A/N: I apologize for this, once again, taking so long to post and for the shortness of this chapter. I had planned for it to be longer, but the ending just seemed to fit so perfectly for this one. I'll admit that I've had a few hiccups lately in the form of a very long, two week Thanksgiving 'vacation' in stead on the normal weekend, and two new books I've fallen in love with. :P

If you guys are interested, the books are Blood Riders by Michael P. Spradlin and Stormdancer (The Lotus War book #1) by Jay Kristoff. They're both great books in my opinion, especially Stormdancer. It's Japanese steampunk mixed with awesome mythological creatures and is set in a feudal dystopian world. Seriously if you like any of this, or all, in a book then you should get Stormdancer, it is well worth the read and I can hardly wait for the next book! :D

Take care my lovely readers!

~ SugarLandBabyGirl

Chapter Two

May the 30th, of the year 1863

Even in his slumber, Nikko sensed it. The very moment she awoke and realized that she wasn't alone in her bedroom and from pure instinct alone, his eyes immediately snapped open. His gaze quickly narrowed in on her and his grin was absolutely predatory as he watched the spooked ijin rollover and reach for the katana lying at her bedside. She was relatively fast, for a human female, but as soon as her hand landed on the hilt of her inheritance he was by her side, his much larger hand firmly over hers to still her movements and his dark gaze capturing hers, holding her captive with their intensity. "Now, now ijin-chan, that's not a very nice way to greet guests."

He tsked her abrasive move lightly, his voice teasing but his mannerisms were clearly on the defensive. He wasn't afraid of her meager human strength, but he wasn't going to completely let his guard down either. That would have surely been a really dumb move on his part. The little ningen had been able to kill an Oni after all, and he felt that was worth some caution on his part. He wanted to keep his head where it was, thank you very much. It was his best feature after all. He was however, quite surprised, when after her initial shock wore off moments later, she spoke. "You have to be invited to be a guest, and I don't know you."

Her gaze never wavered from his as she spoke and he just had to grin at her daring when he felt her fingers curl around the hilt of the katana. "Ah, the first part is true, I'll admit." He gave a slightly mocking grin that bordered heavily on the feral side. "But, ijin-chan, I'm afraid that you do know me, or rather, you know my family quite well in fact." Her grip was still strong around the hilt, even as he leaned in close to her face. He was so close in fact that he could taste her shallow breaths on his upturned lips and tongue. He was purposely invading her personal space in order to intimidate her a little, and she was intimidated.

He could tell just from the widening of her blue-gray eyes, as well as being able to see her pulse pounding erratically beneath the skin her slender neck. His voice lowered to a near whisper, yet seemed strong enough to carry throughout the entire house. "I'm of the Kunisada clan currently residing in Kyoto. I am Kunisada Nikko, the youngest and only son of Kunisada Yoshio and his wife, Kunisada Fuyumi." He told her coolly, his grin and playful manner vanished within an instant. This information seemed to pull her up short, as her grip on the katana hilt slacked momentarily at his words and her eyes flashed in recognition.

Her lips parted as if to speak, but the words never got a chance to roll off her tongue as a growling flash of white fur sprang up from the futon and lunged towards the young Oni's face, ivory claws and fangs extended. Nikko jerked his head back to avoid the kitten's potentially destructive attack and snapped his free hand up to catch the little menace by the scruff of its neck. With the squirming feline finally in his grasp and a safe distance away from his face, Nikko pinched the soft, pliant skin on its neck. The kitten immediately fell limp within his hold, just as the young Oni had hoped, though it's angered golden gaze continued to glare defiantly at him in warning of future retribution.

A soft, belated gasp of shock and awe left Kanae's lips at seeing the inhuman speed the invader of her home and space had used. "Y-you're one of them," She breathed out, the sound barely registering to her own ears. Nikko's narrowed, dancing gaze casually slid back to watch the little ningen, having been able to hear her near silent words clearly. His lips were tilted upwards, pulling his kissable mouth into a smug smirk. "I am," He acknowledged proudly with a slight dip of his chin. "And so were your parents, ijin-chan." Kanae's pupils dilated in shock and she shook her head in denial, not willing to believe this stranger's claims about her parents.

She flinched back as he once again leaned in far too close for propriety's sake. His eyes flashed with wicked intent before his appearance began to shift. She lost her breath as her heartbeat sped up and hammered painfully against her ribcage when his previously dark gaze bled into a fierce luminescent yellow right before her eyes. "You better believe it, little ningen. There's a whole other world out there, hidden just beneath the surface, and it's filled with monsters that not even your worst nightmares could hope to conjure." Kanae began to tremble in fear of the unknown, but her grip was unusually steady and firm upon the hilt of her inheritance.

