My Kind of Boy

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice.

Summary: Mikan has always been a big fan of answering surveys/quizzes. With the survey she found on facebook entitled "My Kind of Boy", she used this as a guide in finding her perfect match. But would she really end up with him?


Hey! I'm Mikan Sakura. 21 years old but still have the brain of a 6 year old.

I graduated yesterday and today, I'm getting married.

Yes, you read it right, married.

I'm getting married with Natsume Hyuuga, my boyfriend for five years. We've been through thick and thin. We had fights yet, we had sweet nights.

We're total opposites though but you know what they say, opposites attract and I am obviously attracted to him.

Right now I'm scrolling through my facebook. Yes, I have been using facebook for a lot of years now but still never get tired of it. I'm looking for one particular note, one note that changed my life. Well, not really but… yeah, you got the point.

After a few more scrolling I finally found it.

Here it is, My Kind of Boy.

Now, all I've got to do is edit it.

(Italicized – Old answers, Bold- New nswers)

"Here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.

If you're a guy - post this as "my kind of girl"

If you're a girl - post this as "my kind of boy"

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

- of course ! I wanna cuddle him like crazy so he ought to be good looking !

- Yes, he is good looking. He can be compared to Adonis himself! Too bad he's arrogant though.

2. Smart?

- hmmmm. . . sure ! Hotaru said I'm way too stupid so I need someone smart to correct me :DD

- Yes, once again he's smart (Curse him! Why can he be smart and good looking at the same time?)

3. Preferred age?

- I want him to be the same age as me ! or someone like Tsubasa-sempai is alright :D

- He's a year older than me but he seriously changes his age. For instances when he scowls, he looks two years older than his age but when he smiles… *dreamy sigh*

4. Preferred height?

- I should at least reach his nose ~!

- First time I met him, I reached his mouth, now his upper lip (When I grew taller, he grew taller too! Man, I'm small)

5. How about sense of humor?

- oh yeah ! I want to laugh and laugh.

- Sense of Humor? Puh-lease. He has the rawest of the raw sense of humor!

6. How about piercings?

- hmph, no way ! piercings scare me TT_TT

- Yeah… those piercings were the reason of our first fight. But now, I guess I'm okay with his piercings, it's quiet cool.

7. Accepts you for who you are?

- uh-huh !

- I guess he does accept me for who I am

8. Pink hair?

- that would be so cute ! PINK ! :3

- Wow, seriously? I said, "that would be so cute ! PINK ! :3" Maybe He's right… I am an idiot. Pink is weird, (Sorry Mizukaru and Anna!) But Raven… now that's what's cool!

9. Mushy or no?

- yes yes yes ! ?

- Nah, I can't possibly imagine Him being mushy *imagines then shivers*

10. Thin or fat?

- just right ! if he's too thin and lanky, I may mistake him for a stick or something, if he's fat I might get squished when we hug !

- He's lean with muscles at the right places! Yeah.. he has one hot bod!

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

- pinkish white with rosy cheeks and lips :DD

- Oh my God! I am an idiot! Haha. He's pale yet glowing complexion is perfect

12. Long hair or short hair?


- Just right

13. Plastic or metal?

- I don't get it ;|

- Yes, I am already twenty-one but hell! I still don't get what this means!

14. Smells good?

- hhmmmmm.. yeah ! a guy that smells like howalons ! *drool*

- Yes, the smell of his cologne soothes my nostrils

15. Smoker?

- NO WAY !

- No, I had saw him smoke once but he already stopped

16. Drinker?

- of water ? sure why not ?

- Wow, Really? Why was I so stupid when I was seventeen? I don't like drunkards but I'm kind of grateful for liquor. I did confess to him because of that (I still hate alcoholics though)

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

- nope.

- Still no

18. Muscular?

- I think muscles are scary... being strong without muscles is ok :)

- The answer remains the same

19. Plays piano?

- yes please !

- yes, he actually plays piano! I couldn't believe it myself but, I guess his the guy with everything!

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

- *nods vigorously*

- I've only heard him play the acoustic once *blushes at the memory*

21. Plays violin?

- !of course!

