A/N: Thank you readers, especially missjasadin, Jo and Anna who reviewed anonymously. Well, this is it, we've reached the end, so to speak. Special thanks to Chibs for her prompts. Enjoy!

Warning: Even more fluff! Now I am fresh out. I hope the angst monster won't go through with his I mean her plans for my demise... *runs aways*

Disclaimer: Seriously, Jane and Lisbon *still* haven't kissed yet? Well that explains this disclaimer then. As for the story itself, I stole, errr, I mean "borrowed" the idea from Simon himself in an interview he had with Ellen on his beach-side wedding with his wife. I also "borrowed" the title theme song for the show California Dreams. "Surf dudes with attitudes, kinda groovy..."

Part III: I Do

There was a distinctive bite in the air. Illuminating golds and reds colored the trees and the crunch of fallen leaves crushed underfoot, the telltale signs of summer's end. Teresa Lisbon rubbed her arms to keep them from going numb, her eyes staring blankly ahead. Endless waves of cobalt, the perfect shade of blue, met at the horizon between the sand and the pale pink sunrise. She was lost in its breathtaking beauty, when an unexpected hand landed on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

She nearly knocked out the intruder belonging to the baritone voice. Lucky for him, he had slightly quicker reflexes for a man his size.

"I guess I deserve that," he chuckled.

Giving him the quick once over, she frowned at the bemused grin on the stranger's face. He had a halo of white hair, eyes hidden behind large dark sunglasses. Unnaturally colorful palm trees decorated his shirt which he wore with navy board shorts and flip flops.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

The man smiled widely, producing from his pocket a white vinyl covered book emblazoned with a gold cross. She barely had any time to react, noticing sudden movement from the corner of her eye. He was standing just a few feet away, barefoot in the sand. Dressed in a loose white shirt and linen trousers, his outfit contrasted perfectly with his tanned skin.

"Excellent, Mic," Jane exclaimed cheerily. "You found the bride."

Lisbon froze. Her mouth went completely dry as he approached her, his patented grin across his lips. When she came to her senses, she split her glare between the two men.

"What the Hell is going on?"

Mic and Jane merely exchanged amused glances.

"I think it's pretty obvious," Jane replied.

"To you two, maybe," she paused, scowling when he began to laugh at her. "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop laughing."

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not. This isn't funny."

"You have to admit it is a little bit funny."

With a pointed glare, she planted her hands on her hips before turning to leave.

"Whoa, hey, Lisbon, wait a sec…"

His grasp fell below her elbow as she begrudgingly stopped her attempt to escape.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home," she muttered petulantly.


"What is this? An interrogation?"

"Am I good cop or bad cop?"

"I'm not playing whatever game this is. Just say what you need to say."

He ran his fingertips up and down her bare arms. Against her will, the anger melted away with each stroke.

"This dress looks stunning on you."

"You call this flimsy thing a dress?" she scoffed.

She unconsciously smoothed out the simple ivory silk gown.

"The perky blonde at the store told me you could wear it in and out of the bedroom," he quipped suggestively.

"Perky blonde?"

"There's no need to be jealous."

"Fine, why don't I leave so that you and the perky blonde can run off together?"

"I don't want the perky blonde," he said patiently.

"And what exactly do you want?"

He paused for a moment, tenderly tucking a loose curl behind her ear.


"I-is that so?"


She was speechless. He had the uncanny ability to completely unhinge her with a single word.

"Okay," she said finally.

"Okay? That's all I get?"

"No," she paused. "I do have one more question."

He raised a brow.

"Just one?"

"Yes," she replied with a smirk, "just one."

Taking his left hand, she guided his palm over her heart.

"Will you marry you me?"

She prided herself in her ability to interrogate rapists and serial killers without batting an eyelash. But at that very moment, Agent Teresa Lisbon could barely look the man she supposedly wanted to spend the rest of her life with in the eye. He was silent for what could have been an eternity, until she felt his free hand grazing her chin. Her teary gaze reluctantly met with his.

"Can you please say something so that I don't feel like a complete idi…"

Almost immediately she shut up as he brushed gentle kisses along the bridge of her nose. He pulled away slightly while she peered up at him through her lashes.

"Was that a yes?"

He rolled his eyes before pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was warm, chaste and something she could only describe as irrevocably Patrick Jane. When they parted, he beamed at the blush that had dusted her cheeks.

"In case you're still wondering, that was a yes."

She smacked him on the arm before noticing a shock of white hair from behind Jane's head. She had almost forgotten they weren't alone. Casting a sideways glance towards Mic, she bit down on her lip to prevent herself from laughing out loud.

"Where did you find this guy?" she asked curiously.

"I believe he said that he was from the Holy Order of Surf Dudes with Attitudes."

"How official."

"Only the best for you."

"You sure know how to make a woman feel special," she gushed sarcastically.

He laughed as he clasped her hand tightly in his grasp.

"So, are you ready?" he asked.

"Honestly? No."

"You're the one that asked me to marry you."

"And you're the one that invited the surfer pastor. Are you ready?"

He wrinkled his nose.

"Not even close."

Her lips quirked into an involuntary grin.

"I know that look."

His breath tickled against her cheek as he spoke, "Is that right?"

With an impish smirk, he started backwards, dragging her along with him. Soon they were sprinting along the shore line, their laughter rising above the calls of gulls weaving and diving at their feet. Mic took one last drag from his cigarette before crushing it out. He beamed broadly at the couple from his spot in the sand. And with a fleeting glance, he lifted his palms towards the heavens.

"And now I pronounce them, husband and wife."

Fin for now, Jello forever