Nikko knew what she was about to do and tightened his grip, to an uncomfortable level on hers as a warning. "Nikko that is enough, release her now." The clearly angered voice of his father cut through the quiet, palpable tension and caused the little human to nearly jump out of her skin. Her head snapped away from Nikko to look upon the new intruder in fear. It took a moment, but she seemed to recognize the older man. Sensing the slight relaxation of her grip, Nikko released her and easily slid to his feet, the angry kitten still held captive in his free hand. Yoshio shot his rude son a dark look before he bowed respectfully to the young Ryusaki heir.

"Please forgive my son's rudeness, Ryusaki Kanae-san." As he elegantly rose from the bow he caught the young woman's teary gaze. She was unable to speak, it seemed, but she nodded her head and swallowed the growing lump in her throat. "Kunisada-sama," She whispered hoarsely and the older man knew from the heartbreaking tone what she was about to ask. "Otō-samaOkaa-sama… outside they–" Here she literally choked on the words, her eyes becoming heavy with saltine water, yet she refused to let the tears fall or let the two men see them, as she turned her face away. Nikko straightened his posture and shifted uncomfortably, he had a sudden wish to leave.

There was something about a distressed woman, especially a crying one, that made most men feel responsible, even if they weren't, and want to replace the tears with a smile by any means necessary. The Gods had truly cursed all men, even Oni, who were not heartless with this cruel accountability. Despite his cold words and intentions Nikko had not wished to distress the ningen to tears. A tinge of shame and responsibility gnawed at his conscience. He briefly met eyes with his father, before quickly dropping his gaze, unable to hold the older male's stare. If his mother were here he knew that she would have scolded him, but his wise father knew that his son had already been punished enough.

"I have brought you some tea, Kanae-san. Please accept it." His father urged in a much gentler tone. Nikko heard his sound of a tray being sat lightly on the tatami mat floor, before the soothing scent of tea perfumed the room, slightly easing all of its occupant's worries. "Thank you, Kunisada-sama. I am most grateful for your thoughtfulness." He heard her reply quietly, yet politely. Having two men and tea in her private room my not have been proper, but the circumstances were not normal, so it was overlooked by all and not to be dwelled on. "Nikko and I will be waiting outside. When you are ready, please join us. There is much you need to be told."

Nikko quietly followed after his father, not needing anymore direction. Before completely exiting the room the limp bakeneko in his grasp let out a quiet, yet purposeful meow as a reminder that he was still there and did not wish to leave his mistress' presence. Nikko matched gazes with the feline that steadily gazed right back at him with baleful, accusing gold eyes. The young Oni nodded silently and turned to set the kitten gently on the tatami mat floor. It immediately raced over to the young woman and crawled into her lap where it curled up and began to purr softly. Nikko glanced towards the female ningen to see that she held a steaming cup of tea in her hands, before he carefully slid the door completely closed behind him.

He met his father on the stone steps of the Ryusaki home. They were no words spoken and the younger male took a moment to gaze upon his father's form, before glancing away into the distance. "Otō-san," He began quietly, shifting restlessly on his feet. "I am sorry for my unseemly behavior." He took a deep breath of courage and crossed his arms. "And I will properly apologize to the ningen later today and however long afterwards until she accepts." Yoshio turned to watch his normally proud son wilt slightly under his intense scrutiny. "You must learn to better control yourself Nikko. Behavior like this, at your age, will not be tolerated any longer."

Nikko bowed his head in shame, his jaw clenching in anger at himself. He knew his faults ran deep and were many. "I understand, Otō-san," He acknowledged solemnly, silently vowing to not be tempted to act so brashly and react on his inhuman instincts all the time. After a prolonged moment of silence a puzzling thought occurred to the young Oni. "Otō-san," He inquired softly, "What will happen to the ningen? She cannot possibly hope to live here and prosper on her own, even if it is her home. Also, it is not safe." Yoshio nodded his head in agreement. "I know. She will return to Kyoto, after everything has been taken care of here, and live with us until marriage."

Nikko had already assumed as much and made no further inquiry. "Okaa-san will be pleased to have another daughter to fuss over." Nikko remarked amusingly, trying to lighten the heavy, uncomfortable atmosphere. Nikko was pleased to see his father's lips lift into a small smile of amusement. "Indeed, she will; your sisters as well." Nikko grinned in remembrance of his sisters fussing over each other's weddings and the two males shared a quiet laugh. The air didn't seem so heavy around them or the unnaturally quiet Ryusaki home anymore, despite the horrible things that had occurred there no so long ago and knowing what was to come.