Name: Words that changed the world

Author: Rain on Your Back

Disclaimer: Shaman King belongs to Hiroyuki Takei, and the words belong to the theme Alpha of the Livecommunity 50 Sentences. Would have posted it there too, but I didn't see soon enough that it was only on pairings and not on entire fandoms... Silly me^^

Warning: Spoilers from the manga & anime. Oh, and some strange wandering of my mind on Marion & Marco. %)


1 – Comfort YohXMari / Yoh&Mari (after the anime)

When her master died, she had cried for a very long time, but then he had come along to play with her as he had promised.

2 – Kiss Marco&Jeanne (tome 26)

When she gave him her last chance to survive and when he felt Shamash's lips reviving him, Marco cried, because his adoptive daughter had grown into the Saint she was raised to be, and because he didn't know if it was a good thing…

3 – Soft HaoXJeanne

His lips are too soft for a devil, she realizes.

4 – Pain HaoXJeanne

"If you were the first to try and forget the pain, I would not stop you…"

5 – Potatoes OpachôXSeyram

"Seyram do not eat potatoes, Opachô will not either!"

6 – Rain HaoXJeanne

It rains on her body, and the more he sees the drops running down her cheeks, the more he regrets…

7 – Chocolate SeyramXOpachô

Seyram has always been a strange child, hating sweets and chocolates, but it seems to become her favorite color when she meets the African.

8 – Happiness HaoXJeanne

He had for long given up happiness, but he was glad that the little Maiden had brought it into his life again.

9 – Telephone RuthieXNichrom

Rutherford loved the fact that, having him as her sempai, she could call Nichrom whenever she wanted.

10 – Ears ZoriaXPino (after the manga)

"Don't forget to cover your ears!" she screams to her five-years-old son, as her blond husband calls his wolves to help them hunt in the cold lands of Russia.

11 – Name RuthieXHao (in the KZB episodes)

No one knows her name; so, when he bows, calls her by the hidden word and asks her to protect him well, she laughs and accepts.

12 – Sensual WiskeyXMarcoXMeene (after tome 16)

Marco finds funny the fact that, after Meene's fight and death, he sees something sensual in the way the bottle of wiskey is calling him.

13 – Death HaoXJeanne

Dying becomes something very common after the first time, he assures her as they dine in Kevin's restaurant.

14 – Sex HaoXJeanne

He always jokes about how naïve she is about sex, and still what hurts her is that he's done it before, with another girl.

15 – Touch Mari&Marco (after the anime)

"Don't touch Mari!" the gothic Lolita yells when the blond man who isn't her father anymore – and who maybe never was to begin with – tries to help her stand.

16 – Weakness HaoXJeanne (in the manga)

He has no weakness, she has too many (nine to be precise), and she hadn't understand that because if she did, she would not even be in the Shaman Fight.

17 – Tears HaoXJeanne

The Iron Maiden cries tears of blood, and sometimes he wonders if her real tears can give him more sorrow than these ones already do.

18 – Speed HaoXJeanne

Their speed is amazing, they all say, but she wishes she was faster when he beats her to say he loves her.

19 – Wind Chocolove

Chocolove wanted to be like a wind, a wind that would stop all the tears of the world, since the wind had stopped his tears when his parents were killed.

20 – Freedom HaoXJeanne

She never had freedom, he pushed it to it's limits: they now need each other's knowledge.

21 – Life JeanneXHao (after the events of X-One's death in the manga - tome 26)

She's alive again, and the first thing she knows when she wakes up is that he betrayed her – again.

22 – Jealousy HaoXJeanne

She's jealous, he knows, so he's kinder with her, since he also knows that this jealousy isn't founded.

23 – Hands HaoXJeanne

His hands are tanned, rough and harsh, and still they fit nicely into her pale, scarred and delicate ones.

24 – Taste HoroXMarion

"Ewwww!" she shrieks, and Horo laughs and explain her leaves of Fuki aren't food.

25 – Devotion MariXHao

Mari would always follow her Hao-sama, because Hao-sama had taken her when no one else would, and when even her real father had preferred to her a stupid albino-looking French girl.

