Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.

A/N: I am dedicating this to WORDOFWYRD, for threatening Kevin Garcia smut upon the likes of myself, Emzypemzy and Bonesbird! It was uncalled for and I hope this proves why...


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Evacuate My Heart, Boy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Penelope stood at his door, only earlier he'd stepped up as her saviour once more, but unlike all the other times when he'd left her, her heart had continued to thud in her chest, as though he was still close, still in her vicinity.

Something was different after that moment, he'd leant in closer, his eyes more able to pursue her glance, his thumb had run the course of her bottom lip and she'd felt the linger of the tingle on her skin.

She realised in that moment that she couldn't allow her heart to be a captive of Derek Morgan any longer.

If they were meant to be they would've happened, but they hadn't and she couldn't hang around waiting on the right moment or on the right vibe. She couldn't be a puppet and wait for Derek to pull the strings, she had to burst free or forever be held hostage by him.

He was the one for her. Her relationships never went further than they did. Even with Kevin they didn't stretch far, she didn't dip into the pool of what the future had. That was all because Derek was her one. She wanted her future with him, however crisp and vivid that imagination was, it was just a pure spark of nothing, waiting to be blown away all over again.

She sighed, she was in love with him, that much was certain, but she couldn't let herself be another one of his triads, a mere trophy to him, she couldn't allow herself to fall deeper in love with him for her to bring an ideal life in her mind and then it be shattered by reality.

Because in reality Derek Morgan just wasn't a one woman man, that was how he rolled and if anyone knew, it was her.

She hiccupped on a tearful sigh and calmed herself.

Penelope couldn't allow her life to continue like that so she knocked once, hesitantly, before knocking twice, both more in quick succession of one another.

Now she waited.

The door opened and Derek stared at her, a newspaper in his hands, opened on the sports page, he smiled almost immediately at seeing her and Penelope felt her heart clamp.

"We need to talk." Was all she said and his smile faltered and he let her in. She knew he knew now she was here for something serious. She walked in, and took in the smell of his lingering odour as it savoured the air; she took in his house as she always did.

"What's up, Baby Girl?" He asked as he noticed her stand offish behaviour, she didn't use any form of endearment and if anything her eyes were screaming from deeply buried pain.

"I'm going to say this once, and only once and then I'm going to leave here, okay?" She asked him and her breathed blew through her parted lips heatedly.

"Erm, okay." He replied and ran a hand over the back of his neck, he looked at her more now, there was something uncomfortable now feeling the air, it wasn't normal and it wasn't helping with aiding his confusion any. "What's this about?"

"I don't want this repeated to anyone." She whispered and her eye sight dropped, the fear bubbling in her began to topple, "I don't know if you realise it, but I think I'm more than a friend in our relationship."

Now Derek was floored, he stood stocked and ready, his exterior nowhere near his interior.

"You don't know how it hurts me to see you leave us with yet another woman, you have no idea how that makes me feel, you have absolutely no way to know because I refused to ever let this out. I've lived 6 years, an amazing 6 years might I add, with you as my best friend but it's so hard to have a man like you in your life and not feel a thing for.

"I wanted to believe it was a stupid crush, Derek, I really did, but a normal crush would've worn off, the want wouldn't have lasted and the jealousy wouldn't stick in my gut for so long, but it does, each and every time I get to watch a woman get what I want and I sit and one thing enters my head."

She told him, her voice quaking, her eyes beginning to glisten and she looked up at him with a pleading glance, there was so much sorrow in her eyes for once and it pained him. She was deep and he just couldn't tell how deep she was.

"I know that a man like you will never want me because you can do so much better." A tear fell, but he could tell she inwardly cursed herself then and the water remained as a film across her brown orbs. "I'm in love with my best friend and all I ask is that he'll just give me a reason to not love him. I want to be free of this feeling because I watch another woman walk out of a bar with him."

Derek could read the envy of those women, he could almost feel her despair and his heart clamped at the feelings he had tried his hardest to keep out of feeling distance. He watched Penelope stand in front of him, a near enough broken mess, a state he had never seen her, and one he never thought he'd see her be over him of all people.

He stepped closer and she put her hands up to stop him touching her and she stepped back, splitting them again.

She shook her hand and then placed them on her hand, clawing her hair almost in utter desolation, "Did you never even guess that I felt this way for you?" She asked him more as a conviction than a gentle question.

He shook his head, "no," he muttered and looked at her, his own walls breaking down. The effects of Penelope were always immense, but he'd never felt a drive of emotion as fierce as they were now. The sheer shock and momentum in which she tore into his house and admitted it so freely made he harder for him to comprehend, "I guess not." He concluded.

Penelope's heart skipped a beat, she'd tried to make it so clear to him, "I guess that says it all." She whispered heartbrokenly. She put herself as more available to him, prowled around him, gave herself to his every beck and call and for what? For this moment. For the utter shoot down of it.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Penelope." He told her, he knew it was a lie, but he was caught out here and he was in well over his head and he was, for once, scared of the feeling his heart was helping pump around his body.

"What I wanted was for you to look at me, for more than the status of baby girl, and see that I love you, I painstakingly love you and you just don't see it, I couldn't love any one more than I love you right now, but you just don't see it and I don't know what hurts more right now, Derek. Knowing that you don't love me or that you never saw me loving you."

She didn't wait for a response, she just walked straight back out of his house, never letting his calling of her name stop her, never allowing him to stop her, what was done was done.

Yet as she began to drive away she didn't see him grab his keys and jump on his bike and follow her.

And when she did, she didn't stop, she just continued to drive, hoping he'd just disappear or get lost in the traffic.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Evacuate My Heart, Boy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

A/N: This calls for a late change from ONEshot to TWOshot my lovelies!

The next chapter is to get Wordofwyrd to let go of Lynch's boxers... Nath! You'll be letting go and running to find disinfectant =P

Lemme know what you thought! =)