I'm on a role! 3 Percy Jackson stories in 1 day! Here's another from me-Raving. Rick owns the characters. Disney owns the movies- good luck!


"Disney's Hercules?" Annabeth scoffed. "Terrible, you guys don't want to see that movie!" she warned. I really wished I would have listened to her but, no, Nico and I begged.
"Come on, it can't be that bad!" Nico whined
"Fine, but don't tell me I didn't warn you."
"Wait, you're not watching it with us?" I asked.
"Here," She handed me the movie, rolling her eyes. I looked at Nico,

"What? Hera agrees with Hercules being born? He was born a god?" I ask. "Now that's just not right."
Suddenly Nico yelped. I looked at the screen, there was some guy with blue fiery hair.
"Oh, that's just not right at all! Of all things in the world, my dad does not look like that!" I burst out laughing.
"Fits him! Then again, look at Hermes!" We were falling over in laughter.
"Percy? Nico? What are you two doing in there?" My mother called.
"We're watching Hercules!" I called.
"Percy, I thought we agreed that movie was a bad influence," My mother called.
"Yeah, but we wanted to know what it was like." I replied.
"Alright," My mom replied.
"Since when did Hercules sing?" Nico asked, drawing my attention back to the screen causing me to burst into laughter.
"Wow, this movie really sucks." I tell Nico.
"Hey, but it's amusing. 5 muses, a blue Hermes, a ughm big Zeus and don't forget short fat satyrs."
"You forgot the best part, your dad!" We burst into laughter again. When suddenly, Nico stopped laughing.
"Uh, Percy…" He didn't get to finish.
"Oh I feel so welcome! My own son laughing at me," A sneering voice came from behind me. "Stupid Disney, they suffered all right." Nico and I paled.
"Father," Nico said turning around, we see the Lord of the Dead himself, leaning against the wall.
"You know I don't get to leave below ground very much, but when I do, I have reasons. You know what this reason is boys?"
"Percy is everything…" My mom stopped in the door way staring at Hades.
"Ah, hello again Mrs. Jackson, no worries." My mom looked pretty freaked out about the fact that Hades was in my room, but she left.
"Sometimes gods can hear their names being said, have you seen the storm out there?" Nico and I paled, looking out the window. Uh-oh.
"Watch your mouth son," and with that he vanished. I looked at Nico and grinned.
"Paper?" He nodded.

Sally Jackson was cleaning her son's bedroom when she came across a pad of paper covered with writings and laughter.
"Percy! You get in here right now!"
Boy, this was going to be a long discussion.

Love the ending huh? I wanted a story with Percy in it so I wrote this while watching Hercules, hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you think of the movie –REVIEW!