A/N: So, welcome to my first fanfiction. I hope you find it up to standard, but if not, feel free to let me know, as I much appreciate any constructive criticism you can offer. I hope to use this story as a learning exercise, so any that I may or may not write in the future could be up to a greater standard. Enjoy!

Summary: It was the biggest mistake of my life. And now, everyone is paying for it. It's time to put things right. It's just a shame the rest of the world went straight to hell. Shamelessly Tikku, mature themes. AU

I plan to use flashbacks in future chapters to explain the back-story, however the 'present-day' events will all take place in the X-2 time-frame.


Prologue: Under the Stars

I made a mistake.

So sue me. Nobody's perfect. It had made sense at the time; Summoner sad, give her a kiss, make her happy. For a while, at least. Hell, I quite enjoyed making this mistake. It was fun, being able to escape from the world, just the two of us, and pretend it's all okay.

But it wasn't okay. We had a job to do. I just never meant for it to go that far.

I thought that, maybe, if I gave her a glimmer of light, of hope, it could keep her going. She was so down, and I honestly believed that one little push, one little kiss, would make it all okay and it would all be sugar and rainbows and then we would kill Sin an-

And then what? A moot point now, I know, but humour me here. Let me hate myself a bit more for what I did.

I suppose you could say that what I did worked. It got her out of the dumps, and we made it to Zanarkand like the Abes climbed to the top of the league. And in case you didn't know, that was fast. Like Clasko-just-saw-some-tail-feather fast.

But I'm getting sidetracked here. We made it to Zanarkand, killed Sin, without killing Yuna. Yeah, we're awesome, y'know? But at what cost? Yuna may be all into that self sacrifice shit, but, in case you didn't notice, I'm not. If it's going to get someone hurt, then don't do it (unless they deserve it. Fucking Seymour). Which is why I'm asking you all this. Because it did hurt her, and now... well, now I can't stop that hurt. If I could, I would, but there ain't much you can do from the farplane.

I guess I kept putting it off, y'know? If I didn't grab the problem by the proverbial horns, then it wouldn't come back to bite me. And it didn't bite me. It bit her. Even worse, it didn't just bite her. You see, there was something that had been kept hidden from her, from all the others, that whole time. And it is the reason that I hate myself even more.

Because it wasn't okay. But not for Yuna, for her. Because I may have kissed her, that night in Macalania, under the stars in what remains to this day the most beautiful and romantic locale I have ever visited, but that night I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I kissed her. I made it okay.

But I betrayed the one that really mattered.

She may not have been much to the world, but she was the world to me.

So why do I tell you all of this now, here, in between the worlds of the living and the dead. Yeah, strange, isn't it. I suppose, being a dream, I was never quite alive anyway, so why should I be allowed into the afterlife. I suppose I don't deserve it, anyway. Regardless, I tell you this now because I can feel the boundaries shifting. Heck, I've started to get glimpses of the outside world. Small ones, but glimpses nonetheless. And I'm not sure I like what I see.

She's ignoring it.

Why does she have to be so noble? But that would stop her being who she is. It would stop her being the woman I love. It doesn't stop me wishing she would tell her, on my behalf, though. Get it all out there, and stop us having to lie. She was always better at these kind of things than me, anyway. Not particularly eloquent, but she got the point across.

So now they're heading off on this quest. I would be flattered, if I didn't feel so damn guilty about it. But hey, maybe it'll bring me back, from wherever I am, stuck here in the void between the two existences. Just maybe.

Heh, I wish.

So here I find myself, watching them as they watch a recording of what looks like me, contemplating life, the universe, and everything. Now bear with me here. You see, I've been womdering just what kind of effect one life can have. One wittle life. If I were to return, what difference would it make, in the long run? Could I truly improve their lives? Or would my coming back make it even worse for them? Do I truly deserve another chance to correct my mistake, even after all those other chances that I simply passed by?

Well, I guess we'll find out.