26 – Forever KannaXRackist

Forever doesn't last so long when you're Hao-sama's comrade, she mutters to the dark priest who says he wants to be with her for always, and that's the only thing required for him to think she's a traitor and walk away – she sighs, thinking it's often hard to protect the one you love.

27 – Blood RackistXMeeneXMarco Meene&Jeanne (tome 16)

It's always been a dangerous relationship, and now that she's on the opposite side of the battlefield, lying dead in a pool of her own blood, he wishes he had taken her with him, but then he realizes – she would never have let Marco and Jeanne down.

28 – Sickness MarcoXMeene (tome 16)

Love is the worst sickness, he thinks, as he sees the blood of his beloved leaking from Spirit of Fire's claw.

29 – Melody MarcoXMeene (after tome 16)

She's dead for hours now, but he still sings for her soul, hoping she can hear him.

30 – Star HaoXJeanne

Souls are shining like stars, and the old star that he is watches with interest as the young one she is begin to glow.

31 – Home HaoXJeanne

They never had a home, hunted down by fools, so sometimes they begin to think they can't build one together, since they don't know a thing about it.

32 – Confusion HaoXJeanne

Confusion is the main thing you feel when your worst enemy is kissing you – but maybe that's the goal.

33 – Fear HaoXJeanne

She fears him, and he senses it, that's why he only sent Rackist against her, to leave her a chance.

34 - Lightning/Thunder Tam'XRen

She'd always been afraid of the storms, so it was quite normal that her boyfriend was able to control both lightning and thunder.

35 – Bonds YohXAnna

He's her fiancé by obligation, so he can only wish someday bonds will not only be forced.

36 – Market OpachôXSeyram

He likes the bright colors, she dislikes the loud sounds, but together going to the market was a very lovable experience.

37 – Technology HaoXJeanne

Neither of them ever had to deal with technology, so the fire Shaman and the Holy Girl can only listen carefully when Yoh explains how to pay taxes online.

38 – Gift LysergXJeanne (after the anime)

Her last gift, the X Pendulum, is very precious to Lyserg, so, even away in England, he keeps it with him.

39 – Smile LiliraraXSilva (in the KZB events)

She never smiled, so he changed that and proved even the dead could have humor.

40 – Innocence HaoXJeanne

If innocence is the lack of knowledge, then yes, the Holy Girl is innocent, he thinks, seeing her cry as her angels die.

41 – Completion HaoXJeanne

They're like pieces of puzzle, with different shapes and colors, but when together, they just seem so right Yoh says Hao doesn't need another half anymore.

42 – Clouds SeyramXOpachô

She often stares at clouds, and after all sheep are only little fallen clouds.

43 – Sky LysergXMathi

"I'm going to faaaaaall!" shrieks Lyserg, and Mathilda laughs, and she continues laughing while asking Jack to bring them higher in the sky.

44 – Heaven JeanneXHao

Before going to Heavens and meeting her God, the young Maiden knew another heaven, with another god – the fact that this one was a demon didn't matter.

45 – Hell HaoXJeanne

Demons go to hell, angels to Heaven, so they've got a problem, because they want to stay with each other.

46 – Sun JeanneXHao

He's like a sun, bright and protecting and dangerous and murdering, so she has to defend herself, but she can't help wondering – what if she could feel his warmth?

47 – Moon HaoXJeanne

In the moonlight, her hair shines like rays of pure silver, and there he understands why he never liked gold to begin with.

48 – Waves RutherfordXNichrom (before the manga)

They're still children as they play in the beach of the Pache Island, but Goldova sees that his youngest Paches are going to be great officers.

49 – Hair HaoXJeanne

He never had even one knot in his hair, but he never said his secret to her so he could help her untangle her damned silver bangs.

50 – Supernova HaoXJeanne

Supernovas create worlds and destroy them, so maybe they were supernovas, he being the one who destroyed her and she being the one who created him.

Rain: ... Maybe I'll make different versions with one pairing only... Gonna see...

Hao: Am I dreaming? You didn't only pair me with Jeanne?

Rain: ... Well... Mari and Ruthie are great too... But I prefer Jeanne!

Hao: *on the verge of crying* Maybe I'll escape someday! Maybe someday she'll totally stop pairing me!