-He hired a violinist once, does that count?

22. Sings very good?

- hell yeah !

- His voice is the greatest!

23. Vain?

- nope. I'd kick him in the ass if he's vain

- Woops, guess I didn't do what I said. He is vain but I didn't kick his ass for that reason ( I kicked his ass because he was a pervert)

24. With glasses?

- If it looks cute why not? but if it looks nerdy, -_- " no.

- Aww, I remember our couple glasses. He looked really cute when he wore it.

25. With braces?

- no way ! braces are so uncool

Girls would look ok with braces, but boys? NAH! They'll look like they're gonna be bullied!

I'm so glad he had no braces… he wouldn't need it, his teeth are perfect!

26. Shy type?

- yes. KAWAII X3

- Too bad, he's not shy. He's blunt. Really really blunt. And I love him for that

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?

- good boy (:

- Rebel with a kind heart. Yes, I know you think that's impossible but it's true. He really is one.

28. Active or passive?

- Active! :D

- Still Active

29. Tight or bomb?

- :O What is this? Can somebody explain it to me first? :O

- The answer remains (Guess I'm still an idiot)

30. Singer or dancer?

- both ?

- Yeah, he can do both. He's multi-talented

31. Stunner?


- Yes he is.

32. Hiphop?

- mehh. . classical instead ?

- Too bad. He's in to hip-hop.

33. Earrings?

- nope ! earrings are for girls only !

That's his piercing ( he said It's their family emblem) ;|

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-exs-until-you-drop?

- No! that's way too irritating !

- Thank god he is not like that!

35. Dimples?

- yup ! dimples are cute :D

- I never really noticed if he had any dimples…

36. Bookworm?

- hmmm. . no, I hate books. He should too :\

- yeah, he likes books. (If you count mangas as books that is)

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

- yes yes ! that's romantic !

- he gave me a letter once, but it wasn't a love letter ;/

38. Playful?

- sure ! I like playing :DD

- He's way too playful! But I love him for that

39. Flirt?

- ewwwww ! I hate flirts !

- yes, he is a flirt. A flirt when it came to me.

40. Poem writer?

- sure ! better yet a song writer !

-Hmmm, I think the sang he sang for me on the day he proposed was his original…

41. Small?

- Tall!

- yes, he is tall. Really tall!

42. Campus crush?

- No... i don't like them... They make me feel annoyed... They feel like they're on top of the world. -_- "

- Sad to say, he is the campus crush but now he is known as the company crush since he graduated last year and started working a year ago too.

43. Painter?

- yes yes !

- I think he painted a picture for me once

44. Religious?

- Yes! Of course! I like guys who are afraid of God

- Haha. Does saying "Goddamned" numerous of times count as being religious?

45. Someone who likes to tease people?

- nope. That's mean !

- Yeah, he likes to tease people but I guess that's what attracted me to him

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

- none of the above

- I think he has no time for that. He is obsess with his X-box 360 though

47. Speaks 20 languages?

- JAPANESE, english, tagalog, swedish, italian, german, FRENCH!

Doesn't have to be 20! XD

- He speaks alien! *flashback*

48. Loyal or faithful?

- Both! ^_^

- He is both loyal and faithful and our five-year relationship proves it.

49. Good kisser?

- *blushes furiously* what kind of question is that ?

- Aww, I was so innocent! Yeah, he's one hell of a great kisser!

50. Loves children?

Yes, That's sweet :) I LOVE children so why not ?"

Yes he loves children, although he doesn't show it he does. Would we adopt Youichi and Aoi if he didn't love children?

I'd like to add one more question to this survey and that would be:

51. Have you met him?

Yes, I have met him and he is the best. He's Natsume Hyuuga. Totally not my kind of boy when I was seventeen but now my only boy.

"Polka! You better tell me that you're getting ready to go to Imai's or else I'm oing to cancel our wedding!"

Woops, there goes my soon to be husband. I better go. It was nice of you to know our story.

And to those wondering, Mizukaru is now Sumire's boyfriend for 3 years.

Well, goodbye! I hope you find your kind of boy too.