A/N: I decided to take a break from this story to work on a few others, but I couldn't just stay away there's so much potential between the two of them, and of course Aqua likes him. It's very much obvious that she does, play the game in her story, you'll see.
Disclaimer: I own Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep…on opposite day!
Before Terra could even blink, Aqua's tiny hands are on his chest, pushing him into her closet. Terra couldn't repress the 'Oof' that escaped him from the sudden force. She looked into his eyes, before closing the door behind him. He could still see from the light coming through from underneath the door, and he sucked in just as enough air to keep quiet.
"Of course Master, please come in."
The larger door slowly opened, and the Master appeared from beyond it. That same stoic expression looked sterner, almost as if he knew something wasn't right. But he just trotted along and stepped further into her room, his eyes briefly glancing to her closet.
"I wanted to ask, how is Terra doing?"
Aqua didn't know how long she could keep this act up. Everyone knew she was a terrible liar and doing it causes every fiber in her being to conjure up something like this. But the thought of The Master finding Terra jump out of her closet was more frightening. Her title would have probably been stripped right from under her nose.
"He's fine, he's letting me learn a little more about him each day, and…" Aqua wondered if she should tell Eraqus about Terra's mournful past. Quickly she eyes found her closet, but turned away from it.
Aqua. No. Don't. He thought, almost feeling bad for listening to their conversation, but that feeling was quickly over shadowed by the Master constantly on his case about his darkness. It was this that made it so easy do giving in and dive head first into the malicious pools of evil. Why was he always compared to something to abominable?
Master Eraqus squinted his eyes almost in disbelief at his former apprentice. "Has any traces of the darkness escaped him?"
"No Master, Terra's not as weak as you think. As long as we're here for him to guide him to the light then he should be fine." Aqua righted herself, not wanting to look like the little girl whom he once took in out of sympathy.
Eraqus bows his head to hide his smirk. "Aqua, as long as he has you he should be fine. You musn't forget he holds you dearly to his heart. You are the key." He turned to leave. "Very well then, be sure to let Terra he must speak with me…if you see him."
Aqua quietly swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yes sir!" she saluted firmly and watched her wise teacher exit the room. Moments after she called. "Terra you can come out now"
The burly warrior ungracefully retreated from her packed closet, accidentally knocking down one of her trademark jumpers held up on a hanger, before regaining his usual composure. "Thanks," He had been doing that a lot lately. He walked over to her arms held out to engulf her in a friendly hug.
But the Bluenette pulled her hands out and in separation and evaded Terra's attempted embrace. "Terra be serious I just lied to the Master. Th-that was a once in a lifetime deal. You should go before he decides to make another unexpected entrance."
His shoulders sunk at Aqua's bluntness, but it was needed. They were already over stepping all the ground rules, this being a huge one. "Yeah, I'll meet with him soon." He wasn't sure how to continue on with this. "Uh…can I stop by tomorrow?" he pleading searches her captivating eyes.
She can't meet him fully, because she knows she'll fall for it. Just like all the trouble they used to get into, it could have been avoided if she just said no. Stealing the Master's hair tie and using it for a sling shot was such a bad idea, but with Terra he makes her step outside her comfort zone and is a little more rebellious. Though this was different, they were kids then, now they're practically adults. It's not about being innocent and childlike anymore.
"Terra I don't know if what we're doing is such a good idea. The Master already suspects something going on." Her tone is breaking because, she doesn't want to hurt him.
He sees her pain and he wants nothing but to smooth away her frown with his lips. But he fights against it and tilts her chin to look at him, and she can't break away. Not that she wants to, theses affectionate acts he was doing to her was making her mind feel fuzzy, and her body temperature rise.
"Aqua I need you, please you're helping me get through this." He's cupping her face and the pads of his thumbs are stroking her rosy cheeks, and he's starting to think maybe 'Aqua is the key…to his heart.' The sudden thought sends a jolt through his body, as if she's struck another lightning bolt through him. It does enough to make him pull away with his back turned to her.
His hand is on the frame of her door, and he's ready to leave. "You know what forg-"he's interrupted.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Terra." She says from beyond his back, slightly confused from his sudden change of emotions.
Terra answers back intelligently. "Huh?"
The recent Master is pushing his back out her door. "Tomorrow," she says and she shuts it behind him, before leaning on it for support, her mind replaying the events that just unfolded before her. Once she got herself into something with Terra there was no getting out.
For the past 2 weeks, Terra and Aqua's meetings had continued, and more and more was learned between them. Their likes and dislikes, deep dark secrets it was all exposed. The small bonding time had managed to add more intimacy, but it was all natural nothing was forced. Aqua had actually learned Terra had a goofy side, when he wasn't trying to be all egotistical and self-centered. She was glad she managed to see it more often. Overall they were becoming very comfortable, and by comfortable it meant little situations where they are too close for any by standers liking. But in reality they were there for each other.
Now they were in her room. Terra going on about how he can't get a spell right and Aqua is only half paying attention, half day dreaming. She remembers…
It was late and The Master had decided to have a training session. Everyone was exhausted it was way passed Ven's bed time. The thought on everyone's mind was sleep, to just recover from the intense workout. Normally Terra had the most stamina but he couldn't hold up any longer. None of them could.
The maiden is in her room now, lying in bed, but she wasn't asleep. Aqua could see Terra's silhouette outside her doorframe. He was just standing there, not moving and inch. Figures…she thought. She was going to have to take matters into her own hands then.
Reaching behind her, she pulled the covers back, indicating for Terra to join her, which he hesitantly accepted her offer, climbing into the small bed next to her. Aqua turned again so her back was facing him. She had no idea what possessed her to actually invite him to a sleepover, had passed far beyond her.
Terra was shocked, that she let him slip into bed so easily with her. He sort of expected her to tell him to go back to his room before the Master sees. Her always acting like she was the oldest, but the thought jumped right out the window, when she grabbed one of his rough hands and placed it on the exposed skin of her waist. He instantly marveled at how soft her skin was, as he massages her naval.
Aqua wasn't sure why she had done that, but all she knew she craved his touch, almost as if she couldn't function without him. Now she was rewarded with Terra pulling her dominantly to his strong chest. It's then she realizes it's bare, and she can't fight her body flushing and the instincts to settle deeper in his arms. His hand snakes underneath her small blouse to the front of her toned stomach, a small gasp leaves her.
"You okay?" Terra asks hotly into her ear, sounding completely like sex.
The female keybearer can only nod her head, because she doesn't trust her voice. Not when he sounds like he's willing to fuck right then and there.
Terra relishes in the body heat, due to their close proximities and the feel of her smooth skin beneath his fingers. He had no intention to go beyond their normal standards, but when she didn't pull away, his hand rakes up just a notch higher, and she moans so quietly and pushes much closer against him. He groans lowly, all he wants is to have her. It feels like the time is right and…
"Terra, go to sleep." She sounds uninterested, and on the brink of unconsciousness.
Reluctantly he accepts what she wants, no matter what his libido is begging for.
They drifted off to sleep.
A/N: Well that chapter was really fun to write, glad to get some fluff here. Well I would say the beginning was fluffy the ending well… I wanted to spice things up a bit, give you guys the impression that they both know the attraction is there, yet neither wants to act on it. Trust me the attraction is definitely there. R%R please.