Author Note:

Hi everyone, this is the first in a collection of one-shots inspired by and featuring Supernatural characters and sometimes OCs. Outside this pen name I am a erotic/dark fiction/horror writer, and so understandably many of these chapters will be dark and, as has been mentioned in the summary, will contain some elements of non-consent. These chapters are, as such, meant to be horrific as well as containing some hints of romance. Not all chapters will be like this, so I wouldn't want to put people off reading them all, but I will give fair warning before chapters containing such content. If you are upset/offended by this, please do not read those chapters.

These one-shots are the result of a challenge by a friend of mine, and so many of the stories are a direct result of what was in his head at the time or are inspired by single scenes or lines from the show. I have not written a full, canon fanfic as yet, as I don't often write with other people's characters and so it feels a little uncomfortable to me. But, I probably would have a go if I was challenged...

I hope you enjoy some of these, please let me know what you think.

PS: This is the first chapter. 'The Connection'. A Gabriel/OC one-shot. Contains non-consent.

Rose saw Cas looking over her shoulder, eyes wide, and a strange light glowing on his face as though somebody had lit a fire outside the window. She smiled slightly, confused but still utterly enamoured by him as usual. Then she felt the wooden floor underneath her bare feet move slightly, felt the whole room shaking. She turned slowly.

"It's the archangel". Cas was standing behind her, very close now, so close she could feel his breath on her shoulder.

"He's coming to destroy me. You're promised to him".

Rose was expecting something slightly more dramatic, but as quickly as the light had appeared it was gone again and standing before them was another man. He was about as tall as Cas, dark hair and warm brown eyes. He appeared to be smiling, which seemed a bit inappropriate to Rose, considering the circumstances.

"Castiel. How nice to see you."

"Gabriel." Cas's voice was lower than usual. The tone usually meant he was angry, or confused, or both.

"So, do you want to tell me exactly what you think you were about to do with my human?"

Rose frowned and stepped forward. "Excuse me. Your human?"

The archangel finally looked at her, still smiling, and he tilted his head slightly, considering her. "Yes, my human. You are promised to me Rose, as you know."

"I didn't get a choice in that though did I?" Rose stepped closer to him.

"It doesn't matter. You were promised to me and that's that. There is no choice for you."

Gabriel turned his eyes back to Cas and pointed at him, "Do you want to say anything before I destroy you?"

Rose's eyes widened in shock, again she stepped closer to the archangel. "No, please. You don't have to do that. I can explain."

His brown eyes met hers, eyebrows raised slightly, waiting. " Well, the truth is, I was scared. Scared about…you and this whole being promised thing. Cas is the only person I've been able to talk to about it, the only person who really understands. I was just upset and so I asked him to come. It's my fault we almost..." Rose knew she was rambling. Hearing her voice get quieter and finally fade to nothing, she expected the archangel to be angry.

Instead he laughed and closed the distance between them rapidly. She found herself staring into his eyes, his hand inches from her face, "Rose, you really are delightful. I could just eat you up." She saw Gabriel's eyes slide from her face and over to the angel behind her, "Which I will, in good time".

"Gabriel, you can not eat her." Cas's voice, deep and definitely confused, came from behind them.

Gabriel looked down at Rose again, still smiling, "The kids got a lot to learn, wouldn't you say, Rose?" She felt her cheeks grow warm and lowered her head. She felt the archangel's breath hot against her ear, "You have nothing to fear from me, Rose. When the time comes, you will realise that you've been wasting your time with him."

Rose felt a strange sensation overtake her as Gabriel placed a warm hand against her cheek, "We're destined to be together, Rose. You know that. Why else would I be able to make you feel like this?" Gabriel wasn't looking at her now, but over her shoulder at Cas with that strange smile on his face. His hand felt so good on her skin, she felt herself leaning towards him, wanting more.

"GABRIEL!" Cas's voice again, brought her out of her trance. She tried to steady herself, but Gabriel's hand was still hovering over her skin.

The feeling continued to wash over her, making her sway until she fell against Gabriel. "I'll make a deal with you Rose." Again, his mouth was against her ear, and the sound of his voice made her moan softly into his chest. "When the time comes, you give yourself to me willingly. If you agree to this, then I will allow you to spend time with Castiel in whatever manner you choose."

