Okay, so here's the last chapter of A Little Love 2: The Mini Trickster. Sorry you all had to wait so long for it but think of it as my Valentine's Day present to all of you. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own the masterpiece that is called Prince Of Tennis. Fact.

Chapter Six

It was mid-afternoon and it was relatively calm for once. I say relatively because you can never expected complete calmness with Rikkai but this was most certainly one of their calmer moments. Niou and Marui were playing with their soft toys again and they had managed to rope Akaya in since, once he had gotten over the craziness and weirdness, the second year quite liked the fast-paced, overly clichéd, childish story. Yukimura was watching them with a happy, relaxed smile on his face. He had one hand tightly holding Sanada's wrist to stop the other from running away since the fukubuchou looked like he wanted to kill himself for watching Marui, Niou and Akaya's antics. In the background, Jackal and Yagyuu were discussing techniques for controlling unruly doubles partners and equally unpredictable kouhai.

Everything changed when Yanagi arrived.

"Yanagi-senpai, what are you doing here?" Akaya exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, abandoning the toys as he ran over to Yanagi.

"Sadaharu and I worked night and day to make a new cure. We finished it at 2:53 this morning and I caught the first train I could after I had had a quick nap." Yanagi explained, mentally sighing in relief as the murderous auras coming from Yukimura, Marui and Niou disappeared. Marui picked Niou up, hugging him as he walked over to Yanagi.

"See, 'Haru, I told you you would be back to normal soon." Marui said happily, smiling brightly at Niou. The chibi just nodded and Marui looked at with a confused frown. "You don't look very excited, 'Haru…"

"I am. It's just that I'm not looking forward to throwing up." Niou admitted as Yanagi got out a thermos that presumably held the cure.

"Do not worry, Niou. I've adjusted the recipe so you won't be sick. You'll just have to endure being unconscious for around an hour." Yanagi told Niou as he handed the thermos to Marui. Niou immediately brightened up and Marui carried him to their tent.

"Good thing we brought your normal clothes as well." Marui commented as Niou quickly changed into a T-shirt and boxers. Marui poured out a cup of the cure and handed it to Niou who gulped it down without hesitation. Niou made a face.

"Yuck. Tastes nasty." Niou complained before dropping the cup as he clutched his suddenly pounding head. Marui held him close, murmuring comforting words as Niou fell unconscious. Marui gently laid him down, brushing Niou's fringe to the side as he settled down to wait until Niou woke.

When Niou came to, the first thing he saw was Marui smiling gently down at him.

"Hey 'Haru. Nice to have you back." Marui said softly as he leaned to kiss Niou. He stopped halfway with a grimace, a hand going to hold his back as he slowly sat back up. "Sorry. God, I feel like an old man…" Niou sat up as well, pulling Marui close.

"It's okay. It's good to be back puri." Niou said as he placed little baby kisses on Marui's lips, finishing with one long, hard kiss as he guided Marui to the ground. "Here, lie down. It'll be better for your back and more comfortable for…" Marui gulped a little.

"More comfortable for what?" Marui asked before moaning and blushing a little as Niou kissed him again whilst caressing his back and legs, an idea of his own forming.

Outside the tent, Akaya shifted uncomfortably as he heard soft moans. He turned to Yukimura.

"I suppose now isn't be a good time to ask them what they want for dinner, is it?" Yukimura shook his head as guided Akaya away.

"No, Akaya. No it isn't."

The End

A/N: Sorry it's a little short but I hope you all enjoyed it anyway. Well, that is officially the end of A Little Love 2: A Mini Trickster. I hope you all enjoyed the story and feel free to make requests. As long as it's HaruMaru then I should be able to write. Well, I guess that's everything. Peace out!