Here is the epilogue!

Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, alerted and favourite this story. It was you who kept me updating!

I hope you like the final chapter!

UPDATE: 14th December 2012: I've gotten a BETA! YAAAAY! She's my lovely friend Akiko39. Thank you so much!


Naraku and Sesshomaru were panicking, and not just the 'I've misplaced my car keys and I am running late for work' panicking, the 'Our mate has just fainted and we haven't the faintest clue why' panicking.

The three of them were sitting in the lounge room watching a movie and Kagome had stood up to go get a drink when she went deathly pale and fell to the floor in a dead faint.

Sesshomaru and Naraku were immediately at her side and were attempting to wake her up.

"Come on Kagome, open your pretty eyes and show us that you are alright." Naraku said as Sesshomaru stroked her hair.

After a moment Kagome groaned and her eyes fluttered open. She looked around, her eyes unfocused. "What happened?"

"You fainted." Sesshomaru replied.

Kagome frowned. "I fainted?" she asked, confused.

"I think we should get Kagome to the hospital." Sesshomaru said to Naraku.

Sesshomaru helped Kagome stand up while Naraku ran to get the car keys.

When they arrived to the hospital, Kagome was immediately taken to a doctor.

"Which one of you is her partner?" the doctor asked. "Only Miss Higurashi's partner is allowed in the room with her." She explained.

Naraku and Sesshomaru looked at each other. "Er..." What were they supposed to say?

The doctor tapped her foot. "Well?"

After a couple of seconds she shook her head. "Never mind, just wait over there and we'll be out soon."

They sat down where the doctor pointed to and prepared themselves for a long wait.

Roughly an hour later the doctor came out, trace of a blush present on her face and waved Sesshomaru and Naraku into the room.

"Kagome, I will give you the pleasure of telling them." She said.

Kagome, who was sitting on the bed and swinging her legs, gave them a big smile. "I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed.

Sesshomaru and Naraku's eyes widened and mouths dropped open.

"That is... wow." They went over and pulled Kagome in for a big hug.

This was one of the best things that had ever happened to them.

~Later that Day~ In the Feudal Era~

Everyone had big smiles on their faces as they congratulated the trio on the pregnancy.

"That is great news, Kagome!" Sango said, as she rocked her baby to sleep.

"Thank you Sango," Kagome smiled as she rubbed her hand across her stomach, unable to believe that a baby was really growing inside of her. Shippo jumped into her lap and also rubbed her belly. Happy that he was going to get a younger sister, or brother, he didn't mind.

"I do have a question though," Inuyasha said his arm wrapped around his mate, Luna's waist. Luna was a hanyou that Inuyasha had met in the forest one day.

Everyone looked at him.

"Who is the father?"

Sesshomaru and Naraku looked at each other, eyes wide. Who was the father?

"That's easy!" Kagome laughed. "They both are! Even if one of them isn't the biological father, he will still have a fatherly role in the child's life!"

Both Naraku and Sesshomaru lent down and pressed a kiss to her cheek on either side.

"You couldn't have said it better." They agreed.


I thought that would be a good place to end it... I hope you like it!

Thank you all again!