Rose shook her head, not able to form words. "Rose, make the promise or I destroy him right now."

She nodded, weakly forming the word, "yes", and sealing the deal.

Then he was gone and she momentarily saw the floorboards rushing up to meet her face before Castiel caught her.

(6 months later)

Rose blinked back a tear, feeling the archangel step closer to her. "Please, can you release me from the deal?"

Gabriel simply shook his head, "Why would you want that? You haven't been that satisfied with Cas. I know. I was watching."

She stifled an inner shudder, and looked at him, "He's human now. His grace has gone. I want to be with him, properly."

The angel shook his head again and took hold of her wrist, "No. A promise is a promise, Rose. If you try to break it, I will destroy him." He tugged her wrist, trying to lead her over to the fireplace, where he had laid down cushions and blankets. Feeling her resist, he looked at her, "Rose, please, come with me."

"If you really cared, you wouldn't be able to do this to me." Rose felt her anger rising and she pulled away from him, "That's why Cas is ten times better than you will ever be, because he has a heart. You're just a soulless lackey, who does what he's told and expects to be able to just take his reward at the end."

Gabriel glared at her, "You need to calm down."

Rose shook her head again, "No. You need to let me go. You can't have me; even if you force me to be with you, you'll never really have me, not like Cas does." She pulled away again, trying to drag him to the opposite side of the room.

Finally, the archangel decided, enough was enough. He planted his feet and grabbed the front of Rose's top, wrenching her towards him, pulling off several buttons in the process. "Rose, you will be mine. Remember how I can make you feel." He placed one hand on her cheekbone and she instantly felt herself losing control of her senses. His hand was so warm; he made her feel safe, and made her insides burn with desire. He made her feel like he was all she'd ever wanted.

Feeling her go still in his arms, the archangel half carried her over to the fireplace. Smiling, he laid her down on the pillows, arranging them underneath her so she would be comfortable. Kneeling next to her, he straightened her dark hair around her face and slowly let his hand stroke the flesh he'd exposed when he tore her top. He smiled again, as she closed her eyes; her mouth fell open and her hands flew up to guide his hand. This would be perfect; he just knew it.

Each inch of skin he touched grew hot, and she gasped underneath him. She couldn't stop herself; she found herself wanting him to touch her. Her hand was pushing his down her stomach, down under the hem of her skirt. She almost screamed when he pulled his hand away.

"Now, now, Rose. I made a promise to you a long time ago, and I intend to keep it."

Gabriel trailed kisses down her stomach, feeling her pulse quicken. Slowly, he slid her skirt down around her hips and discarded it. When she was exposed to him fully, he took no time to study her, knowing that she was perfect in every way. Lowering his mouth between her legs he breathed gently on the soft flesh and smiled when she gasped.

Rose began to feel uncomfortable each time Gabriel's hands were not touching her skin. She began to remember someone else, someone important to her in the deepest recesses of her mind. As she felt the archangel lapping at her gently, opening her up skilfully with his tongue, the feeling that something was not quite right grew stronger. This was not how it usually felt.

The archangel, feeling Rose tighten, preventing him from tasting her as deeply as he would have liked, swiftly placed his hands on her thighs. He knew the connection would wipe all traces of Castiel from her mind, but it would also allow him better access to her. Both were very good things.

The archangel learnt from his mistake and he only broke the connection with his lover once more that night. Once he had finished with his mouth he grew somewhat tired of being gentle. He had taken her in every way he had ever imagined, feeling ecstatic each time she cried out his name in pleasure or raked her nails down his back. It had been when he was almost spent, and had flipped her onto her back again, and had buried himself inside her instantly, that he once again lifted his hands. He simply wanted to watch her reaction. Her eyes, almost opaque whilst he was touching her, had cleared and she looked at him in clear recognition of the fact that he was not Castiel. He was neither the man nor the angel she loved and had welcomed into her bed so many months before.

Rose did not say anything, but tears slid from her eyes and he felt her skin growing colder beneath him. It actually unsettled Gabriel so much that he quickly stroked his hands over her skin and then drew her into his lap becoming gentle once again as he thrusted softly into her, rubbing his hands against the small of her back throughout. Even though he felt her body responding with pleasure to his touches once again, he found himself whispering in her ear, "It will be alright, Rose. I promise you this will get better with time."