Merlin Fun Facts

A series of useless but rather interesting facts on the TV show.


Whilst Maltesegirl50 (my co-writer for The Prince and the Puppy) is busy writing the next chapter of our story, I thought I'd share with you all some fun facts I've discovoured on various websites. Why do I know these facts? Because I deliberately go looking for trivia when I have nothing else to do. Hey, it's better than being bored all day. =P


Series 1

The Dragon's Call

1. The rabbit mask in Gaius's chambers eventually had to be moved to a top shelf because it scared most of the cast.

2. Uther wears two different crowns during this episode.

3. When Merlin is in the stocks, tomatos are thrown at him. However, tomatos were not known in Europe until 1498 when Columbus brought them over from America.

4. Uther and Lady Helen can be seen eating strawberries, which were not introduced to Europe until the 17th century.

5. The castle used as Camelot was rebuilt in a period too modern for the time period in which the Arthurian legend it set. However, it was the best castle they could find to use as Camelot, so it was decided that they would use it anyway. Also, the glass in the castle was too modern for the time period.


1. The helmet Merlin takes from the armoury is clearly not Arthur's.

2. During this episode, Gaius can be seen wearing glasses, which were not commonly used until the 13th century.

3. Gaius discribes one of the snake bite symptoms to be a slower pulse. However, real snake bites cause a faster pulse.

The Poisoned Chalice

1. Although he does not actually appear in the episode, John Hurt is still credited.

2. This episode was first aired on Bradley's birthday (11th October).

3. A mop seen in Gaius's chambers was not invented until the 19th century.


1. Colin's microphone is clearly visibly attached to his lower back when he jumps over the fallen tree trunk while escaping from the Griffin.

2. Two crew members and a camera can be seen in the background as Merlin and Lancelot walk along a corridoor after meeting Gwen.

3. Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Court Genealogist is based on the man thought to have created the begining of the Arthurian Legend.

4. This is writer Julian Jones' favourite episode of Series 1.

The Gates of Avalon

1. The inscription on Aulfric's staff reads "To hold life and death in your hands"

2. For health and safety reasons, Bradley and Colin weren't allowed to put their heads under water during the lake scenes. Stund doubles were used for those shots.

3. Prosthetics for the Sidhe were created by Harry Potter make up artist Mark Caulier.

The Begining of the End

1. A stunt double sometimes had to be used for Mordred, as Asa Butterfield couldn't always work long enough to complete filming under Child Labour Laws.

2. This is Katie McGrath's favourite episode of Series 1.

3. In this episode, Mordred only physicly speaks one line (revealing his name at the end). All other lines are telepathic.

The Moment of Truth

1. This is the first episode where Arthur and Gwen have a scene alone togeather, and the one time in the series.

2. One of the horses featured in the episode won the title "Stunt Horse of the Year"

3. During this episode, both Morgana and Gwen weat trousers, which would have been considered highly unacceptable during this time period.

4. At no point during the fights can any trace of blood be seen. This is possibly because it was thought it would be unsuitable for the time slot in which the show would be aired, and for the younger audience.

4. During the scene where Arthur asks Merlin why he left Ealdor, the shot where Arthur puts his foot in Merlin's face was improvised by Bradley James. Colin Morgan later asked for this shot to be removed, but the director liked it so much they kept it in.


1. The marks on the sword read "Take me up" on one side, and "Cast me away" on the other.

2. At no point during the episode is the sword reffered to as Excalibur, dispite the episode name.

The Labyrinth of Gedref

1. Since Colin is a vegetarian, the "rat stew" consisted of cold mushroom soup and quorn (I have no idea what quorn is XD).

2. This is Bradley and Colin's favourite episode of Series 1.

3. As the unicorn falls to the ground, no arrow can be seen piercing it.

To Kill The King

1. Gwen is never seen wearing the dress her father bought for her.

2. During Morgana and Uther's conversation by Gorlois' grave, Uther's chain mail and cloak, which are supposed to be rather heavy, wave in the wind.

Le Morte d'Arthur

1. Gaius was origionally intented to die in this episode.

2. This is Richard Wilson's favourite episode of Series 1.

3. The rabbit's foot Gaius gives to Merlin is in fact a rabbit's tail.

4. Uther tells Arthur to summon the knights and then says "We ride at dawn". But he himself doesn't accompany them.

5. Merlin leaves Camelot riding a horse that isn't the same one he is riding when he approaches the Isle of the Blessed.

Aaaand, that's Series 1 done!

Well, what do y'all think? Let me know if you want me to write up a chapter for Series 2!
