'm Either Nexus…or Against Him?

So, I am in love with Wade Barrett after going to RAW last night and I came up with this :D
The show was amazingly, super awesome and as always, the eye candy was to die for… so, yeah, I hope guys enjoy this! :D

Chapter One: What Went Wrong?

The raise in fame and power has definitely gone to his head, that's the problem with guys like Stu, he loves feeling in control at times; free spirited, no chains, nothing to hold him back from pure masculine dominance… well, maybe except me.

I can't recall when his urge for dominance within his job fully began to show but ever since then, his attitude is turning into that of his on-screen character, Wade Barrett. Truth be told deep down Stu Bennett is a wonderful, soft hearted man but since has rise to fame as the leader of The Nexus, his alter ego has totally taken over.

I've gone from his fiancée to his maid; getting him coffee, carrying his luggage, massaging his back after a match and believe me when I say the list can go on for miles.

We haven't spent any time together on or off the road, he doesn't tell me I'm beautiful like the way he used to, our entire relationship went from being about us to being all about him.

I know he's not going to be merciful when it comes to where I stand; I'm literally caught between a rock and a hard place. I cannot find it in my heart to walk away from the man I love but at the same time I cannot accept the sudden choices he is making.

"You're either with me or against me." his cold, stern words sent that painful feeling to my eyes as my vision began to blur over.

How could I have allowed this to happen?

He left me alone in our hotel room, to go out with his Nexus gang for the night after this past RAW episode was over. I wish there was something I could do to fix this, I've tried everything that I thought would work.

I really thought I had him the other night at the Halloween party when I dressed up; I went to my friend Clarissa in the costume design department and had her turn one Stu's extra Nexus t-shirts into a halter mini dress, and then accessorized with black fishnets and black metallic, knee-high stiletto heels. I even used one of his arm bands as a headband but it was no use.

All the time I went through to get the outfit together, straighten my hair, do my makeup and all that other stuff just didn't matter to him, everyone else loved my idea but my own boyfriend wouldn't even acknowledge the thought.

The only words I got out of him were, "Are you mocking me?"

No, sweetheart, I'm not trying to disrespect you, I just miss you uncontrollably and I hate what Wade Barrett is doing to us.

Your mystery narrator will be revealed in the next chappy, so I hope this was okay for you guys really enjoyed this! Hopefully more to come soon!
To all of My Medication fans! Did anyone notice the reference to a certain pink haired diva? Lol.

I love you guys - stay tuned in for more! :D
