The epilogue...I want to thank everyone for supporting HTEYSIFD to the end! This one's dedicated to all my reviewers! A very Merry Christmas to you all and I'll see you soon with a new story!

Dragunity Gemini: Well, I hope this one's a tad bit better.

Cehmacc14: sequel but instead I got an epilogue up. I want to start a new project now and finish this one.

nypsy: Grimmnel and Ichihime are happily married but Rukia and Renji are going their separate ways. I'll have them together in a future story but I prefer this open-endedness for this story. Rukia's main point wasn't a romantic one in this fic. I wanted her character to be a dynamic character where she undergoes an epiphany.

Jasy: Aw thanks! I'm glad it brought laughter to you. I'm gonna head for some angst now that I got a comedy up. I'm planning to update two new stories.

eltoro: My favourite pairing of all time? That's a hard one. I can't decide between Ichihime and Asuraku. I'll have to say both. That's why my pen name's AZLCIKOI... As for Ran and Gin, I had them as Orihime's adoptive parents because I felt like in the anime, Ran showed a sisterly care for Orihime and I added Gin in because I love Rangiku with yeah.

Zero Kurosaki: If this became a movie, I doubt it'll be successful. A movie wouldn't be able to convey all the emotions of the characters thoroughly especially in a story where all eight characters are, at some point, a main character. But who cares? As long as we like it, right?

yoyogigi125: No need to thank me. It was a blast for me, writing this story so I'm glad there were many readers who shared those feelings with me!

EternalRoses: I hope you didn't hurt yourself. When I fell off my bed once, I had to get a cast because I landed on my arm. It wasn't fun...Anyways, hope to ssee you in a future story!

anubislover: Well, here's another Christmas present to y'all! Hope you enjoy it.

eltoro: I like Chad but I didn't want to complicate this story by adding more characters. Beside this story was designed to have four girls and guys...As for the pairing things, you're right. A story can be great even without any romantic plotlines but this story is specifically a rom-com and how can a romantic comedy be a romantic comedy without romance? Hence, the unspoken but mandatory rule of needing pairings. I guess everyone can get along even with different preferences as long as people remind themselves these characters are fictional characters and not worth the time of starting a feud over. I mean, I love Ichihime to pieces but if someone tells me they prefer IchiRuki or Ulquihime, I'm not gonna tell them they're wrong and Ichihime rulz all. That's their opinions and I respect that.

XBluexFlamingoX: Heehee, I think so too. Thanks!


It has been ten years since the day eight different people were locked inside their school. They all led very different lives now but in the end they all became very close to each other. Ever since those two weeks, they were all inseperable. Principal Urahara's plan was a success and Inspector Yoruichi was pleased with the results. The school's segregation wasn't so apparent anymore. With eight very diffent people's participation, one by one, people from different cliques were warming up to others.

However, after graduation they all followed a different path.

Orihime decided to study music and went to New York. She auditioned to get into Julliards School of Music in Manhattan and she made it. Ichigo who decided to become a doctor, much to everyone's surprise (many didn't expect a bad boy to take a career path like that), couldn't bear the idea of staying away from Orihime. He decided to study in New York as well. The two got an apartment together and went away. They sent postcards, emails and letters to their friends every month. As soon as Orihime and Ichigo finished their Bachelor's degree, they got married. Now Ichigo and Orihime have three children. A pair of identical twin boys and a younger daughter.

Nemu, with Uryu's encouragement, wanted to become a singer. She started to get singing lesssons and one day, when she sang at a charity show, a music producer heard her and Nemu instantly became a singing sensation. She was a superstar in the entertainment industry. Uryu even with his father's disagreement, became a fashion designer. He was also a star in the entertainment biz and his designs were a favourite of Nemu's. The two, because of their jobs, decided to have a very quiet marriage but everyone from the fourteen day lot came.

Nel became an astronaut. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone from the fourteen day lot, because they all knew Nel's passion for physics but everyone else, including her family, were taken aback by her knowledge in astrophysics. She and Grimmjow married as soon as they got out of high school and were together ever since. Grimmjow also shocked alot of people with his choice in his career path. He decided to become a baker. When he baked the cake for Ichigo, Grimmjow took a keen interest in the art of baking and went for baking lessons. Now he was a world famous patisseur and he always bakes a cake to celebrate Christmas.

Renji became a football player. However, he got a fatal injury that disabled him from playing the sport anymore. Now he became a Sport's commentator. He still loved the sport and taught the children in the mini leagues. He always buys ice cream for them after a game.

Rukia became a politician. Her relationship with her brother was starting to see the sunrise. After her epiphany from the two weeks she spent at school, she shared a word with her brother. Now they saw each other more often. Also, Rukia's strong drive made her the next prospective President. She still has feelings for Renji but never acted upon them.

Now they were back for a high school reunion.

"Orihime, you look great. How are the twins doing?" Nemu asked after giving her friend a long hug.

"Oh dear, they're just like their father. I'm worried for the babysitter." Orihime suddenly whispered into Nemu's ears. "Boys will always be boys." The two giggled.

