I'm so sad to say that this will be my last chapter :(( I just have no idea where to go with this story anymore. I'm going to do a story to go along with this, which will be about Adam and Fiona. It will make more sense when you read. Well... here it goes.

Clare's POV

As the night went on I realized that bringing along that little "surprise" for Eli was a terrible idea. We couldn't do anything like that yet because Eli seemed to be hurt every time I even leaned on him. I decided not to even show him that I brought it. I didn't even know if I was ready to do anything. I'm sure Eli would've wanted to if he wasn't hurt. He's a guy. They always want to. Right? I'm sure Eli has done it before with Julia. Eli and I have always had an honest relationship so why not ask?

"Eli." I whispered during the movie.

"Yes Clare?" He said.

"Did you and Julia ever uhhh..." I couldn't find the words to say it. He seemed to know what I was talking about.

"No Clare. I'm a virgin." He said with his signature smirk.

I laughed thinking about how I jumped to conclusions.

"You seem surprised." Eli said.

"Well I just always thought that..." He interrupted me by saying,

"Because I'm Goth and badass that I'm a man whore?" He said smirking.

"No I just thought that since you were with Julia for a while that you two might have... never mind. Let's just watch the movie." I said.

"Ok whatever you say Blue Eyes. But I just want you to know that whenever you are ready, we can take that next step. But I would never pressure you. I love you" He said

"I know Eli. I love you too." I said smiling.

Eli's POV

Julia always wanted to have sex but it seemed to be for the wrong reasons. We didn't even say we loved each other yet when she wanted to. When I refused, we got into a big fight. I said some mean things and she drove off on her bike and... well you know the rest.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I got up, excused myself from the couch and answered it. It was Adam.

"Hey Eli! I need advice." He said.

"Sure, anything for my best bud. What do you need?" I said.

"Well I like this girl but I don't know how to get her to like me." He said.

Wow. I was surprised Adam was interested in a girl. He always seemed to push people away.

"Who is she?" I asked curiously.

"Fiona Coyne." He said shyly.

"The rich girl?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Well, did you talk to her? Is there anything she hasn't done? She's a rich girl so there's a lot she's probably seen."I said.

"Well she did mention that she's never been to an amusement park." He said.

"Well ask her on a date, but make it a surprise, and bring her there." I said.

"Thanks Eli! That's a great idea! I have to go. I will ask her tomorrow. Thanks a lot." He said proudly.

"No Problem. Tell me if it works out."

"Sure Eli." He said, and he hung up.

I went back to Clare and told her about Adam's new girlfriend. Well almost. I wonder how their date will go...

Well there you go! I know. You're sad to see it end. But I'm just getting tired of reading all about Eclare and I want to do something different. To be honest, Eclare is boring to me. I want to do something new and interesting. Fiona and Adam will be a little more challenging because of Adam being an FTM. The Adam and Fiona story will only be a two or three shot. After that, I plan on doing an EXTREMLY challenging story that will deal with murder, a trial, and the effects of it on everyone. I won't tell you what characters are involved until after I finish the Fiona and Adam story. The Fiona and Adam story will be up either tomorrow or Friday. I have off this week so I have a lot of time. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!