This is my first story up here so constructive criticism is appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading. Also this is Yuri so if you don't like it don't read.

"Why did you bring me here Naruto?" I drawled. Naruto decided to be friends and fucking drag me out to a Starbucks in the rain.

"Why not?" He replied innocently like he didn't know my aversion to going anywhere in the rain. I nearly smacked him across the face. All I wanted to do is curl up in my warm dry bed and sleep. I sighed exasperated and held my chin with my hand, too lazy to lift my head. I looked around at the people at the café; I was shocked that many people decided to come here in the stupid rain. I mean seriously they're coffee wasn't even that great. I took a sip of my strawberries and cream, yum strawberries.

"Sakura, that's such a fruity drink" Naruto blurted, louder than I would have hoped. Several people turned around and stared at us with something between awkwardness and annoyance.

"Dammit Naruto your so freakin loud! Half the goddamn Starbucks can here you." I whispered indignantly; my drink is so not fruity it just has strawberries. He just pasted that idiotic grin on his face and sipped his hot cocoa.

"What about your drink?"

"It's childish. It reflects my inner youth. Plus I don't like coffee." He stated matter-of-factly. I nearly shot him in the face.

"Neither do I! That's why I don't know why you dragged me here in the goddamn first place!" He sets his chocolate down and looks at me incredulously.

"You know I try to have a friendly outing with you and all you want to do is lock yourself in your house."

"Oh you lie!" I point my finger accusingly "I see you every damn day! I can't take any more of you!" By now I'm standing up and flailing my arms when I notice the whole fucking Starbucks is staring at us…or me. I could feel my cheeks redden and I quickly sit down.

"I hate you" I said a few minutes later still embarrassed from attracting the attention of the whole coffee shop. Naruto just laughs in return shrugging off my glare. After I gain my composure I ask again

"Naruto, seriously why did you bring me here?" Naruto sighs and turns to look at me intensely like he's going to reveal his darkest secret.

"I…" He pauses for dramatic effect; he then looks like he's pondering what he's about to say "Do you want the truth?" I nod tired of his theatrics.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure" I reply exasperated.

"I just wanted to fuck with you." My jaw dropped. To be honest I didn't expect him to be so candid. I thought he would make up an elaborate excuse for taking me here. I stood up and was about to lung over the table and strangle him. So what if there are witnesses; I'm going to kill him right here and now while it's still a crime of passion. Just as I was about to pounce his attention was redirected somewhere else; he smiled and waved excitedly to somebody behind me. I straightened up, my low attention span getting the best of me, and turned around. A platinum blonde with bright blue eyes was waving back at Naruto. To be honest she was probably the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. Her features were soft and feminine but they had an edge to them that made her look like she could definitely handle her own. I looked from her to Naruto as she started to walk over. How could a dork like him know her?

"Oh my gosh, Ino how are you!" He exclaimed while standing up to greet her. She smiled widely at him, eyes sparkling, showing off her straight white teeth.

"I'm great Naruto" They embrace and I just raise my eyebrow at how unmasculine Naruto can act. They start chatting and I just stood there awkwardly trying to figure out who this woman is. Then suddenly realizing I was standing there Ino turns her attention to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm Ino. I didn't mean to interrupt you guys it's just I haven't seen Naruto in…oh my god years. We used to be neighbors." I nod at the explanation then I remember Naruto telling me about how he used to be really good friends with her during grade school. He showed me a picture of her when they were younger…no wonder she looked slightly familiar.

"Oh yeah I think Naruto has talked about you before. I'm Sakura."

"Nice to meet you" She replied while extending her manicured hand for me to shake. Her hand is soft and warm but I leave my hand there a little too long and quickly pull away. I could feel subtle tingles run from my hand and up my arm as her hand leaves mine.

"Sorry kinda of out of it today"

"Its okay" She dismisses and smiles. My heart stutters and I smile back. Then I start to rant like I always do around pretty girls.

"Yeah someone decided to wake me up early to go to Starbucks…in the rain."

"Hey I thought it would be fun" He argued defensively.

"That is sooo not what you said like two minutes ago."

"Whatever" Naruto replies and changes the subject, "So how long are you in town?"

"Actually I'm looking for an apartment because I got a job nearby."

"Awesome we should totally hangout! Me and Sakura could totally show you around and stuff"

"That'd be really great!" Ino said sounding relieved and excited. Yeah score I could hang out with the pretty girl! "Actually I've been meaning to call you Naruto for your advice on an area around here."

"No problem we could help" Naruto confirmed adamantly while bobbing his head up and down, "Hey give me your number cause I'm pretty sure I lost it." He stated while rubbing the back of his neck and grinning. Ino nodded then shifted through her purse quickly.

"I think I left the phone in my car cause I lost your number too" she answered sheepishly. She fished out a napkin and pen from her purse and jotted down her number before passing it Naruto. Then Naruto ripped it off and wrote his number on the other end.

"Here this has my number then on the bottom is Sakura's" He explained while handing the napkin to her. She looked at Naruto unsure of the non consensual sharing of my number but Naruto caught the look quickly and dismissed it.

"Don't worry she wont mind at all" He said winking while elbowing me in the ribs.

"Shut up Naruto" I reply slightly embarrassed and probably a little red because I could feel my ears turn hot. I roll my eyes and take a sip of my strawberries and cream so I could finish it before it turns into a warm watered down soup, ew.

"How long have you guys been together?" I try not to spit up my drink as I start to choke and gasp for air. Naruto starts laughing so loud that even the management is giving us dirty looks. I struggle for air and finally gasp out my reply.

"No…oh go no. No…No ugh" I choke out then shiver at the mere thought of it. He's like a brother and I don't like men and ew that's like incest. I shake my head in disgust. After, Natruto starts to recover from his laughing fit he shakes his head.

"No, no she's not my" He stops to shiver in the middle of his sentence, "girlfriend"

"Oh I'm sorry…I just thou- yeah…" Ino tries to apologize as a pink tint brushes over her features. That's cute; usually I just get unattractively red.

"Don't worry about it Ino we get that all the time." Naruto replies to ease her guilt.

"Yeah...that's not good." I state while shaking my head and remembering the last few times going out with him and girls avoided me like the plague. Not that it matters but every once in a while I'd like to talk to someone who doesn't assume I'm with Naruto.

"Yeah I tend to cramp Sakura's game." He says jokingly while wagging his eyebrows and winking at Ino. I try to resist the urge to smack Naruto for his innuendos and just roll my eyes.

"I could imagine it would keep the boys away" She replies giggling.

"I-uh…well…yeah" I stutter out half mesmerized by her giggles and half confused on how to answer. Well, it's not like it's a lie.

"Among other things, huh?" Naruto nudges me in the ribs playfully. My ribs are gonna be sore if he keeps fucking elbowing them.

"Yeah…" I say while glaring a warning at Naruto. He just smirks but nods in compliance.

"Well…actually I have to go but it was really nice to meet you." She said as she turned to me eyes sparkling with delight that made my whole body warm and hum with joy and excitement. I gave her a smile and shook her soft and delicate hand again before she picked up her drink and left the shop. I watched her until I could no longer see her through the café window.

"You like her" Naruto said in a sing-song voice as I sat down and stared at my drink. I look up into his big blue eyes swirling with excitement and mischievousness; I shrug and that was all the confirmation he needed. He grinned at me and nodded before we finished our drinks in comfortable silence.

Thank you so very much for reading. I kinda have an idea where this is going but anything could happen at this point so please review and tell me if I should continue or not. If I should continue then maybe toss in a few ideas;I would greatly appreciate it.