"Orihime, Nemu, I haven't seen you guys for a week! Where were you?" Rukia came to the girls and also gave them a big hug.

"Watching you on TV." Nemu replied.

"Could say the same for you." Nel joined in. Nel also gave the girls a warm hug.

"Gosh, it's been forever since we all got together like this!" Nemu said.

"What are you talking about? It's only been a week since we didn't get together." Rukia shook her head.

"So I hear you're engaged, Rukia. Please don't tell me it's an arranged marriage." Nel said.

"Nope. My brother did try, mind you, but I told him, the day he'll see me in an arranged marriage is the day he'll admit to me that he's gay."

"And what did your brother say?" Nemu asked with her eyes shaped like Oreos.

"He said at least he has a guy to marry." The girls heartily laughed.

"Speaking of your brother, Uryu told me to ask you to ask your brother, if he'd be interested in modelling some of Uryu's clothes in an ad spread." Nemu said to Rukia.

"Ask who to ask who what?" Rukia replied. "Well, I'll ask Byakuya but I don't think his boyfriend would like that very much." The sound of laughter hung in mid-air.

"Rukia, is Byakuya really gay?" Orihime asked. "I thought you were joking."

"Don't worry girls, I was joking, honestly."

"You know, who's gay?" Nel said suddenly.

"Who?" Nemu asked her.

"Renji." Nel replied. "He's still single!"

"Renji's not gay. He's just..." Rukia tried defending Renji's honor.

"I know..." Nel answered. "Rukia, don't tell me you still have feelings for Renji."

"I..." Rukia tried to change the subject. "So Nemu, do you have a new album coming out?"

"Yeah, my next album's coming out real soon. Speaking of which, for the next one, Orihime do you think you can compose my songs?"

"Of course!" Orihime beamed.

The guys were just as pleased to see each other. Renji and Uryu high fived each other while Grimmjow and Ichigo gave each other a handshake.

"Ichigo, ten years ago, if someone told me you were a family man, I'd tell them to go book a room at the mental hospital, but wow...I heard from Orihime, you always cook dinner." Grimmjow grinned.

"Well someone told me once upon a time that the ladies go for the guy who can cook. I decided to take that piece of advice."

"I'm sure Orihime is more than pleased." Uryu also grinned.

"So how're my twins doing in football, Renji?" Ichigo asked.

"They're good. Really good, in fact. The only thing is I still have a hard time calling them with the right names. I mean why would you name one Orichi and the other Ichiori? Gosh, this other day, I called Orichi, Hime...Now Ichiori won't give him a rest without recalling that piece of information."

"I'll have a word with Ichiori about it."

"So how're your kids?" Uryu directed his question at Grimmjow.

"I'm just glad they got their mother's brain." They all laughed. "What about you, Uryu?"

"I'm trying to get Rukia's brother into modelling my next fall ready-to-wear collection. I mean, he's a real exquisite find." The other three returned a confused look.

"Uh, Uryu...I meant do you have any plans on having any children? Because you're not getting any younger." Grimmjow asked.

"Well, we're working on it but we're just so busy with our schedules. Anyways, let's go over to the ladies. They look like they're having way too much fun without us." The guys walked over to where their wives were standing. Renji followed them. He smiled at Orihime, Nel and Nemu. However, his smile was a bit rigid when his gaze fell on Rukia. Things were a bit awkward for them.

"Hello Renji." Rukia returned the awkward smile. Her feelings for him were still strong but she didn't want to show it. The others around them decided to give the two some room.

"Hello Rukia. It's been awhile."

"Yeah I know."

"So how's Sato doing?"

"He's fine. He's going a bit overboard with the marriage."

"Well he's a good guy." Renji replied.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that...he's not the right guy." Rukia decided this was the moment to unmask some of her feelings.

"What do you mean?" Renji said carefully.

"I really...I really like you Renji." Rukia answered.

"I like you too, Rukia. We're friends, right? We can't be friends if we don't like each other."

"Friends...yeah." Rukia finally gave up. She gave Renji a great smile. "Let's go join the others." Renji and Rukia walked over to where the other six were. Uryu handed the two a glass of champagne.

"Rukia, do you want to do the honor?" Grimmjow asked. "Since you're the politician and the one most experienced with talking bullshit?" Rukia knew Grimmjow was joking so she gave him playful punch.

"Watch it kitty. Well, why not?" Rukia held up her cup. "It's been ten years since that fateful day we ended up trapped inside our high school, thanks to that pervy principal we had. But because of that pervy principal, we opened our hearts to each other and we formed this unbreakable friendship. To Principal Urahara, for bringing us together!"

"To Principal Urahara." Everyone cheered before gulping down some champagne.


However, somewhere in Karakura High School, another batch of eight kids were trapped inside their school for fourteen days. Principal Urahara, who was now ten years older, mischieveously smiled. His voice rang out through the school's PA system.

"Children, this is the new beginning of how to escape your school in fourteen days."

The real end!

I'll see y'all in my upcoming story!

Heart y'all,