Frank's POV

"Oh crap… Gerard's awake. He's so gorgeous, hazel eyes, beautiful pale skin, long black hair… GOD stop fantasizing about him!

I wish he would notice the way I look at him, the way I fall harder and harder for him each day I'm with him. He's just so…perfect. Ahhh.

"Hey Frank" Oh shit! "uh hey gee, coffee?" "You know me so well" he flashed a smile, I think I melted a little. " So how'd you sleep?" "Not bad, coulda been better" "yeah, me too" I didn't sleep, because I was sleeping next to Gerard, in the same bed. Could anyone sleep when they were sleeping with Gerard Way in the same bed as them? I doubt it.

Gerard's POV

Frank is so oblivious! I wished he'd just notice already that I like him. A lot. He got me my coffee though =) that was cute =) and he knows exactly how I like it, he's so amazing. I can't handle it anymore, tonight…I'm going to tell him, or show him, how I feel. Oh lord, wish me luck.

Frank POV

"Nice set guys" The sweat dripped off of Gee's face and hair, it made him glisten, and just made him more beautiful then ever. He loved singing You Know What They Do to Guys like Us in Prison, it was he favorite to perform, as he did oh so well. As he made his way over to me in the song, grinning right at me, I wish he'd kiss me, but he only did that during shows, and I bet it didn't mean anything to him, but it ment the world to me. Oh shit! I gotta stop fantasizing about Gee! I can't believe I got another stiffy!... As you can tell, this happens a lot.

Oh god, thank you so much hotel room, serenity, and Gerard all for me to look at. I guess I should get ready for bed…done. Gerard's already in bed, must of been tired. Whoa! Gee just wrapped his arm around my stomach! This feels so good, but, I wonder if he's kidding…

He kissed me! Oh god he's so amazing.

"Frank…I'm falling in love with you, I cant take holding it back anymore"

"Oh Gerard, I've already fallen for you!"

And so the night went on…