
No, I'm sorry, I really meant it. This isn't a story.

I've had this idea buzzing around in my head all day, and I thought I might as well just put it out there and see where it gets me. I'm talking about a Round Robin fanfic. Here's the thing; I want to write a longer Gabe or Trickster/OC story, but I don't want to write the whole thing myself. So, I thought I'd see if anyone wants to write it for me, or at least with me.

So, the plan is:

Anyone interested in writing a collaborative fanfiction needs to either PM me, or reply to this post with a review, in the affirmative.

Then, once there's been time for the responses to come rushing in (…), I'll create an account using a generic team name with a generic sign in email address and password. I will PM this info to everyone who wants to be involved along with a list of people who have agreed to take part. That way everyone can sign into the account separately when it's his or her turn to write.

Each person on the list will write a chapter of the story, and I will co-ordinate this as best I can by letting the next person know when it's their turn.

There are only a few rules:

I will write the first chapter. This is partly because I'm a control freak, and partly because that way I can make sure it's definitely going to be a Gabe/OC fic.

There is no word count you must meet. So, feel free to write as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, but you must progress the story in some way. So, if you're only going to write a sentence, it has to be a bloody good one.

If it is your turn to write next, and you feel for whatever reason that you can't produce something within four weeks of getting a prompt from me, then let me know. I will pass it to the next person.

You can't just ignore what the person in front of you has written. You have to engage with it, even if you don't like it.

Don't expect the end result to be good. In fact, expect it to be a complete cluster fuck and you probably won't be disappointed.

I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I've done things like this at a lot of creative writing groups and it's always a laugh, and has sometimes given me great ideas for other stories.

Anyone in?
